
【美国俚语】小心! 那是一条不归路

 RK588 2017-11-08

Slippery Slope: 灾难性的急剧下滑;  不归路

The company started down the slippery slope of believing that they knew better than the customer. 该公司认为他们比顾客更了解情况,而有这种想法注定是要失败的。

Washington's scapegoating of China could take the world to the brink of a very slippery slope. 华盛顿方面找中国作替罪羊,可能会把世界推向灾难性下滑的边缘。

Have you even begun to think what a slippery slope you're on? 你就一点没想过你这是铤而走险?

They made one small error and stepped out on that slippery slope, then tried to cover up that error, cover up that error until eventually they dug themselves a hole they could not get out.  他们都犯了一个小错误,然后就走上了不归路,试图掩盖之前的错误,然后一直掩盖下去,直到最后,他们自掘坟墓,无法自保

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