
EP170413 Multiple Careers_BBC 6min

 gentlemoonamy 2017-04-18

portfolio careers 组合型职业
Someone who is a part-time teacher and a part-time musician has a portfolio career.
portfolio of art 
a case for carrying large pictures or it can mean the collection of pictures themselves
portfolio of investments 投资组合
 when you invest in several companies at once to reduce the risk

to make ends meet 维持生计
to make enough money to live

serial entrepreneur 不断创业的人
starts and runs business after business.

add another string to your bow 增加一项新的技能
to learn new skills you can use in the future

corporate job 白领工作
a job at a big corporation, company or organisation – usually well paid, and with certain benefits

on that note 关于那一点

They’ve got three different businesses that are just thriving. 
他们可以同时拥有三项 不同的蒸蒸日上的事业。

It often simply comes down to money. 归根结底是钱的问题。

the man who popularised the term portfolio career in the first place. 

making an awful lot of money 挣很多钱

It’s a balancing job really. 

This word goes back over 1,000 years.这个单词可以追溯到1000多年前。

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