
Grpc系列二 Grpc4种服务方法的定义和实现

 WindySky 2017-08-01

1. 概述

1.1 服务定义

向其它的RPC服务一样,GPRC的基础是服务的定义。服务定义远程调用方法的名称、传入参数和返回参数。GRPC默认使用 Protobuf描述服务,protobuf的信息见这篇博客Protobuf3 的第一个Java demo


  1. 一元RPC(Unary RPCs ):这是最简单的定义,客户端发送一个请求,服务端返回一个结果
  2. 服务器流RPC(Server streaming RPCs):客户端发送一个请求,服务端返回一个流给客户端,客户从流中读取一系列消息,直到读取所有小心
  3. 客户端流RPC(Client streaming RPCs ):客户端通过流向服务端发送一系列消息,然后等待服务端读取完数据并返回处理结果
  4. 双向流RPC(Bidirectional streaming RPCs):客户端和服务端都可以独立向对方发送或接受一系列的消息。客户端和服务端读写的顺序是任意。


syntax = "proto3";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "com.hry.spring.grpc.mystream";
option java_outer_classname = "HelloStreamEntity";

service HelloStream {
  // A Unary RPC.
  rpc simpleRpc(Simple) returns (SimpleFeature) {}

  // A server-to-client streaming RPC.
  rpc server2ClientRpc(SimpleList) returns (stream SimpleFeature) {}

  // A client-to-server streaming RPC.
  rpc client2ServerRpc(stream Simple) returns (SimpleSummary) {}

  // A Bidirectional streaming RPC.
  rpc bindirectionalStreamRpc(stream Simple) returns (stream Simple) {}

message Simple {
  int32 num = 1;
  string name = 2;

message SimpleList {
  repeated Simple simpleList = 1;

message SimpleFeature {
  string name = 1;
  Simple location = 2;

message SimpleSummary {
  int32 feature_count = 2;

// 测试类
message SimpleFeatureDatabase {
  repeated SimpleFeature feature = 1;
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1.2 同步RPC和异步RPC

GRPC 同时支持同步RPC和异步RPC。
同步RPC调用服务方法只支持流RPC(Server streaming RPCs)和一元RPC(Unary RPCs )。异步RPC调用服务方法支持4种方法。

1.3 生成基础代码 ###

参考的Grpc系列一 第一个hello world 例子生成protobuf基础类和HelloStreamGrpc,详细见这里代码

2. 测试代码


2.1 服务端


     * 服务端类的实现
    private static class HelloStreamService extends HelloStreamGrpc.HelloStreamImplBase {
        private final List<SimpleFeature> features;

        public HelloStreamService(List<SimpleFeature> features) {
            this.features = features;
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  • 一元RPC(Unary RPCs )服务端实现:
        public void simpleRpc(Simple request, StreamObserver<SimpleFeature> responseObserver) {
            SimpleFeature rtn = SimpleFeature.newBuilder().setName(request.getName() + "simpleRpc").setLocation(request)
            logger.info("recevier simpleRpc : {}", request);
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  • 服务器流RPC(Server streaming RPCs)服务端实现:
        public void server2ClientRpc(SimpleList request, StreamObserver<SimpleFeature> responseObserver) {
            logger.info("recevier server2ClientRpc : {}", request);
            for (SimpleFeature feature : this.features) {
                Simple simpleLocation = feature.getLocation();
                for (Simple o : request.getSimpleListList()) {
                    if (o.getNum() == simpleLocation.getNum()) {
                        // 推送记录
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  • 客户端流RPC(Client streaming RPCs )服务端实现:
         * 接收完所有的请求后,才返回一个对象
        public StreamObserver<Simple> client2ServerRpc(StreamObserver<SimpleSummary> responseObserver) {

            return new StreamObserver<Simple>() {
                int feature_count = 0;

                public void onNext(Simple value) {
                    // 接收请求
                    logger.info("num={}, client2ServerRpc, content={} ", feature_count, value);

                public void onError(Throwable t) {
                    logger.error("Simple cancelled, e={}", t);

                public void onCompleted() {
                    // 接收所有请求后,返回总数
                    SimpleSummary summary = SimpleSummary.newBuilder().setFeatureCount(feature_count).build();
                    // 结束请求
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  • 双向流RPC(Bidirectional streaming RPCs)服务端实现:
         * 每接收一个请求,立即返回一个对象
        public StreamObserver<Simple> bindirectionalStreamRpc(StreamObserver<Simple> responseObserver) {
            return new StreamObserver<Simple>() {
                public void onNext(Simple value) {
                    logger.info("bindirectionalStreamRpc receive {}", value);
                    for (SimpleFeature feature : features) {
                        Simple simpleLocation = feature.getLocation();
                        if (value.getNum() == simpleLocation.getNum()) {
                            // 接收请求后,马上推送记录
                            Simple rtn = Simple.newBuilder().setName(feature.getName() + "rtn")

                public void onError(Throwable t) {
                    logger.error("bindirectionalStreamRpc cancelled, e={}", t);

                public void onCompleted() {
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    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloStreamServer.class);

    private final int port;
    private final Server server;

    public HelloStreamServer(int port) throws IOException {
        this.port = port;
        this.server = ServerBuilder.forPort(port).addService(new HelloStreamService(HelloUtil.parseFeatures())).build();

    // 启动服务
    public void start() throws IOException {
        logger.info("Server started, listening on " + port);
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                System.err.println("*** shutting down gRPC server since JVM is shutting down");
                System.err.println("*** server shut down");

    // 启动服务
    public void stop() {
        if (server != null) {

     * Await termination on the main thread since the grpc library uses daemon
     * threads.
    private void blockUntilShutdown() throws InterruptedException {
        if (server != null) {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        HelloStreamServer server = new HelloStreamServer(8980);
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2.2 客户端

HelloStreamBlockingStub blockingStub:阻塞客户端,支持简单一元服务和流输出调用服务
HelloStreamStub asyncStub:异步客户端,支持所有类型调用

public class HelloStreamClient {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloStreamClient.class);

    private final ManagedChannel channel;
    private final HelloStreamBlockingStub blockingStub;
    private final HelloStreamStub asyncStub;

    private Random random = new Random();

    public HelloStreamClient(String host, int port) {
        ManagedChannelBuilder<?> channelBuilder = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(host, port).usePlaintext(true);
        channel = channelBuilder.build();
        // 创建一个阻塞客户端,支持简单一元服务和流输出调用服务
        blockingStub = HelloStreamGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel);
        // 创建一个异步客户端,支持所有类型调用
        asyncStub = HelloStreamGrpc.newStub(channel);

    public void shutdown() throws InterruptedException {
        channel.shutdown().awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    // 创建Simple对象
    private Simple newSimple(int num) {
        return Simple.newBuilder().setName("simple" + num).setNum(num).build();

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  • 一元RPC(Unary RPCs )客户端实现:
     * 一元服务调用
    public void simpleRpc(int num) {
        logger.info("request simpleRpc: num={}", num);
        Simple simple = Simple.newBuilder().setName("simpleRpc").setNum(num).build();
        SimpleFeature feature;
        try {
            feature = blockingStub.simpleRpc(simple);
        } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
            logger.info("RPC failed: {0}", e.getStatus());
        logger.info("simpleRpc end called {}", feature);
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  • 服务器流RPC(Server streaming RPCs)客户端实现:
     * 阻塞服务器流
    public void server2ClientRpc(int num1, int num2) {
        logger.info("request server2ClientRpc num1={}, num2={}", num1, num2);
        Simple simple = Simple.newBuilder().setName("simple" + num1).setNum(num1).build();
        Simple simple2 = Simple.newBuilder().setName("simple" + num2).setNum(num2).build();

        SimpleList simpleList = SimpleList.newBuilder().addSimpleList(simple).addSimpleList(simple2).build();
        Iterator<SimpleFeature> simpleFeatureIter = blockingStub.server2ClientRpc(simpleList);
        for (int i = 1; simpleFeatureIter.hasNext(); i++) {
            SimpleFeature feature = simpleFeatureIter.next();
            logger.info("Result {} : {}", i, feature);
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  • 客户端流RPC(Client streaming RPCs )客户端实现:
     * 异步客户端流
    public void client2ServerRpc(int count) throws InterruptedException {
        logger.info("request client2ServerRpc {}", count);
        final CountDownLatch finishLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);

        StreamObserver<SimpleSummary> responseObserver = new StreamObserver<SimpleSummary>() {
            public void onNext(SimpleSummary value) {
                // 返回SimpleSummary
                logger.info("client2ServerRpc onNext : {}", value);

            public void onError(Throwable t) {
                logger.error("client2ServerRpc error : {}", t);

            public void onCompleted() {
                logger.error("client2ServerRpc finish");
        StreamObserver<Simple> requestObserver = asyncStub.client2ServerRpc(responseObserver);
        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                logger.info("simple : {}", i);
                Simple simple = Simple.newBuilder().setName("client2ServerRpc" + i).setNum(i).build();
                Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(200) + 50);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // Cancel RPC
            throw e;
        // 结束请求

        // Receiving happens asynchronously
        if (!finishLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) {
            logger.error("client2ServerRpc can not finish within 1 minutes");
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  • 双向流RPC(Bidirectional streaming RPCs)客户端实现:
     * 双向流
     * @throws InterruptedException
    public void bindirectionalStreamRpc() throws InterruptedException {
        logger.info("request bindirectionalStreamRpc");
        final CountDownLatch finishLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        StreamObserver<Simple> requestObserver = asyncStub.bindirectionalStreamRpc(new StreamObserver<Simple>() {

            public void onNext(Simple value) {
                logger.info("bindirectionalStreamRpc receive message : {}", value);

            public void onError(Throwable t) {
                logger.error("bindirectionalStreamRpc Failed: {0}", Status.fromThrowable(t));

            public void onCompleted() {
                logger.info("Finished bindirectionalStreamRpc");

        try {
            Simple[] requests = { newSimple(1), newSimple(2), newSimple(3), newSimple(4) };

            for (Simple request : requests) {
                logger.info("Sending message {}", request);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // Cancel RPC
            throw e;

        if (!finishLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) {
            logger.error("routeChat can not finish within 1 minutes");
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    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        HelloStreamClient client = new HelloStreamClient("localhost", 8980);
        try {
            // simple rpc

            // server2ClientRpc
            client.server2ClientRpc(1, 2);

            // client2ServerRpc

            // bindirectionalStreamRpc

        } finally {
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3. 代码


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