
欧洲与中国谁更先进? 《忽然》连载2.1

 苏三客厅 2021-07-26


2. 欧洲独享旧石器时代晚期辉煌 

2. Glorious Europe in the Late Paleolithic Age 

2.1 欧洲与中国谁更先进? 

2.1 Which Was More Advanced, Europe or China?    

克罗马侬人是欧洲早期的现代人,他们 进入欧洲是大约 4 万年前,即与我们同源。不过之前欧洲已经有人了,尼安德特人几十万年前就已经生活在那里了。 

Cro-Magnons were early modern humans who entered Europe 40 thousand years ago while Neanderthals had been there hundreds of thousands of years before. These people living together for about 10 thousand years combined to create Aurignacian Culture. People from the culture were skilled in art that marked the peak of artistic development of the whole mankind at that time and so did Solutrian Culture to arise about 10000 years later.  

(尼安德特人分布区 / Distribution of Neanderthals) 

( 奥瑞那 文化分布 区 / Distributi on of Aurignaci an Culture )     (省略,与上图差不多)

尼安德特人也散布在周边的非洲与西亚,甚至东亚也有零星出现。现在欧洲 人中的克罗马侬人含量很低。这些古人进入欧洲后与尼人共存了上万年,留下了 3 万多年前的奥瑞那文化。奥瑞那文化典型特征是明显的艺术气息,绘画、雕刻 与乐器等已经出现。其出现区域和尼人的生活区高度重合。欧洲的这支古文化标 志着当时全人类发展的最高 


(克罗马侬人推测为其中的紫色含量/ Cro-Magnons are marked in purple.) (省略)

( 奥瑞那时期即开始出现的维纳斯雕像在欧洲广 泛出现,甚至波及包括西伯利亚在内的欧亚大草 原 / Venus of Willendorf,a kind of art appeared in Europe 35000 years ago in Aurignacian Culture. )  (该图以后核查是否是那一幅)

( 大约 18000 年前开始的西班牙洞画 / Painting in Altamira Cave in Spain, which began 18000 years ago and ended 13000 years ago.)  

到了大约 2 万年前,还是在欧洲 ,出现了梭鲁特文化,艺术品、装饰品大量 出现,尤其是雕塑和绘画非常突出,著名的 Altamira 洞穴绘画(1.8 万年开始-1.3 万年止)就出现在这个时期的西班牙。甚至欧洲还出现了骨针,他们已经开始使 用弓箭,并且懂音乐。  


( 法国洞画 / French cave painting,15000-17000 BP ) 

欧洲旧石器时代晚期的文化 是全球最先进的文化。 

为何这个时期欧洲人最先进 呢?或许是因为尼人,这些文化 都出现在尼人地区,而且尼人的 大脑比我们现代人的要大。尼人 脑容量是大约 1800ml 毫升,我们 现代人的是 1500ml。  

( 旧石器时 代欧洲素描 / Picture of Europe in the Paleolithic Age )  

Why was Europe in the late Paleolithic Age the most advanced in the world? It was probably has something to do with Neanderthals. They had a bigger brain of about 1800 ml while that of modern humans is only 1500 ml. No scholars, however, agree with it.   

( 尼人的可能生活状态 / Possible life of Neanderthals ) 


(世界最古老的乐器,在斯洛文尼亚发现 的骨笛,可能是尼人 3 万年前制作的。 同类最古老的可达 4 万年前 / “It was heralded as the world’s oldest musical instrument found in 1995 at the Divje Babe Archaeological park near Cerkno in northwestern Slovenia; a bone with two holes in it seemingly made by Neanderthals to serenade their companions.” These kinds of “flute”dated back to 30000 yeas ago.The oldest one found in Germany was assumably made 40000 years ago.)   

( 以上骨笛发现地点 / the site of the flute ) 

坏消息是,就在现代人到达欧洲后 1 万年,尼人全死光了。 

不过当时的欧洲人还不是今天 的欧洲人主体。当初那批人主体是 父系为 I 标记的克罗马侬人。今天 欧洲人的主体是一个以 R 类型为标记的父系单倍群,他们就是后来大名鼎鼎的 印欧人主体。 


(各个不同现代人父系基因 关系图。一般读者有关分子人类学分析不用多 想,就把不同类型想象为分别的不同人群即可,比如 R 就是印欧人,O 就是东 亚人等。当然这并不严密,对于要求更高的读者建议自行查阅分子人类学相关知 识/ Topology of different Y-Chromosomes(haplogroups)of Modern Human) 

印欧人 R 单倍群和中国汉人的主体 O 单倍群分离的时间距今不超过 3 万年, 东亚人与印欧人的主体可谓是近亲关系。 

(Corresponding relationship between Y-Chrosomoses and races ) 

However, these “bigger brains” died about 20000 years ago. Besides, the Europeans at that time were not those living in Europe today. The Cro-Magnons belong to haplogroup I while today’s main body of Europeans is haplogroup R. Haplogroup R and O separated only 30000 years ago.

从以上事实来看,欧洲不仅是近代工业文明的发源地,而且在两三万年前的 旧石器时代晚期就处于人类文化的巅峰,这个优势很可能从几十万年前尼人定居 欧洲就开始了。从前人们从没有将远古时 代与今天联系起来。欧洲的地域先进性很 可能从旧石器时代到新石器时代一直就没 有断绝过,而且远超东亚地区。  


( 德国公元前 33000 的猛犸象牙雕 / Ivory Carving of Mammoth found in Vogelherd Cave, Germany ,33,000 BCE) (省略)

In this light, we may conclude that Europe was not only the birthplace of modern industrial civilization, but also the peak of the late Paleolithic Age and it is very likely that this advantage settled in Europe hundreds of thousands of years ago. Today, there has never been any scholar connecting them with each other. This being the case, we should not turn a blind eye to it anymore. 

( 德国 32000 年前猛犸象雕刻 / This carved mammoth tusk,from Hohlenstein-Stadel in Germany,was crafted 32,000 years ago)  

以往的欧洲中心论建立在种族优越 的偏见之上,但我们要打破这个神 话,用事实来说明欧洲的进步与人种 无关,而是其他力量的作用结果。In the past, Eurocentrism was built on the racial superiority of prejudice and it is high time that we broke the myth.   

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