Mueller Weiss syndrome refers to spontaneous multifactorial adult onset osteonecrosis of the tarsal navicular. This syndrome is distinct from Köhler disease, the osteochondrosis of the tarsal navicular bone that occurs in children. Müller-Weiss综合征也称为Müller-Weiss病,是指成人自发多因素导致的足舟骨坏死。这种综合征不同于Köhler病,一种发生在儿童足舟骨的骨软骨病。 Epidemiology It occurs in adults between 40 and 60 years of age and is more common in females. Patients present with mid- and hindfoot pain and pes planovarus. 流行病学 常见于40-60岁的中老年女性,以中足、后足疼痛和内翻畸形的平足。 Radiographic features Plain radiograph Plain radiographic features can include comma-shaped deformity due to collapse of the lateral part of the bone medial or dorsal protrusion of a portion of the bone or the entire navicular bone The disease may be bilateral or asymmetric and associated with pathologic fractures. There is a radiographic staging. MRI can show oedema on STIR / PD FS images and is more sensitive in picking up the early changes due to its ability to detect marrow signal changes 影像学表现(参考《华西医学》2014年 第2期 361-364页): X线检查: 足舟骨外侧部变窄,整体或外侧部密度增加,整个舟状骨向内侧突出; 随着病情的发展足舟骨外侧部表现为压缩,内侧和(或)背侧突出更加明显,整个足舟骨呈逗号形,足舟骨也可破裂成两个典型的骨块,较小的背外侧骨块和较大的跖内侧骨块; 距骨头和楔骨之间的距离减小,距骨头半脱位,可有囊性改变,中足可见关节炎的表现。 磁共振成像(MRI)显示病变部位早期骨内水肿影像,T1WI显示低信号,T2WI为高信号,骨碎裂、坏死和压缩的区域在所有序列都显示低信号。 病例图片: 分期示意图: 图片来源:DOI:10.1594/ecr2017/C-1894 |