很多时候,我们看到老外们日常对话中的词汇都非常简单,但我们自己却打死也想不到原来还有这种操作,居然可以这样排列组合啊!掌握这些地道的英语表达,老外都会对你的英语刮目相看哟✨ 1 Act your age! 中文意思:表现成熟些,不要孩子气 英文释义:act more maturely; don't be childish(可指任何人) 举个栗子🌰 His father told his 15-year-old son ,“Act you age!” 他老爸对他十五岁的儿子说:「表现成熟点,不要孩子气。」 2 All is not lost. 中文意思:事情不是真正不好;未必完全失败 英文释义:Things are not really bad or totally failed 举个栗子🌰 Don't get discouraged; all is not lost. 不要泄气,事情未必真正不好。 3 Be that as it may. 中文意思:即使那是真的/事实 英文释义:even if it may be true 举个栗子🌰 I will not believe what she has said, be that as it may. 我不相信她所说的,即使她所说的都是事实。 4 Believe you me. 中文意思:请相信我,我的话是真的 英文释义:believe what I said; really true(上句you,只是加强语气= you believe me.) 举个栗子🌰 I have done my part as an employee; believe you me! 我已经做到一位员工该做的事;相信我的话是真的。 5 Cut to the chase. 中文意思:做些正经事/重要的事 英文释义:to do some important things; get to the real business. 举两个栗子🌰🌰 ①Instead of wasting time, tell them to cut the chase. 告诉他们不要浪费时间,做些正经重要的事。 ②I feel we have not been cutting to the chase enough in our discussion. 我觉得我们的讨论,没有足够涉及正经重要的事。 6 Don't hold your breath. 中文意思:对某事需要耐心等待,不要沉不住气 英文释义:be patient; it will take longer time(多半只用在否定句) 举个栗子🌰 If you ask Bob to do something for you soon, don't hold your breath. 假如你要Bob为你很快办好什么事,你要有耐心。 7 Easier said than done 中文意思:说起来容易做起来难 举个栗子🌰 You want me to come to work at 6:00 AM? Easier said than done! 想让我6点就开工?说得容易! 8 24/7 中文意思:一天二十四小时;一周七天;一直;持续地 举个栗子🌰 My little sister irritates me 24/7! 我的小妹妹整天都在惹我生气! 9 A short fuse 中文意思:急性子 举个栗子🌰 Jamie is known for his short fuse; just a few days ago he screamed at his coach for not letting him play. 杰米真是个急性子;几天前他就跟教练嚷嚷着说不要让他上场了。 10 Butterflies in my stomach 中文意思:(胃里有蝴蝶在扑闪翅膀一般)紧张 举个栗子🌰 Liam had butterflies in his stomach before he went on stage to play the violin. 利亚姆在上台演奏小提琴时非常紧张。 11 By the skin of your teeth 中文意思:勉强做成某事 举个栗子🌰 Lester made the dance team by the skin of his teeth; you can tell he hasn't been dancing jazz for very long. 莱斯特勉强组成了舞蹈队;你可以看出来他已经好久没跳爵士了。 12 Cat got your tongue? 中文意思:怎么不说话了?(通常说出来是为了让对方难堪) 举个栗子🌰 I just saw you kissing my boyfriend. What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? 我刚才看见你亲了我男朋友。怎么回事?你怎么不吭声了? 13 Crying wolf 中文意思:假意求救 举个栗子🌰 You have cried wolf so many times that no one believes you when you're really hurt. 你已经玩了这么多次“狼来了”的把戏,没人会相信你是真的受伤了。 (未完待续) ▼