1.随性,不足挂齿的小事 Not a problem. 别放在心上。 Any time. 有事随时说。 Don't mention it. 别提了,没关系。 No worries. 别担心,不是大事。 It's nothing. 这没什么。 2.偏正式的感谢 You are truly welcome. 真的很感谢。 With pleasure. 很乐意帮忙。 It's my pleasure. 是我的荣幸。 3.做出贡献时的感谢 I'm happy to help. 能帮上忙我很开心。 Anything for you/ the team/the company. 为你/团队/公司做贡献我很开心。 Anything to make you smile/happy. 只要可以让你笑/开心,我都愿意做。 ▍综合整理:小学英语 ▍编辑:小白 标签:小学英语 口语表达 |