CHINESE FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHER(10)Photographet Liu hong摄影师刘鸿Photograhper Liu hong. 摄影师刘鸿,出生于1955年6月25日。1986年毕业于重庆师范大学,摄影专业。1991年毕业于北京电影学院摄影系。现在四川电影学院任副教授,并在其他学校任教。目前著有“高等艺术学院摄影专业教程”,美国PSA学会会员,英国皇家摄影学会会员。Photographer Liu Hong, born June 25, 1955. 1986 graduated from the Chongqing Normal University, photography. In 1991 graduated from the Photography Department of Beijing Film Academy. Sichuan Academy of film now an associate professor and taught at other schools. Now with 'higher Institute for the Arts Photography tutorial', American society for PSA members, fellow of the Royal Photographic Society.
金塔之下Under Macintosh. 莱茵湖上的渔夫Rhine Lake fisherman. 牧归Herd returns. 蝶恋花Butterflies and flowers. 苍穹之下Under The sky. 凉山风情Liang shan dtyle. 小品Sketch. 长颈族Long neck. 泰国印象Thai Impressions. 我的父老乡亲My fellow. 神秘耶利亚Mysterious Jelia. 同治窑Treating kiln. 我的油画My paintings. 虔诚Pious. 仕女图Ladies. 天鹅湖Swan Lake. 打铁花Lron flower. 柿子红了Persimmon Red. 网恋Cyber-love experiences. 红场印象Red Square impression. 答谢:摄影师刘鸿Thanks for Photographer Liu hong国际摄影协会北美俱乐部 主编:孙秋林 监制:肖利 2017年2月26日 International Photographic Society of North America Editor:Sun qiulin Producer:Xiao li Feb 26.2017说明:文中所有摄影均为摄影师刘鸿的原作。使用必须征得摄影师刘鸿同意。Description:this picture is the original photographer Liu hong.the use must beapproved by photographer Liu hong.