
二、重要句型或语法1、被动语态 本课侧重复习的是第10课、第34课和第58课出现的被动语态的用法,主要是讲了不同时态中的被动语态的用法、含有to do结构的被动语态、be said to的用法以及双宾动词的被动语态用法。如: The boy has been punished by the headmaster. I was asked to make a speech. He is said to be genius. He was offered the vacant post.
【推荐阅读】 更多相关内容,请查看下面的文章: 英语里的被动语态掌握这些内容就够了!

三、课文主要语言点Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea. | 1)fisherman,渔夫。sailor,水手。2)claim to do,宣称。3)monster,妖怪、怪物。 | Though people have often laughed at stories told by seamen, it is now known that many of these 'monsters' which have at times been sighted are simply strange fish. | 1)laugh at,嘲笑。2)told by seamen用作stories的定语,其完整原形为which/that are told by seamen。3)seaman,海员。相当于sailor。4)it is known that...,众所周知。5)which have at times been sighted用作monsters的定语从句。6)at times,有时。相当于sometimes。7)sight,看见、见到。相当于see。8)simply,仅仅。相当于only。 | Occasionally, unusual creatures are washed to the shore, but they are rarely caught out at sea. | 1)occasionally,偶尔地、偶然地。2)unusual,不寻常的。3)creature,小型动物。注意与beast(四足野兽)的区别。4)wash...to the shore,把...冲上岸。5)rarely,很少。6)out at sea,在远海上。 | Some time ago, however, a peculiar fish was caught near Madagascar. A small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line. | 1)some time ago,不久前。2)peculiar,奇怪的。相当于strange。3)Madagascar,马达加斯加。洲岛国,位于印度洋西部,隔莫桑比克海峡与非洲大陆相望,全岛由火山岩构成。4)powerful,有力的、强壮的。5)pull on the line,咬住鱼线。 | Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made every effort not to damage it in any way. | 1)realizing引导的是伴随状语,表原因。2)no ordinary fish,不是普通的鱼。3)make every effort,竭尽全力。4)damage,破坏、损坏。 | When it was eventually brought to shore, it was found to be over thirteen feet long. It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail. | 1)eventually,最终。2)bring...to shore,把...带上岸。3)bright red,鲜红色。 | The fish, which has since been sent to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist, is called an oarfish. | 1)which引导的是非限定性定语从句修饰先行词the fish。2)注意since在此提前,主要是为了凸显这条鱼被送到了哪里。since后面其实是省略结构,其完整原形应该是:since it was brought to shore。3)where引导的是限定性定语从句,修饰先行词the museum。4)scientist,科学家。源自名词science(科学)。 | Such creatures have rarely been seen alive by man as they live at a depth of six hundred feet. | 1)注意这里的man用来表示全人类,而且要注意不能用复数men来表全人类。2)live at a depth of...,住在水下多深的地方。 |

四、课文摘要A strange fish was caught near Madagascar, where it pulled a small fishing boat miles out to sea, but the fisherman made every effort not to damage it and brought it to shore. The fish was found to be over thirteen feet long and to have a head like a horse. After it has been sent to a museum, it is being examined by a scientist. It is called an oarfish and lives at a depth of six hundred feet. 
五、语用文化桨鱼是鱼吗? 桨鱼(Oarfish),又称皇带鱼,长3-15.2米,分布于太平洋、印度洋、大西洋东部和地中海,深及3,000英尺海洋。桨鱼栖息于800-1000米的深海海域,有时到20-100米的浅水区域活动;单独生活;通常悠游于暗无天日的深海中,喜欢混在鲑鱼或鲱鱼群中活动,因此又称“鲱鱼王”。 桨鱼属于肉食性鱼类,其食物包括各种中小型鱼类、乌贼、磷虾、螃蟹等,尽管它巨大的身躯和丑陋的面孔显得狰狞可怖,但桨鱼的游动速度很慢,也不具备其它带鱼那样杀伤力极强的满口利齿,平时只是头朝上尾朝下漂浮于海底,待猎物流过嘴边时一口吸入,其坚硬的上下颚足以咬碎甲壳类。它们生活在深及800米以下的深海生活,所知道来到海面的桨鱼都是生病或者将死的。不过也有科学家相信它们的生命力很强,即使只剩下前半个身体仍旧能活下去。 许多人认为古代航海者传说中的大海蛇就是来自桨鱼的形象。11月中旬,是桨鱼交配繁殖的季节。每年的这个时候,无数的桨鱼便会从四面八方聚集到南太平洋萨瓦伊岛附近进行集体交配。科学家们至今仍然还没有弄清楚桨鱼是依靠什么方式定位,从而每年都能准确的回到这里来。它们分别围成无数的小团,或几十条一团或一百多条一团,扁平而细长的身体相互扭曲、缠绕裹在一起,在布满珊瑚礁的海底蠕动、翻腾。但是,无论大一点的团还是小一点的团,其中都只有一条雌性桨鱼。而纠缠在它周围的则是其众多的追求者。 

六、学习建议1、注意主动表被动和被动表主动的用法。如: 自行车是被修理的。 再比如: 句中他下定决心是主动的。 