
Secretly hope to see others fail. Want others to succeed. 负能量的人偷偷希望看到他人失败。 正能量的人真心希望他人成功。

Hate to be criticized. Welcome any constructive discussion. 负能量的人讨厌被批评。 正能量的人欢迎所有建设性的讨论。

Thinks: “Why should I praise people for doing what they have to?” Says: “Wow! You’re a real professional in your field!” 负能量的人会这样想:“为什么我要为他人应该做的事而赞美他?” 正能量的人会这样说:“哇哦!你在你的领域可真是个专家!”

Think they know everything. Always strive to learn something new. 负能量的人觉得他们无所不知。 正能量的人总在努力学习新的东西。

Think they’re the center of the universe. Take care of others and are always ready to help. 负能量的人觉得自己是宇宙中心小公举。 正能量的人关心他人并随时准备伸出援手。

Blame others for their own mistakes. Take responsibility for their failures. 负能量的人为自己的错误责备他人。 正能量的人为自己的错误负责到底。

“I can’t do anything about it. This is my destiny.” “I need to change something. I can’t keep living like this.” 负能量的人:“我对此毫无办法。这就是我的命。” 正能量的人:“我必须有所改变。我不能如此度日。”

“Deal with it. Let yourself cry. Things will get better.” “Come on…Stop crying! I’m on my way over already. Cheer up!” “就这样了,哭吧,事情总会变好的。” “来,别哭了!我马上就过来。振作起来!”