
网易云音乐 A Hundred Blessings- Mirabai Ceiba

 悅來閲好吧 2017-04-27

A Hundred Blessings - Mirabai Ceiba - 网易云音乐


When Love comes suddenly and taps当爱悄然而至

on your window,轻叩你的窗棂

run and let it in,应声潜入

but first请切记

shut the door of your reason,关上那争论之门

even the smallest hint哪怕是极小的痕迹

chases love away,都会使爱远离

like smoke that drowns如浓雾吞噬着

the freshness of晨风的

the morning breeze.清新

To reason, Love can only say而其中缘由,唯有爱才可诠释

this way is barred,前路多歧

you can't pass through,犹难顺行

but to the lover

it offers a hundred blessings.爱赠予有情人一百份祝福

Before the mind decides在你已心有笃定

to take a step,之前

Love has reached爱已抵达

the seventh heaven.七重天

Love has climbed the Holy Mountain.爱已抵达圣峰

Love has reached爱已抵达

the seventh heaven.七重天

Love has climbed the Holy Mountain.爱已抵达圣峰

I must stop this talk now此刻我更需停止言语烦扰

and let Love speak然后让爱

from its nest of silence.在静默里诉说

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