
argument essay如何写出不一样的开头段?

 meeloun 2017-07-10

There are 5 different ways to help you to write out your first paragraph in IELTS writing Task-2.

1、starting with a quote 名人名言开头法

Some people think learning history is school is important, while others think learning history is of little  use. Discuss both views and present your opinion.essay写作www.hotessay.cn

As Sheikh Zayed once said, a country with no past "has neither a present nor a future". So impressive in fact, that I was enlightened by his speech to firmly believe that unquestionably history affords us lessons that merit attention, but we are expected to net casts at present and in the future.

2、starting with a question 设问开头法

Some people say we should obey and follow traditions. Others say that we are free to do whatever we want to do. Discuss bot views and present your opinion.

Do we have to choose between tradition and our free will in terms of what we are going to do? Not necessarily, and from my perspective, the two are mutually exclusive. For the most part, having free will does not reject tradition; in fact, in most cases, the former can and does embrace the latter.

3、beginning with an interesting fact 例子开头法

Since advertisements aim to sell products, many people believe that they cannot be trusted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Server years ago, my mother bought a “magic mop” impulsively through a program based on television which sells all fancy stuffs. Ironically, this all-mighty mop, which was exaggerated for cleaning purpose of all kinds of floor, in fact was tested to fail to soak up the water. Though absurd, it still accounts for why I side with the statement.

4、using a analogy 类比开头法

Some people say police carrying guns increases the violence in the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Carrying guns is to policeman what wearing uniforms is to fireman. Therefore, I cannot side with the prompt simply because police carrying guns is for self-defense but to increase the violence.

5、using a paradox 隽语开头法

Some people believe students should spend more time on more useful subjects so other subjects like sports are less important. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

"Less is more", and it actually accords with what I embrace for education. Simply, no one can be inherently adept at all subjects. Therefore, i disagree with the statement and insist that they should be assigned well-chosen tasks and be given adequate time to take part in extra-curricular activities.

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