
Small House is Full of Surprises The Moment Its Dr...

 hgpuyi 2017-03-09
The drawbridge with a small house is a surprise space package.

When it comes to houses, everyone wants the perfect one. And everyone has their own image of perfection. While some prefer style, others prefer simplicity. And some even prefer cuteness and comfort as a quality of their dream homes. That is why certain people prefer having a small house. Whichever type of housing is preferred; they have been successfully replacing traditional houses.

You can actually have more space than you expected.
You can actually have more space than you expected. 

There are many who like the luxury that comes with large houses. However, most of the time they can be quite a handful. And they usually require higher level of maintenance. In today’s world, we need to save up on space. Especially if we are to cater to the needs of a growing population. So, the idea of a small house comes handy in such conditions. But it makes some wonder whether the house may be tinier than they wish. Or if their needs will be fulfilled. Well, now your tiny house can actually leave you surprised with amount of space it offers. Especially when it is the one built by Greenmoxie.

You can furnish it according to your own needs.
You can furnish it according to your own needs. 

Greenmoxie has been successfully building tiny homes for people all around. The team actually has a green-living blog. They are located in Canada. The 340 square-foot small house is found on wheels. This makes it easier to relocate it. In addition, the house is not only self-sufficient but also off-grid. However, this isn’t the only and best quality of the house. The surprising secret is quite unexpected. It is actually much bigger than you can imagine.

Cabinets beneath the staircase help save space.
Cabinets beneath the staircase help save space. 

The small house is provided with a porch that can be folded down. It provides additional security when it is folded up. Kind of like a fort. The best part is that when it is unfolded, it is exactly like a drawbridge. This creates the perfect space for eating, entertaining friends or simply relaxing. It has become quite popular. So, now it is on sale for everyone. As it turns out, it is luxury in a tiny form.

Even a small house has basic necessities like shower.
Even a small house has basic necessities like shower. 

The small house of Greenmoxie is fully powered with help of solar panels. Moreover, it also has a system designed for running water on the roof. The system actually recovers rainwater. Thus, you can find it to be completely self-sufficient. Moreover, the house is provided with other basic necessities. You don’t have to worry about sink, stove or refrigerator. In addition, you can even find a shower and toilet. Makes you wonder how many things you can actually fit in.

The upper portion of small house is just as sleek and warm.
The upper portion of small house is just as sleek and warm. 

This small house doesn’t have to compromise on style to achieve all this. The interior is quite modern and sleek. Yet, it is still sufficiently comfortable and warm. Besides, this house has made use of many reclaimed and recycled artifacts. The ceiling panels and bathroom doors are cultivated from old barns.

You can find everything you want in a small house of greenmoxie.
You can find everything you want in a small house of greenmoxie.

You won’t find the house compromising on details. It has shelves in the staircase to save up on space. The upper floor is just as modern and cozy. Hence, this small house seems to promise everything a big house can. Except for the vast amount of space, of course.  So, if you think you are looking for something off the traditional pathway, this is your option. You may even surprise yourself and end up living in it permanently.

Images Courtesy: Greenmoxie | Instagram ( Green Moxie)

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