
【火速收藏】国际班必备英文﹝物理词汇 习题﹞大放送!!

 Ran190 2017-05-31










A student wishes to measure accurately the volume of approximately 40 cm3 of water. She has two measuring cylinders, a larger one that can hold 100 cm3, and a smaller one that can hold 50 cm3. The water forms a meniscus where it touches the glass.

Which cylinder should the student use and which water level should she use to ensure an accurate result?


Which distance / time graph represents the motion of an object moving at constant speed?


The graph shows how the speed of a car changes with time.

Which calculation gives the distance travelled by the car in 24 seconds?


An astronaut in an orbiting spacecraft experiences a force due to gravity. This force is less than when she is on the Earth’s surface. Compared with being on the Earth’s surface, how do her mass and her weight change when she goes into orbit?


A parachutist is falling at terminal velocity, without her parachute open.She now opens her parachute. What is the direction of her motion, and what is the direction of her acceleration, immediately after she opens her parachute?


Which diagram shows two forces X and Y with their resultant force?


A railway truck with a mass of 5000kg rolling at 3m/s collides with a stationary truck of mass 10000kg. The trucks join together. At what speed do they move after the collision?

momentum before the collision = momentum after the collsion



The diagram shows a satellite that is moving at a uniform rate in a circular orbit around the Earth.

Which statement describes the motion of this satellite?

A It is accelerating because its speed is changing.

B It is accelerating because its velocity is changing.

C It is not accelerating but its speed is changing.

D It is not accelerating but its velocity is changing.


The diagram shows a balance being used to find the weight of a baby. The weight of the basket can be ignored. At equilibrium, the pivot is nearer to the 40 N balancing weight than to the baby.

What is the weight of the baby?

A less than 40 N     

B 40 N

C more than 40 N     

D impossible to tell without a scale on the beam


A plane lamina ['l?m?n?] (平面薄片)with centre of mass X touches the ground at point P.Which diagram shows the lamina in equilibrium[,i?kw?'l?br??m; ,ekw?-]平衡?


An experiment is carried out to measure the extension of a rubber band for different loads. The results are shown below.

Which figure is missing from the table?

A 17.2   B 17.3   C 17.4   D 17.6


【题1】    Which situation is an example of a force acting over a large area to produce a small pressure?

A  a builder hammering a nail into a piece of wood

B  a cook using a sharp knife to cut vegetables

C  a nurse pushing a needle into a patient's arm

D  a soldier marching in flat-soled boots


The diagram shows a simple mercury barometer alongside a mercury manometer. The manometer contains some trapped gas.

What is the pressure of the trapped gas?

A 10 cm of mercury    B 50 cm of mercury

C 66 cm of mercury    D 86 cm of mercury


A dam [d?m]水坝 across a lake is divided into two sections by a rock. Section X is longer than section Y but the two sections are otherwise identical(完全相同的). The water in the lake by the dam is the same depth everywhere. The diagram shows a view from above of the lake and the dam.

The water creates a total force on each section of the dam and an average pressure on each section of the dam. Which statement is correct?

A The average pressure on X equals the average pressure on Y.

B The average pressure on X is less than the average pressure on Y.

C The total force on X equals the total force on Y.

D The total force on X is less than the total force on Y.


 Which energy transfer takes place when a matchstick ['m?t?st?k]火柴 burns?

A chemical to thermal     B chemical to nuclear

C nuclear to chemical     D thermal to chemical


  A car has a mass of 1000 kg and a momentum of 12 000 kg m / s. What is its kinetic energy?

A 6 kJ    B 12 kJ    C 72 kJ    D 144 kJ


Four cars are driven along a road. The table shows the work done by the engine in each car and the time taken by each car. Which engine(发动机) produces the most power?


【题1】    Two farmers use an electrically powered elevator to lift bales(捆) of hay(干草). All the bales of hay have the same mass.

As sunset approaches, they increase the speed of the elevator so that more bales are lifted up in a given time.

How does this affect the work done in lifting each bale and the useful output power of the elevator?


In an experiment, a thermometer is placed in a test-tube of hot liquid. The temperature of the liquid is recorded every half minute. The table shows the results.

What is the melting point of the substance?

A 0 °C       B 33 °C       C 55 °C       D 73 °C


A pool of water evaporates. As molecules escape, the temperature of the water left in the pool changes. From where do the molecules escape and what is the effect on the temperature of the water in the pool?


A mass of 0.20 kg of a substance is initially solid. It is heated at a steady rate of 500 W. The graph shows how the temperature of the substance changes with time.

What is the specific latent heat of fusion of the substance?

A 20 000 J / kg     

B 30 000 J / kg     

C 500 000 J / kg     

D 750 000 J / kg


The diagram shows a heater above a thermometer. The thermometer bulb (液泡)is in the position shown.

Which row shows how the heat energy from the heater reaches the thermometer bulb?


【题1】    Which list contains only transverse waves?

A infra-red waves, light waves, sound waves

B infra-red waves, light waves, ultraviolet waves

C infra-red waves, sound waves, ultraviolet waves

D light waves, sound waves, ultraviolet waves


A small boat in a harbour is protected from waves on the sea by harbour walls.

Some waves can curve round the harbour walls and reach the boat. What is the name of this effect?

A diffraction    

B dispersion    

C reflection     

D refraction


Scout  [ska?t] 侦察员P signals to scout Q on the other side of a valley by using a mirror to reflect the Sun’s rays.

Which mirror position would allow the Sun’s rays to be reflected to scout Q?


Rays of light enter and leave a box.

What could be inside the box to make the rays behave as shown?

A a converging lens    B a parallel-sided glass block

C a plane mirror       D a triangular prism


An object O is placed close to a thin converging lens. The diagram represents three rays from the top of O passing through the lens.

Which type of image is produced by the lens when the object O is in this position?

A real and diminished          

B real and enlarged

C virtual and diminished        

D virtual and enlarged


The diagram shows apparatus that can be used to make a magnet.

Which metal and which power supply are used to make a permanent magnet?


The circuit diagram shows a thermistor in a potential divider. A voltmeter is connected across the thermistor.

The graph shows how the resistance of the thermistor changes with temperature.

As the thermistor becomes warmer, what happens to its resistance and what happens to the reading on the voltmeter?


A solenoid  ['s??l?n??d]螺线管 is connected in series with a sensitive ammeter. The N pole of a magnet is placed next to one end of the solenoid, marked X.

 First, the N pole of the magnet is pushed towards X, then the magnet is pulled away from X. During both stages the ammeter deflects. Which type of magnetic pole is induced at X during these two stages?

好未来(学而思)爱智康国际班择校群(国际班初中1234群,国际班高中1234群 |家长训练营),3年来4000个国际班家长都在这里获得最快最全面的择校和备考信息,并有三届的各国际班学长学姐给你宝贵的建议,致力于提供专业的托福/SAT/ACT能力提升课程体系,包含高中词汇3500,托福绿宝书词汇,高中语法和长难句分析,托福阅读写作听力预备,托福基础-强化-冲分-单项真题班,雅思,SAT,ACT,AP,AL,IB数理化生经济等5-7人班以及8-20班还有1对1课程,同时定期邀请各国际班优秀的学长学姐来做免费直播讲座《学长学姐说》以及定期邀请留学申请老师做免费直播分享:之前的两个系列是美英加高中留学系列和超级妈妈团分享系列(康奈尔妈妈,多伦多妈妈,英国妈妈等)~

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