
SA-CME读物 | 马赛克征:病因、鉴别方法与假象(2)

 czxiaoyi 2017-10-04

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 · 第363期 · 

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Etiology 病因学

Small Airways Disease

Small airways are defined as noncartilaginous airways with an internal diameter of less than 2 mm and are located from approximately the eighth generation of airways down to the terminal bronchioles (smallest airways without alveoli) and respiratory bronchioles (airways distal to terminal bronchioles that partake in gas exchange) (12). In normal patients, these small airways are not visible on CT due to their small size (13). However, in certain instances, these small airways may become visible due to underlying disease.

Numerous classification systems have been used to describe small airways diseases based on clinical, imaging, and histologic findings. On a practical basis, small airways disease can be classified as a primary bronchiolar disorder, which includes constrictive bronchiolitis, cellular bronchiolitis, diffuse panbronchiolitis, respiratory bronchiolitis, mineral dust airways disease, and follicular bronchiolitis; bronchiolar involvement in diffuse interstitial lung disease, such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis; and bronchiolar involvement in large airways disease, such as bronchiectasis or asthma (1) (Table 1).

Table 1:  Classification of Bronchiolar Disorders


Terminal bronchus = 终末支气管

Bronchilole = 细支气管

Terminal bronchiole = 终末细支气管 

Respiratory bronchiole = 呼吸性细支气管

Alweolar duct = 肺泡管

Atrium = 房

Alveolus = 肺泡

Alveolar sac = 肺泡囊

alveolar duct = 肺泡管 

ciliated cell=纤毛细胞

serous secretion = 浆液分泌

clara cell = 非纤毛上皮细胞(克拉细胞) 

smooth muscle = 平滑肌

basement membrane =基底膜

interstitium = 间质

Type I pneumocyte = I 型肺泡上皮细胞

Type II pneumocyte = II型肺泡上皮细胞

free alveolar macrophage = 自由肺泡巨噬细胞




表1: 细支气管病变分类

  • 原发细支气管病变

  • 滤泡性细支气管炎

  • 缩窄性细支气管炎

  • 急性细支气管炎

  • 弥漫性泛细支气管炎

  • 呼吸性细支气管炎

  • 矿物尘气道疾病

  • 间质性肺疾病伴显著细支气管受累

  • 过敏性肺炎

  • 呼吸性细支气管炎-间质性肺疾病

  • 脱屑性间质性肺炎

  • 机化性肺炎

  • 大气道疾病累及细支气管

  • 支气管扩张

  • 慢性支气管炎

  • 哮喘

Inflammatory small airways disease can be categorized by the underlying pathologic process. Causes of small airways inflammation are many and include infection (cellular bronchiolitis), cigarette smoking (respiratory bronchiolitis), inhalation of organic or inorganic antigens (hypersensitivity pneumonitis or mineral dust airways disease), and lymphoid hyperplasia (follicular bronchiolitis) (10,14–17). Although small airway inflammation can lead to permanent obstruction of the small airways, it is often a reversible process.

In contrast, the submucosal and peribronchiolar fibrosis of constrictive bronchiolitis leads to irreversible obstruction of the small airways (Table 2) (18). Inflammation and/or constriction or obliteration of the small airways is a common pathologic process and leads to both direct and indirect signs of the underlying disease state (Fig 4) (19).

Table 2: Causes of Constrictive Bronchiolitis




  • 感染后

  • 病毒性

  • 支原体

  • 胶原血管性疾病

  • 类风湿性关节炎

  • 系统性红斑狼疮

  • 系统性硬化症

  • 混合性结缔组织疾病

  • 移植

  • 移植物抗宿主病

  • 同种异体移植

  • 药物性

  • 青霉胺

  • 可卡因

  • 卡氮芥

  • 隐源性

  • 毒气暴露

  • 二氧化氮

  • 二氧化硫

  • 氨气

  • 氯气

  • 光气

  • 双乙酰(爆米花工人)

  • 混合性

  • 溃疡性结肠炎

  • 神经内分泌细胞增生

  • 史强二氏症候群

  • 副肿瘤性天疱疮

图4. Selected pathologic features of small airway obstruction that can lead to mosaic attenuation on CT/ 小气道阻塞的病理征象,在CT上可以引起马赛克征

(a) Photomicrograph from a patient with constrictive bronchiolitis shows obliteration of a small airway due to fibrous tissue (arrows). The adjacent pulmonary artery is normal (*). (Original magnification, ×100; hematoxylin-eosin [H-E] stain.)  缩窄性细支气管炎患者的病理图片,显示小气道因纤维组织(箭)而致闭塞。邻近的肺动脉正常(*)(放大倍数×100,HE染色)

(b) Photomicrograph from a patient with severe asthma shows a membranous bronchiole with hypertrophy of the smooth muscle layer (*) and a few scattered eosinophils (arrows). L = lumen. (Original magnification, ×120; H-E stain.) 严重哮喘患者的病理图片,显示细支气管粘膜呈平滑肌层增生(*),并有少数散在的嗜酸性粒细胞(箭)。L=管腔 (放大倍数×120,HE染色)

 (c) Photomicrograph from a patient with hypersensitivity pneumonitis shows airway-centered chronic interstitial inflammation with narrowing of the airway lumen (arrows) due to submucosal expansion by the chronic inflammatory infiltrates (*). (Original magnification, ×100; H-E stain.) 过敏性肺炎患者的病理图片,显示以气道为中心的慢性间质性炎症伴有气道管腔狭窄(箭),后者由慢性炎症浸润(*)在粘膜下蔓延所致。(放大倍数×100,HE染色)

Pulmonary Vascular Disease

Primary pulmonary vascular disease results in mosaic attenuation due to regional differences in lung perfusion. Mosaic attenuation is most commonly seen in association with pulmonary hypertension, which will lead to enlargement of the pulmonary trunk and remodeling of the right heart, including right ventricular enlargement and hypertrophy (20). Although any cause of pulmonary hypertension can lead to mosaic attenuation, chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) and primary pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) (previously referred to as primary pulmonary hypertension), are the most common vascular causes of this finding (3).

However, mosaicism can also be seen in patients with pulmonary hypertension due to long-standing cardiac shunts (21). Pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease or lung disease and/or hypoxia are less likely causes of a mosaic pattern (21). These can usually be identified at imaging by the presence of ancillary findings (eg, dilated left heart; septal thickening; presence of severe emphysema or fibrosis).

Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) and pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis (PCH) can also lead to mosaic attenuation but are rare and are associated with additional parenchymal findings (discussed later). Vasculitis can also lead to mosaic attenuation, but this is often due to increased ground-glass opacity from areas of pulmonary hemorrhage and is also discussed separately (22).





Ground-Glass Opacity

At CT, ground-glass opacity occurs when there is increased lung attenuation through which the underlying airway and vessels remain visible (23). Diffuse ground-glass opacity is a nonspecific finding with numerous causes (Table 3). In many cases, it may be easy to distinguish the abnormally high-attenuation lung from normal surrounding lung parenchyma, but in other cases differentiation of normal lower-attenuation parenchyma from increased ground-glass opacity can be difficult. However, there are certain findings (discussed later) that can help differentiate between the different causes and narrow the differential diagnosis.

Table 3: Causes of Mosaic Attenuation Due to Diffuse Ground-Glass Opacity



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