

 zgj幸福书斋 2017-08-21

Honoré de Balzac says reading brings us unknown friends and William Nicholson says we read to know we're not alone. In a sense, the benefits of reading are numerous. 

Then how to help your child form the habit of reading? 

1: Start Early. (及早开始阅读)

The habit of reading should be formed when a child is young, especially during the first three years in elementary school. 

2: Read together. (陪伴孩子阅读)

Children like to do something together with the others instead of doing it alone. So you can read with your child or find a partner for him or her. Of course, setting a family reading time is a good choice. 

3: Be a good role model. (成为孩子的榜样)

Children enjoy imitating the others, so if you read often, your child is more likely to do the same. 

4: Arouse curiosity. (激发孩子的好奇心)

You may tell your child the most exciting part in a book, then stop and tell him or her that more interesting stories can be found in the book. Probably your child will read out of curiosity.

5: Read and share. (多读多互动)

Every child has a desire to express, in spoken or written form, so after reading, you can encourage your child to retell the story briefly or write a summary. Surely, you need to interact with your child and help him or her feel a sense of achievement. 

Have a try!

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