

 situyate 2017-10-27 发布于陕西

1.---How many girls are there in your class?

  ---____________them________over twenty.

   A. A number of; are   B.The number of; are

   C.A number of; is    D.The number of; is

2.My physics teacher told us that the light______faster than the sound.

   A.travel   B.traveled   C.travels   D.had traveled

3.Ms.Wang wants know where there is a good place_____a picnic.

   A.have    B.having    C.to have   D.had

4.The direct questions sound_____than the indirect questions.  

A.    politer  B.more polite  C.most polite  D.less polite

5.My mother_________at six o’clock in the morning every day.

A.woke up me         B.wakes me up 

C.wakes up me        D.woke me up

6.---Can you tell me___________?

   ---With Lucy’s help.

A.when you did it so well    B.when did you do it well

C.how you did it so well     D.how did you do it so well

7.I think________not difficult_________English every morning.

A.at; keep reading          B.it’s;  keep reading

C.that; to keep reading      D.it’s;  to keep reading

8.The more you are_________in English, the better you’ll learn it.

A.interest    B.interesting    C.interests    D.interested

9.Can you tell me_________learn a foreign language well?

A.what to     B.how to    C.what I can    D.how can I

10.The old library will close soon_____people can give some money to support it.

A.if    B.unless    C.because    D.as if

11.__________computer game is bad for your eyes.

A.Playing    B.Play   C.To play   D.To playing

12.---__________the small town is!

  ---Yes,it’s more beautiful than_____town that I visited last year.

A.How beautiful,the       B.How beautifully,the

C.How beautifully,a       D.How beautiful,a

13.---Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?

   ---I don’t mind______.It will be OK if there is sun,sea and beach.

A.where do we go           B.where we go  

C. when we go              D.when do we go

14.They___________France for two years.

A.have gone to              B.have been to

C.have been in              D.have got to

13.    The purpose of this book is______the daily problems of teenagers.

A.to solve    B.solves    C.solve    D.solving

16. Oxford, as we know,________is one of the best universities in the world.    A. that     B./     C.it     D.this

17. Usually, Betty_______in colorful T-shirts in summer.

A.wears    B.is dressed    C.is wearing    D.dresses

18.---Have you mended your shoes,Bob?

  ---Yes,I ________them twenty minutes ago.

A. have mended    B.mend    C.had mended    D.mended

19.He wasn’t_________with the knife. He cut himself.

A.careful enough         B.enough careful 

C.carefully enough        D.enough carefully

20.    _________volleyball is her main focus, she’s also great at basketball.

   A. While    B.Unless    C.Since    D.Because





Dear Cindy,

   How are you ? I had a great time last Monday, June 2th, 2014. It was a traditional Chinese festival____1____Dragon Boat Festival that day.

   This festival is in memory of Qu Yuan, one of the__2____Chinese poets. He killed himself by jumping into the Miluo River on Amy 5th of the lunar calendar, 278 BC. People there rowed the boats ___3__him. But it was too late. They were very sad and then threw ___4____into the river to feed the fishes so that they would stay away from his body.

   __5____then on, every year on this day,people enjoy__6___Zongzi which is made of rice with meat, eggs and so on. In the past we ate it only __7___a year, but now we regard it as our daily food. We can have it any time we like.

   Have you ever __8___the dragon boat race on TV? It is another important 

part of this festival. Several teams row their dragon-shaped boats as ___9_____as they can. The first team to reach the finish line wins.

   If you have a plan to visit China next year, would ____10____like to spend this festival with us?

   Best wishes!

1.     _________  2._________  3._________  4._________  5._________

6._________   7._________  8._________  9._________ 10._________








Watertown is a great place for the family ___1____a vacation. Teenagers want to visit the __2___largest water slides and eat at Uncle Bob’s. A ____3___rock bands play at Uncle Bob’s every night. Kids enjoy the Clown City Cafe. They have organized games and the staff dress up___4____clowns(小丑). There’s also a lot for parents in Watertown. If they love good food, they can find it in the Farmer’s Market__5___the food is ___6___delicious and cheap. While children have fun, their parents can take dance___7___on the beach. And everyone can learn something in Watertown. There ___8___three museums! Teenagers love the ___9____Museum and kids enjoy the Science Museum. And parents can spend many happy hours ____10_____through the History Museum.

1._________  2._________  3._________  4._________  5._________

6._________   7._________  8._________  9._________ 10._________


1. like , to , I , out , for , would , go , walk , a


2. told , him , I , I , would , there , tomorrow , go


3. how , in , the , food , delicious , is , Hong Kong


4. good , I , whether , place , Hangzhou , is , a , to , fun , wonder , have


5. spreads , goes , love , joy , he , and , everywhere , he


6. Correct , it , important , use , to , language , is


7. everyone , learn , can , our , club , something , in


8. where , could , tell , supermarket , me , the , is , you


9. is , life , a , egg , symbol , an , new , of , the


10. to , he , gift , Day , plans , a , for ,father , on ,buy , Father’s , his


11. do , why , you , ask , the , for , teacher ,not


12. or , after , good , class , during , ask , learners , questions , often


13. don’t , how , to ,know , speed , I , my , increase , reading


14. you , learn , do , by , English , an ,using , dictionary



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