

 三俗文艺女流氓 2017-04-22
德蒙`斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)
代表作: 1.《仙后》(Faerie Queen)当时最伟大的诗歌之一(Spenser's masterpiece us TheFaerie Queen, a Great poem of its age.)
2.《牧养人日记》(The Sherpherdes Calender)(He left Cambridge in 1576 andwent to the north of England, where he fell in love and recordedhis laments over the loss of Rosalind in The SherpherdesCalender.)
创作意图:通过“历史诗”描画出一个典型的完美绅士:“塑造遵守道德规范(virtous and gentlediscipline)的绅士或贵族。”(His principal intention is to present through a'historical poem' the example of a perfect gentlemen:'to fashion agentleman or noble in virtous and gentle discipline.)
框架:1.他提出“绅士应遵循的十二条道德清规(virtues),并将全诗设计成十二卷本,每一卷都有一位不同的主人公,以遵守其中一条道德清规(virtues)而著名。(Hespeaks of 12 virtues of the private gentleman, and plans 12 books,each one with a different hero distinguished for one of the privatevirtues.)
,他本人已在梦幻中与仙后坠入情网。(The hero of heroes, who possesses all of thesevirtues,is Arthur ,and he is to play a role in each of the 12 majoradventures. The recurring apperarances of Arther serves as aunifying element for the poem as a whole.Another charactercontributing to the unity of the work is Gloriana, the FaerieQueen.It is form her court and at her bidding that each of theheroes sets out on his particular edventure.Prince Arther's greatmission is his search of the Fairy Queen,with whom he has fallen inlove through a love vision.)
象征意义:这部诗也是一篇寓言(allegory),第一卷中红十字骑士(Red-crosse Knight)象征着(1)现实中的圣`乔治,一位英格兰护教圣徒(patronsaint);(2)这个红十字骑士还代表了神圣的美德(Holiness),即12美德之一,这也正象高阳爵士在第二卷中象征自我节制美德(Temperance);(3)红十字骑士象征着英国国教圣公会(theAnglican Church),他是象征着真理的圣女巫娜(Virgin Una)的保护者。(It is aallegory.1.The Red-crosse Knight in BookI stands for St. George,thepatron saint of England;2.He also represents Holiness, one of the12 private virtues, as Sir Gauyon in BookII representsTemperance.3.The knight, symbolizing the Anglican Church, is theprotector of the Virgin Una who stands for truth or the truereligon.)
内容:第一卷很大程度上是全诗的纲领缩影(epitome),红十字骑士的历险目的是从恶魔手中解救人类的始祖——巫娜(Una)的父母。(BookIof the Faerie Queene is in a way an epitome of the whole poem. Thepurpose Redcrosse's quest is to free original mankind——the parentsof Una——from the power of Devil.)
主 题:并非“男人与武器”,而是更富浪漫色彩的“残酷与忠贞”爱情。(The theme is not 'Arms and theMan', but something more romantic——'Fierce warres and Faithloves'.)
人物:阿齐梅戈Archimago 杜艾莎Duessa a evil woman 精神傲慢者 奥尔高戈里奥Orgoglio thespiritual pride
斯宾塞诗歌的五大特点:(the five main qualities of Spenser's poetry)
1.完美的韵律(a perfect melody)
2.罕见的美感(a rare sense of beauty)
3.奇妙的想象(a splendid imagination)
4.崇高的道德纯洁性与严肃性(a lofty moral purity and seriousness)
5.一种献身的理想主义(a dedicated idealism)
除此之外,他还多次使用一种怪异的语言模式及废弃不用(obsolete)的词汇,以增加作品的乡土气息(rusticeffect)。(In addition to the above, Spenser uses strage forms ofspeech and obsolete words in order to increase the rusticeffect.)
正是他的理想主义,对没的热爱以及精美优雅的诗文韵律使他成为诗人中的诗人(the poets' poet)。

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