
★假如所有的节日都聚在了一起…… |《美国语文》常青藤版

 昵称2530266 2016-12-30
埃德温·埃尔德曼 主编
标题 | 新年的成人礼
作者 | 查尔斯·兰姆

The Old Year being dead, the New Year came of age, which he does, by Calendar Law, as soon as the breath is out of the old gentleman's body. Nothing would serve the youth but he must give a dinner upon the occasion, to which all the Days of the year were invited. 

The Festivals, whom he appointed as his stewards, were mightily taken with the notion. They had been engaged time out of mind, they said, in providing mirth and cheer for mortals below; and it was time that they should have a taste of their bounty. 

All the Days came to the dinner. Covers were provided for three hundred and sixty-five guests at the principal table; with an occasional knife and fork at the sideboard for the Twenty-Ninth of February. 

I should have told you that cards of invitation had been sent out. The carriers were the Hours; twelve as little merry whirligig foot-pages as you should desire to see. They went all round, and found out the persons invited well enough, with the exception of Easter Day, Shrove Tuesday, and a few such Movables, who had lately shifted their quarters. 

Well, they were all met at last, four Days, five Days, all sorts of Days, and a rare din they made of it. There was nothing but Hail fellow Day I well met, brother Day, sister Day——only Lady Day kept a little on the aloof and seemed somewhat scornful. Yet some said, Twelfth Day cut her out, for she came in a silk suit, white and gold, like a queen on a frost-cake, all royal and glittering. 

The rest came, some in green, some in white——but Lent and his family were not yet out of mourning. Rainy Days came in dripping, and sunshiny Days helped them to change their stockings. Wedding Day was there in his marriage finery. Pay Day came late, as he always does; and Doomsday sent word——he might be expected. 

April Fool (as my young lord’s jester) took upon himself to marshal the guests. And wild work he made of it; good Days, bad Days, all were shuffled together. He had stuck the Twenty-First of June next to the Twenty-Second of December, and the former looked like a May-pole siding a marrow-bone. Ash Wednesday got wedged in between Christmas and Lord Mayor's Day. 

At another part of the table, Shrove Tuesday was helping the Second of September to some broth, which courtesy the latter returned with the delicate thigh of a pheasant. The Last of Lent was springing upon Shrovetide's pancakes; April Fool, seeing this, told him that he did well, for pancakes were proper to a good fry-day. 

When it began to grow a little duskish, Candlemas lustily called for lights, but this was opposed by all the Days, who protested against burning daylight. 

May Day, with that sweetness which is her own, made a neat speech proposing the health of the founder. This being done, the lordly New Year from the upper end of the table, in a cordial but somewhat lofty tone, returned thanks. 

They next fell to quibbles and conundrums. The question being proposed, who had the greatest number of followers——the Quarter Days said there could be no question as to that; for they had all the creditors in the world dogging their heels. But April Fool gave it in favor of the Forty Days before Easter; because the debtors in all cases outnumbered the creditors, and they kept Lent all the year. 

All this while Valentine’s Day kept courting pretty May, who sat next him, slipping love-letters under the table, till the Dog Days (who are naturally of warm temper) began to be jealous, and to bark and rage. 

April Fool, who likes a bit of sport above measure, clapped and hallooed them on; and as fast as their anger cooled, those mad wags, the Ember Days, were at it with their bellows, to blow it into a flame. 

At last, day being ended, the Days called for their cloaks and greatcoats, and took their leaves. Lord Mayor's Day went off in a Mist as usual; Shortest Day in a deep black Fog, which wrapped the little gentleman all round like a hedgehog. 

Two Vigils, or watchmen, saw Christmas Day safe home. Another Vigil——a stout, sturdy patrol, called the Eve of St. Christopher—— escorted Ash Wednesday. 

Longest Day set off westward in beautiful crimson and gold—— the rest, some in one fashion, some in another; but Valentine and pretty May took their departure together in one of the prettiest silvery twilight a Lover’s Day could wish to set in. 




所有的日子都奔赴晚宴。桌子上已经摆好了 365个客人的餐具;此外,还有给 2月 29日准备的特殊的刀叉。




愚人节(他是我的小主人的御用小丑)主动承担起安排客人就座的任务,然而他总是胡来;好日子和坏日子,都被排到一块儿去了。他把 6月 21日和 11月 22日排到了一起,这看起来像五朔节花桩和一根髓骨并排放在一起一样奇怪。他还让圣灰节挤在圣诞节和伦敦市长就职日之间。

桌子的另一边,忏悔节正在帮 9月 2日盛些肉汤,而后者有礼貌地回赠了他一块清淡可口的鸡腿肉。大斋节的最后一天扑向了忏悔节的薄煎饼;愚人节看到之后,称赞他干得好,因为薄煎饼和“油炸节”很般配。









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