

 为理想努力拼搏 2017-02-18


















  look after照顾,照管;注意,关心

  make up one's mind下定决心,打定主意

  make use of利用,使用

  map out(精心细致地)规划,安排

  meet with偶然遇到;经历

  miss out不包括……在内,遗漏

  mix up弄错,搞错;弄乱

  more and more越来越

  more or less差不多,大约

  more than不只是……;与其说是……,不如说是……

  move about/around走来走去,来回走动

  move in on移近,向……逼近

  move on继续前进;(to)更换工作(或话题等)

  move up(使)升级,提升

  narrow down缩小(到),缩小范围

  look ahead向前看,考虑未来

  look at看,朝……看;看待;考虑,研究

  look back回头看;(on)回顾,回忆

  look down on/upon看不起,轻视

  look for寻找,寻求

  look forward to盼望,期待

  look in (on) sb.(尤指当某人生病或需要帮助时到其住处)短暂探访

  look into调查,观察

  look on观看,旁观;(as)看作;(with sth.)(用某种方式)看待

  look out (for)注意,留神

  look over把……看一遍;察看,参观

  look through(从头至尾)浏览;详尽核查

  look to sth.注意,考虑(改进)某事

  point out指出

  pull apart把……拉开(或拆开),被拉开(或拆开)

  pull away(把……)开走,(使)离开

  pull down拉下,降低;拆毁

  pull in(车)停下,(车)进站,(船)到岸

  pull off(成功地)完成;把(汽车)驶离大路(停下或进入小路)

  pull out(车、船等)驶出;(使)摆脱困境

  pull over把(车)驶到(或驶向)路边

  pull through(使)渡过危机(或难关);(使)恢复健康

  pull together齐心协力,团结起来

  pull up(使)停下

  put across/over交流,沟通(思想、感情等)

  put aside 储存,保留;把……放在一边,暂不考虑

  look up(在词典中)查找;好转;看望,拜访

  look up to sb.尊敬某人,钦佩某人

  lose heart失去勇气,丧失信心

  make a point of (doing sth.) 特别注意(做某事),重视(做某事)

  make believe假装,假想

  make for sth.走向,朝……前进;促成,有助于

  make it办成,做到,成功;赶上,及时到达

  make of理解,懂得

  make off匆忙离开,逃走;拿走,抢走(他人之物)

  make one's way去,前往,行进

  make out看出,辨认出;写出,开出;理解,了解

  make up组成,构成;捏造,虚构;(为……)化妆;和解

  make up for补偿,弥补

  one way or another以某种形式

  out of hand无法控制;马上,立刻

  out of place不在合适的位置;不适当的,不相称的

  out of practice生疏的,荒废的

  out of shape健康状况不好

  out of the way结束,处理完;不再挡路,不再碍事

  out of work失业

  part of………的一部分

  part with放弃,出让

  pay attention to注意,专心于

  pay off付清,偿清;遣散

  pick up好转;继续;(开车)接人;偶然听到,学会;收拾

  pile up堆积,积压

  play a part (in)扮演角色;起作用;参与

  put away放好,收好;攒钱

  put down记下,放下;镇压,平定

  put forward提出

  put in花费,付出(时间、精力等);(for)正式提出,申请

  put...into practice实施,实行

  put off推迟,推延;阻止,劝阻;使反感,使疏远;搅扰,使分神

  put on穿上,戴上;上演;增加(体重)

  put out熄灭,关(灯);出版,发布;伸出;生产

  put through为……接通电话,接通(电话)

  put up建造;张贴;推举,提名;为……提供食宿,投宿

  put up with容忍,忍受

  quite a bit of大量,许多

  rather than而不是

  such as例如

  take aback使吃惊,使困惑

  take after(外貌)与(父、母等)相像

  take apart拆卸,拆开

  take away拿走,带走;使消失

  take back收回(说错的话);使回忆起

  take care of照料,照顾;负责,处理

  take down拿下,取下;记下,写下

  take heart鼓起勇气,振作起来

  take in吸收,接纳;领会,理解;欺骗

  take off脱下;起飞;匆匆离开;突然大受欢迎

  take on承担,从事;呈现,具有;开始雇用;接受……的挑战

  take one's breath away令人惊叹,让人叹绝

  take one's mind off sth.转移对某事的注意,不想某事


  result from因……发生

  rule out排除;阻止,防止……发生

  run across(偶然)撞见,碰见

  run away with sb.与某人私奔

  run down说……坏话;撞死,撞伤;缩减;停止运转,耗尽

  run for竞选

  run into遇到(困难);偶然碰见;撞上

  run off跑掉,逃掉;印出

  run out (of)用完,耗尽;到期,期满

  run over在……上驶过,碾过;粗略地过一遍

  run through贯穿,普遍存在于……;快速阅读;排练;挥霍

  run to达到

  run up against遭遇,遇到(困难等)

  spread out散开;将(某物)展开;伸展

  spring up突然出现

  stand by作好准备,准备行动;袖手旁观;支持;遵守承诺(或协议等)

  stand down退出(比赛或竞选),(从某职位上)退下

  stand for主张,支持;代表;容忍,接受

  stand in for sb.代替、顶替某人

  stand out清晰地显出,引人注目;杰出,出色

  stand up站起来;(论点、证据等)站得住脚

  stand up for支持,维护,保卫

  stand up to拒绝接受(某人或组织的)不公平对待,抵抗

  stay away from离开,不接近,不去

  strike off删去,除名

  strike out独立出去,自立谋生

  run up积欠(账款、债务等);赶制(衣服)

  see about sth.办理、安排某事


  see out坚持到……的终了,持续到……结束

  see through看透,识破

  see to sth.照料;负责,管理

  see to it that确保,务必使

  seeing that鉴于,由于

  seem like似乎

  send in寄去;派遣

  send out发送;派遣;(for sth.)叫外卖

  set about开始做,着手做

  set against使敌视;使抵消

  set apart使与众不同;留出,拨出(时间、金钱等)

  set aside拨出(时间、金钱等),留出;把……置于一旁,暂时不考虑

  that is to say也就是说,即

  the moment (that)一……(就)

  throw off摆脱,甩掉;匆匆脱掉,扯掉(衣服)

  to my mind依我看,我认为

  to one's heart's content尽情地

  to the point切中要害,切题

  trip up把……绊倒;(使)犯错误

  turn around/round转变,(使经济、企业等)好转,有起色

  turn away回绝,把……打发走

  turn back(使)折回,(使)往回走

  turn down拒绝;关小,调低

  turn in交还,上交;上床睡觉

  turn off拐弯,离开……转入另一条路;关,关掉

  turn on打开,接通

  set back推迟,阻碍;使花费

  set down写下,记下

  set forth阐明,陈述

  set in(尤指不愉快的事情)开始

  set off启程,出发;激起,引起;使爆炸

  set on袭击,唆使

  set one's heart on下决心做

  set out启程;开展工作,展开任务;摆放;陈述,阐明

  set up建立,创立;安排;安装,架设,调试

  show off炫耀,卖弄

  show up出现;使看得见,变明显

  sign up (for...)报名(参加……)

  so far迄今为止

  sooner or later迟早

  space out使拉开间距,使隔开

  take out带……出去(吃饭或看电影等);除掉

  take out on对……发泄

  take over接管

  take part (in)参加,参与

  take place发生;举行

  take the place of代替,取代

  take to (doing)形成……的习惯

  take...to heart对……想不开,为……伤心(或烦恼等)

  take up开始从事;把……继续下去;着手处理;占去,占据

  take up on接受邀请

  take up with开始结交(尤指不好的人)

  tend to do sth.往往会发生某事

  tend to sb./sth.照顾、照料某人/某物

  turn out生产,制造;最终结果是;关掉;赶走,逐出;出席

  turn over仔细考虑;翻过来,翻倒;交,移交

  turn to求助于,求教于;翻到(书中的某页)

  turn up开大,调高;出现;到达,来到

  under one's breath压着嗓子,低声地

  under way在进行中

  up to多达,至多有

  wake up醒来;开始注意

  walk away/off with轻易获胜,轻易赢得

  walk out(为表示抗议而)突然离去;罢工;(on)抛弃,舍弃

  walk up向……走去,走近

  wash one's hands of对……不再负责,洗手不干

  weave into把……织成;编纂成,编造(故事等)

  gentle wind/rain和风/细雨

  gentle heart仁慈的心肠

  gentle slope不太陡的斜坡

  glow with pride由于自豪而容光焕发

  come to grief失败,遭受不幸

  bring sb. to grief使……遭受失败(或不幸)

  off (one's) guard没有提防地

  on (one's) guard警惕,提防;站岗,值班


  in particular特别,尤其

  be particular about 对…讲究,对…挑剔

  be particular to为…所特有

  proceed to do sth.继续做某事

  proceed with sth.继续进行某事

  the rank and file普通士兵,普通成员

  rank among属于…之列


  people of all ranks各阶层人民

  give first rank to把…放在第一位

  reckon on 靠,指望

  reckon with估计到,预料到;处理,对付

  renew the heart and mind使精神面貌焕然一新

  renew one's youth 恢复青春


  be restricted to (doing) sth.只有…的权限

  smash the record打破纪录

  smash into a wall猛撞在墙上

  scrape by勉强维持生计,艰难度日

  scrape through 勉强通过(考试)

  scrape together/up费力地获得

  (start) from scratch从零开始,从头做起

  up to scratch合格,处于良好状态

  settle down 定居,过安定的生活;平静下来

  settle in/into 在新居安顿下来;适应新环境(新工作)

  settle on/upon选定,决定

  settle up 付清 (欠账等),结清(账目)


  shield one's eyes with one's hand用手遮护眼睛

  let slip 偶然泄露(秘密等)

  slip up失误,出差错

  string along with (为求方便而)随某人同行,追随

  string out (使)成行地展开

  a string of questions 一连串问题(质问)

  switch off (用开关)关掉

  switch on (用开关)开启

  have/gain access to可以获得(或接近)…

  give access to接见;准许进入

  be easy/hard of access 易于/难于接近

  free access自由存取,自由入口

  be accessible to...易受…影响的

  in accord with与…一致

  of one's own accord出于自愿,主动地

  with one accord 致地,一致同意地

  in alliance with与…联盟

  economical alliance经济同盟

  assist sb. in doing/to do sth.协助某人做某事

  assist sb. to sb's feet搀扶某人站起来

  be bound to do 一定,必定

  be bound for/to准备前往,在前往途中

  in bulk大量,大批

  bump into偶然遇见,碰见;与…相撞

  commission agent代理人,经纪人

  commission merchant代销商

  condemn sb. for sth.为某事谴责某人

  condemn sb. to death判某人死刑


  be confined to(局)限于,(被)限制在

  on the confines of 濒于,差一点儿就

  within the confines of在…(范围)之内

  in consideration of考虑到,顾及;作为对…的酬报

  take into consideration考虑到,顾及

  consist of由…组成

  consist in在于

  be consistent with=consist with与…一致

  be a consistent friend to sb.是某人的忠实朋友

  out of context脱离上下文

  in the context of在…背景下


  defend doing为做…作辩护

  a blood donation献血

  make/give a donation捐赠

  the drift of opinion舆论的倾向

  catch the drift of an argument抓住争论的要点

  on edge紧张不安

  on the edge of处于…的边缘

  encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

  discourage sb. from doing sth.劝阻某人不要做某事

  be engaged to sb.与某人订婚

  be engaged to do sth.被雇用来做某事

  be engaged in doing sth. 忙于做某事,从事于某事

  execute one's duties/office尽职

  execute a plan实施计划

  execute a purpose达到目的

  a wedding reception结婚喜宴

  a reciprocal reception答谢酒会

  in faith 确实,的确

  in good faith真诚,善意

  have faith in相信…

  lose faith in不再信任…

  sb. be familiar with sb.某人与…亲密

  sb. be familiar with sth.某人通晓…

  sth. be familiar to sb.某人熟知某物

  at fault有责任,出毛病

  find fault with抱怨,找岔子,挑剔

  merits and faults优缺点

  on file存档

  in file依次,鱼贯地

  file in鱼贯而入

  file out鱼贯而出

  try one's fortune 碰运气

  make a fortune 发财,致富

  a man of fortune财主

  at a glance看一眼就知道;马上

  at first glance乍一看,最初看到时

  in gear搭上齿轮;处于正常状态

  gear up(使)准备好,(使)做好安排


  be geared to适应于

  gentle wind/rain 和风/细雨

  gentle heart仁慈的心肠

  gentle slope不太陡的斜坡

  glow with enthusiasm热情洋溢

  glow with pride得意扬扬

  come to grief 失败,遭受不幸

  bring sb. to grief使…遭受失败(或不幸)

  off (one's) guard没有提防地

  on (one's) guar警惕,提防;站岗,值班

  be immune to the disease对该病有免疫力

  be immune from taxation免除捐税

  inform sb. of sth.把某事告知某人

  inform against/on sb.告发,检举某人


  the inner feelings内心的感情

  the inner life精神生活

  on receipt of 一收到就…

  be in receipt of已收到…

  make inquiries of sb. about sth.向某人询问某事

  inquiry into... 对…的调查,研究

  inside out里面朝外;彻底地

  inside facts 内幕,秘密

  labor intensity劳动强度

  the intensity of the situation局势紧张

  in the interest(s) of 为了…(的利益)

  have no/an interest in 对…(没)有兴趣

  interfere in干涉,干预

  interfere with妨碍,干扰

  interfere in sb's private affairs 干涉某人的私事

  lag behind落后

  jet lag生理节奏的失调或时差反应

  launch (out) into 开始从事,投身于;大发(议论)

  launch an artificial satellite发射人造卫星

  launch a new enterprise创办一个新企业

  launch an attack开始攻击

  lease sth. from sb.向某人租某物

  lease sth. to sb.租某物给某人

  in a mess乱七八糟

  mess about/around闲荡;轻率地对待

  mess up把…弄糟;把…弄乱(或弄脏)

  mess with 预,介入

  neglect one's meals and sleep 废寝忘食

  neglect one's duties玩忽职守

  keep...under (close) observation对…(密切)监视

  fall under sb's observation被某人注意到

  escape observation 未被觉察,不为人所注意

  mass observation民意调查

  by tradition按照传统

  true to tradition名不虚传地

  observe sb. do sth.观察到某人做某事

  observe sb. doing sth.观察到某人在做某事

  pattern oneself after 模仿(某人的)样子

  pattern sth. on/upon仿照…式样制造某物

  penalty kick(足球)罚点球

  penalty area罚球区

  on/under penalty of受…处罚

  pension sb. off发给某人养老金令其退休

  draw one's pension


  win popularity得人心

  lose popularity失人心

  be under pledge of secrecy誓不泄密

  make a pledge 誓,宣誓

  plug in给…接通电源,连接

  plug away (at)努力地干,坚持不懈地干

  a preliminary trial 初审,初试

  a preliminary exam预考

  preliminary remarks开场白

  press on加紧进行

  press sth. on sb.把…强加于

  press sb's hand 紧握某人的手

  prevail over 压倒,战胜

  prevail on/upon说服,诱使

  prevail in/among普遍盛行于,流行于

  push around摆布,欺负

  push on匆匆向前,继续前进

  when push comes to shove在紧要关头

  in the raw处在自然状态的;裸体的

  a raw soldier新兵

  a raw wound刺痛的伤口

  refresh oneself with a cup of tea喝杯茶提神

  refresh sb's memory 唤起某人的记忆

  adhere to黏附;坚持

  cling to黏附;坚持

  stick to 黏附;坚持

  restrain sb. from doing阻止某人干…

  restrain oneself克制自己

  restrain sb. of sb's/one's liberty束缚某人自由

  be beyond restraint不能抑制

  in restraint of 抑制,约束

  with restraint以克制态度

  without restraint无拘束地

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