这次又给大家带来了怎样的美食配方呢?一起来看一下吧! 应读者要求我们决定做一款茶蛋糕!我们决定做格雷伯爵茶蛋糕,因为格雷伯爵茶口感丰富(同样也是因为它是Jasmine最喜欢的茶!)。这款蛋糕一定会让你非常惊艳,味道以最棒的方式呈现,棒极了! Since we’ve gotten several requests from you all for a tea cake we decided to finally make one! We chose to do an “Early Grey” tea cake because of the rich flavor of this particular tea (and because it is also J’s favorite tea!). You definitely won’t be disappointed by this cake. Its flavors come out in all the right ways, so good!! 开始吧! Let’s get to it!! 材料 INGREDIENTS 材料 Cake:
Earl Grey glaze:
步骤 DIRECTIONS 步骤 STEP 1: 将牛奶放入微波炉专用碗中,加热90秒或至其变热,但不要沸腾。加入茶包搅拌一下,用箔纸盖住。 Place the milk in a microwave-safe bowl, and heat it for 90 seconds or until it is hot but not boiling. Add the tea bags and stir briefly. Cover with a piece of foil. STEP 2: 注入热牛奶12-15分钟,直到牛奶成焦糖色、香味四溢。 Infuse the hot milk for 12-15 minutes, until the milk is a caramel color and very fragrant. STEP 3: 将牛奶通过过滤器倒入量杯中,取掉茶包。挤压茶包,提取其味道。能取得一杯牛奶,放置冷却到室温为止。 Pour the milk through a wire strainer into a measuring cup, to remove the tea bags. Squeeze the bags over the milk to extract all of the flavor. You should have 1 cup of milk. Cool until the milk is room temperature. STEP 4: 将烤箱预热至165 C度。在一个8英寸的蛋糕模上铺好烘焙纸并涂上油。 Preheat the oven to 325 F. Grease an 8-inch cake tin and line it with baking paper. STEP 5: 用电动搅拌器在一个中等大小的碗中将黄油、糖和香草精搅拌至白色细腻状。 Use an electric mixer to beat the butter, sugar and vanilla in a medium bowl until pale and creamy. 一次加入一个鸡蛋,每次都要打匀。 Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. 用抹刀拌入面粉、柠檬皮、泡打粉和牛奶至其完全融合。 Using a spatula, fold in the flour, lemon zest, baking powder and milk until combined. STEP 6: 将混合物倒入准备好的模具中,用勺子背面将其表面抚平。混合物应该是比较粘稠的状态。烘烤一个小时,插入牙签检查是否已经烤熟。 Spoon mixture into prepared tin and smooth the surface with the back of a spoon. It should be a thick mixture. Bake for 1 hour until a toothpick comes out clean. STEP 7: 糖霜部分,将所有材料放入耐热碗中放在双层蒸锅上直至其融化变得平整光滑。 For the icing, place all the ingredients in a heat-proof bowl and melt over a double boiler until the icing is melted, glossy, and smooth. 在糖霜混合物中加入一滴紫色食用色素,搅拌至其完全融合。 Add a drop of purple food coloring to the icing mixture and stir until well combined. STEP 8: 待蛋糕在烤盘中冷却1分钟后,取出来切成一般大小正方形,将它们放在冷凉架上。 After the cake has cooled in the baking pan for 1- minutes, take it out and cut it into even squares. Place these squares on a cooling rack. STEP 9: 按照自己的喜欢将糖霜涂抹在蛋糕上。一定要在冷凉架下放一张烘焙纸接住渣子(方便清洁!) Take the icing glaze with a spoon and cover the cake as you like. Make sure to place a baking sheet underneath the cooling rack so it can catch the drips (and make cleanup that much easier!) 这样就可以啦!格雷伯爵茶蛋糕是你早茶的完美拍档!即使是Nadia(她喜欢咖啡多过茶)也超喜欢这款蛋糕,我们强烈推荐你试一下!如果有任何问题,随时在下方的评论区留言吧! And there you go!! Earl grey tea cake that will go perfectly with your morning cup of tea! Even Nadia (who prefers coffee over tea) really loved this cake, so we definitely recommend you try it out! Remember to let us know if you every have any questions and make sure to leave a comment below! 你是否尝试过我们文章相关的内容呢?有没有一篇文章给你带去过启发?如果有的话,申请成为我们的“每月最佳粉丝吧”!只需一段小小的文字说明附上照片发送至我们的邮箱nadiaandjasmine@qq.com> 即可。非常期待呢! Did you try doing something related to one of our articles? If so, apply to be our “Fan of the month”! Just send an e-mail to nadiaandjasmine@qq.com> with a picture of you and a short paragraph explaining how you did one of our articles or how our article inspired you in some way. We can’t wait to see what you’ve done! :D > N&J 微信 | 微博 | 堆糖 | IG: nadiaANDjasmine Scan the QR code below if you would like to follow our shenanigans! |