

 mjsws 2017-01-18


Some recently into the webmaster to ask what is my site structure? What kind of website structure more friendly to search engines? Website structure optimization should note those respects? I want to directly to share station optimization of related cases, think twice to take out your site structure that alone together, the website structure optimization, I believe that just into the webmaster is indeed a little knowledge, therefore this article mainly to the webmaster friends to share experience on the website structure optimization.

What a, the structure of the website?

In a broad sense website structure mainly includes the physical structure and the logical structure of website; From the narrow sense, is the directory structure of a site and the concept of chain structure, because involves the website structure optimization, here mainly come from within the directory structure and chain structure in this paper.

Directory structure is popular for website URL structure, on the server to build web sites, master will find server root directory generally have a WWW folder, this is not certain, but most of the name, and then according to the site layout planning and content will be a level 1 level directory to build based on the WWW, and every directory below a specific web page file, such as: HTML, SHTML, aspx, PHP, etc., the directory path set is formed the URL address of the user access, from another aspect that URL address is files stored on the server directory path; Say that even for a beginner webmasters is also very easy to understand.

Within the chain structure of common sense is the relationship between web pages and pages, construction site webmaster knows that a page in addition to the core content, especially the website homepage, section or a list of pages will be a lot of links, and these pages link to the entire web site within the chain structure was formed. As to what form within the chain structure more reasonable, more friendly to search, the next will be Shared with webmaster friends.

2, what kind of website construction to the search engine friendly?

In the same piece of separate so that the webmaster can more clearly how cognitive site structure around the search engine to deploy.

Mentioned the concept of the directory structure, based on the root directory file of the existence of diffusion into real, clear directory path is not only beneficial to webmaster to management, for the search engine is also very friendly, through trajectory themselves to get it to crawl crawl the page, if your site has only a home page, a number of columns, extensible project details and article pages, so idealized URL structure is according to the location to build real files stored on the server. But often a web site is not so simple, the website will have some functional products to make interaction with the user, through dynamic program to build a lot of pages, with rich site products experience, so you will find a lot of website URL in there will be a lot of dynamic parameters, because these pages are through certain technical batch generated pages, is not actually exist in the server page, and the official statement from the search engine is more like a static page, this time you need to package the URL address for refactoring, Apache, Ngnix or IIS to the URL rewrite module, these do not do temporarily, here only introduce what URL rewrite into more conducive to search engine crawl, mainly include the following two aspects:

1, will be close to the target page's URL naming names, is beneficial to improve relevance to the target page, by raising the target page weight;

2, the hierarchy of URL based on the respective category as small as possible, the smaller the hierarchy can tell search engines file exists directory depth is smaller, the more easy to grab, because only important pages in the root directory of recent position, search engine will think these documents are site is relatively important pages, give priority to grab.

Chain structure mainly reflect in the relationship between the page, and a directory structure similar to be on the front page of links tend to be more easy to search engines crawl, here comes to the concept of the depth of a link. Search found from your website to start page, usually starts from the home page, if you are a new stations, can query to the inside from the log. That is to say, the easier the nearer the front page of the site was captured, there's also the search engine will think link depth, the smaller the page in the site, the greater the importance of consistent and directory structure, the smaller the page link depth will lead to greater weights, will lead to greater risk of indexed. Within the overall chain structure on the search engine friendliness is mainly from the following several aspects to do:

1, starting from the home page to include the website of the most important business sector, in general is a channel columns page aggregation and project;

2, column, special page to include group them under the latest content and hot module, at the same time to have to return to the last level of bread crumbs;

3, details on page as a core content of also related have recommended plate, and with ownership under hot recommended plate, bread crumbs, of course, is also a must have, here want to special emphasis on the reasonable use tags can strengthen the relationship between the article and article, more conducive to the search engine crawl, about label small make up exclusively in an article to tell master how to use layout.

Basically, as long as you are in accordance with the above ways to optimize the structure of your site, believe that your site in the above good will steadily increase.

Third, the website structure optimization

Here small make up also is to summarize the following points to illustrate the optimization of excessive site structure may be at higher risk of K, summary is mainly composed of the following:

1, in order to reduce the depth of the link, the home page and channel page stack thousands of links, this kind of situation for the early stage of the web site under the premise of weight is not very high basically be k pieces;

2, use of index labels, no certain size on the site articles or other resources for support under the premise of use carefully label aggregation resource, because vast Numbers of add index tags may cause a lot of repetitive pages and page, is also the inevitable result is k;

3, details on page add recommended plate, www.ewinvip.com cause the entire page multifarious redundancy, is also not desirable, details page was weighted minimum in the entire website system, add so many links, can only be reduced, even included also won't have good ranking;

4, in order to reduce the depth of the directory, all of the pages all piled into the secondary directory, this kind of practice is not desirable, if the whole site in addition to the home page is the secondary directory, there would be no primary and secondary, directory depth influence weight this rule is not an option.

The above four factors are more important for small make up a few, too many webmasters will hold bad places, so take out alone as a highlight, hope webmaster friends don't make such a mistake again.

Saw this article I believe most webmasters for site structure has had a preliminary understanding, in the process of website optimization will be targeted to optimization. As for many webmaster site structure tree structure is best or ideal mesh structure and so on, as long as you are described according to the small make up website structure optimization of the key points to do it, you will take into a tree and even the reticular structure of the website.

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