
【绘本世界】不能错过的经典英文有声绘本 Dry Bones

 一帆风顺G3 2017-03-05






Dry Bones


Dry bones 干枯的骨头,曾获得2006年学龄前儿童实用银奖。刚看到这本书的封面,哇,骷髅啊,把我小吓了一跳,怎么儿童绘本开始讲骷髅了?不会吓着孩子啊?估计跟我一样感觉的不在少数。但是仔细一看,你会发现,这是个小朋友的骨架,正在微笑着玩滑板。




dry bones 干骨,那dembones是什么意思?下面是维基百科给出的背景参考:

原来dem bones 和dry bones 就是同义词。这是一首灵歌。旋律是由美国黑人作曲家  James Weldon Johnson创作。长的短的歌曲版本都广为人知。歌词的灵感来自Ezekiel 37:1-14 基督教圣经旧约以西结书(Ezekiel) 第37章,这就是动画片视频中出现的那个歌词。先知来到干骨山谷,语言说他们某一天会在上帝的旨意下复活,重现了以色列的国家复兴。所以歌词中出现了hear the word of the Lord 这一句听从上帝的旨意,也就不难理解了。


01 视频看两遍

02 音频听三遍

03 试着跟音频唱三遍

Dry bones


--illustrated by Kate Edmunds

Let’s connect those dry bones

Let’s connect those dry bones

Let's connect those dry bones

Now hear the word of the Lord

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones

Now hear the word of the Lord

The toe bone's connected to the foot bone

The foot bone's connected to the ankle bone

The ankle bone's connected to the leg bone

The leg bone's connected to the knee bone

The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone

The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone

The hip bone's connected to the back bone

The back bone's connected to the shoulder bone

The shoulder bone's connected to the neck bone

The neck bone's connected to the head bone

Now hear the word of the Lord

Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk around

Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk around

Dem bones, dem bones gonna walk around

Now hear the word of the Lord

Disconnected dem bones, dem dry bones

Disconnected dem bones, dem dry bones

Disconnected dem bones, dem dry bones

Now hear the word of the Lord

The head bone's connected to the neck bone

The neck bone's connected to the shoulder bone

The shoulder bone's connected to the back bone

The back bone's connected to the hip bone

The hip bone's connected to the thigh bone

The thigh bone's connected to the knee bone

The knee bone's connected to the leg bone

The leg bone's connected to the ankle bone

The ankle bone's connected to the foot bone

The foot bone's connected to the toe bone

Now hear the word of the Lord

Now hear the word of the Lord

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