

 situyate 2017-05-03

Unit7  What’s the highest mountain in the world

Period 3 Section B 1a-1d


1. tall / high 

1I am 1.80 cm _____.

2The building is twenty meters ______ .

3The elephant is 350 cm  _______ .

2. kilo/ kilometer 

1The bag of  rice  weighs 5 ______.

2It is 5 ______ from the school to the supermarket.


weigh   kilo     time    a 




1. A tiger _____ 250 kg.

2. What ______ is it ?

3. The book is three _____ longer than that book.

4. _____ adult panda weighs many times more than a baby panda.

5. Elephant eats 150 _____ of food a day.


1.         A baby panda is 0.1 to 0.2 kilos.   (对划线部分提问)   

_____  _____  ______  a baby panda ______?

= _____  _____  _____ a baby panda ? 

=_______  a baby panda’s _______?                                                                                                       

2.  We go swimming twice a week.   (对划线部分提问) 

    _____ _____ ______ do ______ go swimming a week?

3.  Jack is 1.87 cm tall.      (对划线部分提问) 

    _____ ______ is jack?

4.  出生时,他重4公斤。

At _______, he weighs 4 kilos

5.  狗可以活到1520岁。

A dog can live ____   _____    15 to 20years.  


(  )1.The Yellow River is the second ______ river in China.               

     A. longer              B. longest            C. long            D. length

(  )2. This book is____ that one, but____ than that one. 

A. as difficult as; expensive                B. as more difficult as; more expensive 

C. as difficult as; more expensive           D. more difficult as; as expensive

(  ) 3. It was very hot yesterdaybut it is___ today. 

A.even hotter             B. more hotter            C. much more hot        D. much hot 

(  ) 4. The earth is about____ as the moon. 

A.as fifty time big       B. fifty times as big     C. as big fifty times     D. fifty as times big 

(  )5. His father is____than his mother.

A. older four years      B. as four years older   C. four years older     D. bigger four years



Cheetahs(猎豹) are the _____ runner in the world. They can run with a top speed of more than 110 ______  per hour. Cheetahs mainly live in west Asia ___ Africa. An ______ cheetah’s body is 1 to 1.5 meters long and 0.75 ___ 0.85 meters high, and weighs 50 ____. Cheetahs live in forests. People have cut down too many trees. Also, there sometimes isn’t _____ food for all of them. So it is very ______ for Cheetahs to live in the wild. People have killed too _____ Cheetahs for their fur. Now Cheetahs are endangered. Protecting Cheetahs has been a main task. If we do _____ ,soon there will be no more Cheetahs in the world.  


1. Which animal runs fastest?


2.         Where do cheetahs live?


3.         How much does an adult cheetahs weigh?


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