

 jianqqys 2017-02-17


Today we will be looking at emails for everyday work communication. You may send these frequently to your coworkers and superiors.

We've come up with email templates for each of the following common situations to help you communicate better. 

Coworkers: 同事

Superiors: 上级、老板


1. Request from coworker 向同事提需求、要信息

Many times you will find yourself needing something from a coworker, whether it’s a document or additional information. 

Your reason will allow your coworker to understand why you are emailing.



     - I’m working on the report for our proposal to XYZ, Inc. and really need the figures from the marketing analysis you ran.

     - I’m emailing to see if you have the numbers for last year’s department budgets. I need to draft a budget proposal by the end of the week.

     - I was wondering if you could help me plan John’s farewell party.

Your call to action needs to specify what you need from them and when. 

Phrasing it as a question will more likely prompt a reply confirming their ability to help you.




     - Could you send me the numbers by the end of the day so I can wrap this up?

     - Will you be able to finish writing that report in a week?

     - Please let me know once you’ve updated the spreadsheet.

Make sure you tell them when you need the information or task completed so that they give it to you in time. Also, remember to open with a pleasantry and close with an expression of your gratitude for their help.



    - Start: Hope you're having a great day.

    - Start: Hope you're doing well. 

    - End: Thank you for your help.

    - End: Appreciate your help.

2. Confirmation for coworker 给同事确认、回复

Similarly, you will frequently respond to coworker requests and attach the relevant files. 



     - I’ve attached the marketing analysis figures you've requested.

     - Please find attached the form you’ll need to fill out for your reimbursement. 

3. Scheduling a meeting 约会议

You may find yourself scheduling meetings for your team, or perhaps confirming an interview appointment for a potential candidate.

Include the time, date, and location of the meeting.



     - The next Marketing meeting will be held in the Conference Room at 1pm on Monday, November 16th.

     - Our next team meeting will be on May 4th at 11am in Conference Room C. 

Include the meeting agenda.



     - We'll be discussing the following items.

     - Please find the meeting agenda below

Let your coworkers know when they need to contact you if they want to discuss other items at the meeting.



     - If you wish to add any further items to the agenda, please let me know before November 8th.

     - If there are any additional topics you would like to discuss, please email me about it by Friday.

* How do you address multiple recipients? 如何称呼一群收件人?

The most common ways are: 


     - Dear all,

     - Hi all, 

4. Interview email 面试邮件

The above is a great template for the kind of language and layout for an interview email. 



  • It is courtesy to give an estimate of the length of the interview. 

  • Include the address, floor, and room

  • Give them specific instructions on how to cancel or reschedule the interview if necessary.

  • Use separate paragraphs, bullet points or a bold font to highlight important information such as time, length, address. 

5. Project status update 项目状况更新邮件

Sometimes you need to keep your team updated on the status of a particular project. 

In this instance, you may email all the recipients at the same time and delegate tasks to specific people.

这类邮件通常会发给几个同事,但需要清楚表明需要每个人做什么;最常用的是'Please',“Could you'这样的句型;“I'll need'也可以,最后感谢一下,就不会给人太强硬的感觉。


     - Nick, please send me the updated report by the end of the week.

     - Mary, I'll need last month's analysis at your earliest convenience.

     - Chris, could you shoot me an email after checking that the figures from the data match the numbers?

Make sure to express your gratitude at the end of the email. It’ll make your team feel good, and a little positivity will go a long way.



     - Thanks you all for your hard work!

     - I couldn’t do this without you guys!

* Use the @ sign to bring focus and attention 用@符号提高相关同事的注意

Continuing with the above email, one way you could improve the format is by using the @ sign to address each individual recipient.

It helps bring their attention to the particular request.


     - @Nick, please send me the updated report by the end of the week.

     - @Mary, I'll need last month's analysis at your earliest convenience.

     - @Chris, could you shoot me an email after checking that the figures from the data match the numbers?

6. Out of office 休假告知邮件

If you know you will be out of the office for a while, set up an automatic email reply to all incoming emails received during this time. 


Here’s how to set it up:

Specify what days you will be unavailable. 最常用的邮件语言:


     - I will be out of the office from December 25 - January 3 and will not be able to respond to email.

     - I am currently out of the office until June 22nd.

Let your coworkers and business contacts know who to contact regarding the issues that you are in charge of. 

Provide contact information, such as emails and phone numbers, for their convenience.



     - If you need immediate assistance with service please contact BEI service.

     - For assistance with a sales inquiry please contact Jonathan.

     - For urgent mattersplease contact me on my cell phone at [number]. 

7. Email your superiors 给上级写邮件

A lot of people make the mistake of writing long emails to their superiors in an attempt to sound formal and polite. 

But this is where you really need to be concise and clear since senior managers tend to be very busy. 

In general, pay attention to the following three key areas to ensure your email etiquette when writing to a superior: 


  • Greeting 称呼

Dear Mr [surname] or Dear Ms [surname]

This is the safest form of greeting when emailing a superior. If you're emailing a superior you work with closely, then you don't need to be as formal.

最安全的称呼就是Dear Mr (姓) 或Dear Ms(姓). 但如果写邮件给日常经常接触的上级,那应该不需要那么正式;按照你们日常习惯的模式就可以。

  • Sign off 落款



Best Regards

Any of the above three works great. “Respectfully” is the most formal; “Sincerely” the second; “Best Regards” is both formal and personal;

以上三种落款都可以用,“Respectfully”是最正式的;“Sincerely”是第二正式; “Best Regards”既正式,又不失人情味儿;

  • Use formal language and past tense to show respect: 用正式的语言和过去时表达尊重

Could you

Would you 

I was wonderding

I was hoping

I would highly appreciate 

This brings us to the end of today's session. 

Tomorrow we'll be looking at emails you send to people you don't know or don't know very well, e.g. emails to a potential client; a networking event follow-up email. You'll find the most common situations and templates in tomorrow's lesson. 

Stay tuned! 

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