游戏围观地址: http://wordwarvi./ * Tim O'Reilly 1999年在 《ask Tim》 栏目里写到:“But then one day, I discovered that someone had blown away the custom emacs profile that I had gotten comfortable with. It took about a week for me to get it restored, and in the meantime, I switched to vi, and got hooked.” ?? ?? ?? * Bill Joy 1999年接受访谈回忆他最初写 vi 时的情景,提到“vi was written for a world that doesn't exist anymore”,主要感慨1976年他编写 vi 时的所用设备条件之差,这可能也是 vi 会被设计成这样的原因之一。 * 用Emacs覆盖掉别人家编辑器开源代码的事真实发生过,TextMate 2刚开源的时候: 来源:神秘的程序员们 |