
Cannot ,can not 以及can't 的区别

 志远之家 2017-06-25

当我们要表示不能或者不允许做某事的时候,我们应该用cannot这个词。Can’t 是 cannot的所写形式。很多人错误的将cannot分写成can not。《美国传统词典》表述的很清楚:can的否定形式是cannot。Can’t用于口语,比较随便,而cannot用于书面语,较为正式。

Cannot是“不可以”,而can not是“可以不”。举个例子:

I cannot believe this! (我无法相信!等于I can't believe this!)
I can not believe this! (我可以不相信!也就是说,I can believe this, or I can not believe this。我并不一定要相信,我可以选择不相信。) 
If I say "I cannot smoke," I mean that I am unable to or not permitted to smoke. If I say, "I can not smoke," not modifies smoke. My meaning is: "I am able to not smoke," i.e., I have the ability to avoid smoking.

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