
双语:毕业了,该分手了 We Have to Say Goodbye

 DonaldKing2589 2017-08-04

We Have to Say Goodbye No rose, no diamond ring, that's the simple and romantic love stories in college.

we have to say goodbye    

 no rose, no diamond ring, that's the simple and romantic love stories in college. the graduates have to face the approaching of june, a time to farewell their beloved. when their future is confronted with love, which one is more important? what will the lovers do in june?

don't cry, my baby

there are so many love stories in college. if the lovers met each other by note passed, the story was called “note love”; if they knew each other in fast food restaurant, then “fast food love”; if they became lovers in a picnic, then “picnic love”. liu bing got to know xiao yu through qq chat, and they got the so-called “qq love”.
their love story started at the end of 2nd grade. liu failed again in cet4 test and felt very upset. so he entered an internet cafe near the school to kill time. while he was roaming about on the net, a stranger asked him through qq, “may i chat with you?” then he began chatting with him or her. liu poured his trouble out and the other side appeased him patiently and asked him not to be discouraged, for there was still chance. after that, they promised to come to chat at 8 every day and it lasted for a week. liu felt very happy. on the seventh day, the other side asked him, “do you want to see me?” liu typed “yes!” without any hesitation. “then you can turn your head back.” and liu saw a lovely girl, whose name is xiao yu.
however, with the approaching graduation they also face a difficult choice. xiao yu is a local girl and her home is in wuhan. while liu bing comes from xi'an. they are both the only child in their family. their parents aren't against their being together, but both wish their kid being at home. they quarreled about the orientation furiously and the focus of their conflict always was which city they would choose. xi'an or wuhan? they were up a gum tree and couldn't come to terms.
finally, liu and xiao yu went to the internet cafe and they were still back to back this time. when liu typed out “let's break up”, xiao yu couldn't restrain her tears any more.

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