Test your vocab How many words do you know? Check the box for each word you know at least one definition for. (Don't check boxes for words you know you've seen before, but whose meaning you aren't exactly sure of.) Tip: on Windows computers, you can navigate and select checkboxes with your keyboard using tab and space. Or if you want to find new musical artists, check out these music recommendations. Step 1/3 (measure broad vocab level) like think go look him here after call next pay enough hope close tomorrow box hair clean corner skill twice bright clever moon soul hint ferry bat dairy grumble wag throttle stubble shrivel midget discomfit prig soothsayer imbroglio legerdemain uxoricide Works for everyone, from small children (with parental help) to college professors! Learn English online This site can help you evaluate your progress in English language learning, both ESL (learning English as a second language) and EFL (learning English as a foreign language). Online courses like Englishtown, for learning English online, can help improve your vocabulary. Step two Step three Results Portuguese |