Tokyou Inn Kobe is close to JR Type of Sannomiya Train station. Kitano ijinkangai, Kyu-kyoryuchi, Motomachi, Chinatown (Nankinmachi) and Interface of Kobe are all inside walking range. Transportation is extremely convenient, the area is large and thoroughly clean. The hotel room has women-only rooms providing basic such as chengdu accommodation . Porttower Kobe Porttower kobe is found in Kobe visitor area. You will find the free of charge buses within the JR Sannomiya Station to consider the visitors to inn. There is hotel-style room to select from. It also offers free fitness center and cost-free spa, you are able to enjoy the hot tub after working out. It is completely cool. Resort Okura Kobe Hotel Okura Kobe is really a five-star lodging affiliated with Japan's Okura Team. Possessing the superb location associated with Kobe Dock, you can take pleasure in Kobe System, Modaic Ferris wheel as well as unrivaled sights of the Rokko Mountains within the room. It is also near to the old Western style home in the street.
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