
马术教学课堂 | “我们经常会过多地追求美感与技巧” George H. Morris - 骑乘时的...

 中医知识2016 2017-10-08



















Start with the outside rein, which should open to the outside, maintaining the track at the speed. The inside rein (indirect rein in front of the withers) displaces the horse's weight from the inside to outside shoulder and also bends the neck of the horse. Do not overbend the neck to the inside. The inside leg not only maintains the impulsion, but also bends the horse, while the outside leg goes back about a hand to guard the hindquarters.

It's also good to practice corners. Teach horses and riders to turn using a variety of rein and leg combinations.


Rhythm always must have regularity first. Then it must be coupled with the right amount of impulsion. Extension and speed do not necessarily mean that a horse has sufficient impulsion. In fact, when teaching the 'lesson of the leg' through the whip or the spurs, hold the horse back (half-halt). Impulsion is the horse thinking forward with more animation and higher, more active hind legs.


One must know where a horse's feet are. First, his shoulders and his hindquarters. Through his influences, the rider first must be able to make the horse 'track straight'--left hind, left front, right hind, right front. Then he can understand shoulder-in, haunches-in and half-pass. People are usually so fixated on the head and neck that they forget the whole horse.

'We all tend to drift into gimmicks, fashions and fads.'


It's best for any and every rider to master posting and jumping 'with the motion' before attempting the much more complete ' behind the motion.' Ahead of the motion, 'of course, is never right, but one doesn't often see that anymore. The advantage to riding' with the motion 'is the smoothness and ease for both horse and rider. One is with the horse before he posts ; one is with the jump before the jumps. To differentiate, the rider closes his hip angle, inclines to the front about 30 degrees, and is thrown forward and upward (with the motion).

Riding 'behind the motion,' the rider goes upward and forward, catching up with his horse. His hip angle is open and his upper body is on the vertical. Personally, I like teaching both methods to more advanced riders.

'Our job is to try to maintain a classic line.'


For galloping on straight lines or gradual turns, two-point contact is used (both legs on the horse). For sharper turns and the approach to a jump, three-point contact is used (both legs and the seat). For galloping and jumping, both positions should be practiced. Riders sit down in the saddle too much today, which is bad for their riding and bad for their horse. Good trainers teach the horse self-balance or self-carriage. Teach the horse to go with less-less hand, less leg, less seat.


We all look down too much. Check yourself the next time : I know I look down too much. A good exercise is to look at focal points which you ride. The instructor makes an ideal focal point. It's like driving a car. Keep your eyes on the road.


(Balance) I'm doing a lot of grid work again. No-stride in-and-outs with no stirrups, no reins, no sticks, no spurs. The fences are very low (about 2'6') and the riders quickly develop security, balance, coordination and confidence. We used to do a lot of this work and then forgot it.


If you do a lot of grid work, jumping out of hand (automatic release) for the more advanced rider will be within reach, although it does take practice. This release gives the rider total control. It is a dying art because we are all lazy and depend on the neck of the horse too much for support.

As I've said, these are just some of the point and techniques that I've observed, both here and in other countries, which need to be worked on to improve our riding, teaching and training. We all tend to drift into gimmicks, fashions and fads. Our job is to try to maintain a classic line, no matter what horses we ride and train and no matter whom we teach. Fashions come and go. Style never changes.

George H. Morris:美国著名的马术骑手、教练和裁判员,曾任美国场地障碍国家马术队领队及总教练。1960年罗马奥运会代表美国队获团体银牌。数十次国家冠军队成员,赢得过传统大赛德国亚琛及加拿大卡尔加里的冠军。14岁就成为最年轻的美国国家队冠军。2006年FEI世界马术大会个人和团体银牌,曾带领美国队获得2004年雅典奥运会和2008年北京奥运会团体金牌。他的学生遍及世界各地,取得过不计其数的世界马术障碍赛冠军,其中包括著名的美国骑手 Beezie Madden 和德国骑手 Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum。Morris 还曾被英国马术杂志《马术师实践》誉为世纪骑手,深受马术圈内人士的敬重。

本篇文章由2006—2008北京奥组委马术项目主管 Michelle 编译,旨在将 George Morris 的先进教学经验介绍给中国马业同仁和关注马术文化的大众,原刊载于《马术》杂志2012年8月刊


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