遠紅外線治療儀,使用時需要那方面的的知識及訓練? 答:遠紅外線治療儀,由於使用方便簡單而且安全、並無副作用,即使照射部位錯誤,頂多是浪費一些時間,並不會造成傷害。所以不需要專業人員來操作。 遠紅外線療法是否會產生輻射線,會不會對人體造成傷害?會不會有副作用? 答:遠紅外線療法所發放之電磁波波長範圍在3-1000微米之間。這與一般人所知的 會造成致癌傷害的「輻射線」差別甚大,俗稱「輻射線」具有很高的能量,會對人體細胞分子造成游離傷害。而且遠紅外線療法之波段已測知的功率均是毫瓦或微瓦級,亦無能量過強之顧慮,所以不會對人體造成任何的傷害。遠紅外線療法是利用同調共振之原理,使細胞活化而產生自然療效。與打針、吃藥將合成物送入體內造成身體的負擔是不同的,因此不會有副作用。 遠紅外線療法是根據那一種醫學理論而產生的? 答:遠紅外線療法,最主要是針對人體「微循環」的改善而產生的。當遠紅外線照射後,經實驗已發現紅血球變形能力及流動性增加,並且紅血球的電泳遷移率增加,因此大幅增加了紅血球帶氧功能,亦即微循環功能得以發揮, 而人體健康與疾病的防治也就在其中了。 遠紅外線療法是否任何疾病皆可使用?哪些疾病較有效果? 答:遠紅外線療法對人體的基本功能,如免疫功能、新陳代謝、神經系統平衡、組織再生等能力有強化補足之明顯效果。近年來經醫學臨床應用實驗,證實在血液透析、問題傷口處理、運動傷害、復健等患者有實質效果。另外,在功能失調有關之疾病、慢性病等,皆能藉由遠紅外線療法,得以改善,甚至痊癒。 使用遠紅外線照射療法時,有那些要注意的事項? 1. 宜避免持續長時間近距離照射眼球, 10-15分鐘為宜。 2. 若有出血情況(包括內出血、咳血或胃出血等等)時,應避免直接照射出血部位。待完全止血後再行使用。 3. 治療中及結束治療三十分鐘內,不宜直吹冷風或沖浸冷水。 4. 使用時,環境溫度應盡量保持穩定。 為什麼遠紅外線照射時,照射部位需要裸露照射? 答:因為遠紅外線其物理性質,並無穿透其他物質的能力,因此照射部位必須完全裸露方能達到效果。 為什麼遠紅外線療法可改善血液透析病患病情? 答:因為利用遠紅外線照射,對血液透析患者,可延長廔管壽命,改善靜脈壓過高,促進血液循環;改善廔管血流不足,預防栓塞形成,減少手術次數。還可以促進排汗功能,減輕腎臟負擔。而遠紅外線效果優於熱敷及烤燈,無燙傷之虞,可避免傷口感染機會。另外,可迅速有效減輕瘀青、血腫及穿刺引起的疼痛。 遠紅外線可以照多深? 答:以往醫學界認為遠紅外線僅可以改善淺層血管功能、促進皮膚表面血液循環,但其 實遠紅外線的作用,能影響到組織深層。主要是由於皮膚細胞吸收遠紅外線的能量之後,引發一連串的生物物理反應,將作用傳達到深層部位。雖然遠紅外線的波長較長,能量較低,對皮膚的穿透性不強,目前已知可直接穿透皮膚深度約0.8mm-1mm,但臨床上已確實觀察到,遠紅外線可對人體產生的正面影響,超過此深度,舉凡腸胃、氣管、神經、深層血管、肌肉和關節等,皆會對遠紅外線產生良好的反應。 遠紅外線越熱越好嗎? 答:一般人容易以熱感來評斷遠紅外線儀器的效果,覺得熱才有效。實際上遠紅外線照射到人體時,除了局部溫度略為升高(不超過40℃)而帶來的溫熱效應外,已有醫學研究證實它的最大特色是「非熱效應」。因此遠紅外線的療效並非越熱越好,相反的,若一味追求熱感而使用溫度過高的熱療儀器,反而有造成傷害的可能。 遠紅外線儀器,功率越大越好嗎? 答:各種電器用品所稱(消耗)功率,一般是指該電器的耗電量,許多國家的醫療主管機關,都有對醫療儀器制定功率上限,以保護使用者安全。其中日本就規定:遠紅外線儀器功率應低於700W。因此,高功率的儀器除了高耗電之外,還可能有危險性的問題,絕非功率越大越好。 為什麼一定要照40分鐘? 答:遠紅外線照射療法屬於低能量療法,需要一段時間的作用累積而能見較好的效果。 已有多篇醫學研究顯示,遠紅外線照射人體,可增加皮膚表面血管的血流量、增加廔管血流量、抑制發炎反應、促進傷口癒合等功效。單次照射時,與30分鐘和 60分鐘相比,以連續照射40分鐘的表現為最佳。所以使用遠紅外線照射療法,每次40分鐘,一天至少一次,並長期使用。 What are some of the procedures or knowledge about using far infrared ray treatment instrument ?
A: Far infrared ray treatment instrument is easy and safe to use. There's no side effect or harm even if irradiate on the wrong body parts, which would only waste some time. Therefore, professional personnel is not needed to operate. Will the far infrared ray therapy generate radiation, can it be harmful to human body? Will there be side effect? A: Far infrared ray therapy generate electromagnetic wave with the wavelength range between 3-1000 microns. Comparing to what we often hear like gamma radiation(which can cause carcinogenic harm), are two different things. Gamma radiation content high energy particles that can damage human cell molecules. The power of far infrared ray wave band has already been test and measured in the range of Milli-watts or Micro-watts, which can not surpass the power of gamma radiation at all. Therefore, it will not cause any harm to the human body. Far infrared ray therapy uses the physical phenomenon called "resonance", to activate the cell and allow its to perform nature efficacy. It's also different from taking medication or flu shot, which the body will go through the burden of breaking down the solution. Again, there will be no side effect. Far infrared ray therapy is based on what kind of medical theory? A: Far infrared ray therapy is mainly focus on improve human body's "micro-circulation". When go through far infrared ray therapy, experiments have found red blood cell's deform ability and increased mobility, And the electrophoretic mobility of red blood cell increased. This substantially increased the red blood cell transport oxygen's ability, which unleash the micro-circulation. This is also where the prevention and treatment of disease comes hand to hand. Can far infrared ray therapy treat any sickness? Which or what sickness is more effective? A: Far infrared ray therapy works on human body's basic function, such as the immune system, metabolism, nervous system balance, tissue regeneration and more have enhanced effect. In recent years by the clinical application of medical experiments, confirmed in hemodialysis, the problem of wound treatment, sports injuries, rehabilitation and other patients have a substantial effect. Also, dysfunction diseases and chronic diseases can use far infrared ray therapy to improve or even cured. When performing far infrared ray therapy, what need to be cautious? 1. Should avoid prolonged exposure to the eye, 10-15 minutes is the appropriate time. 2. If the user is undergo bleeding occur(internal bleeding, hemoptysis or gastrointestinal bleeding, etc), please avoid perform therapy on the bleeding body parts. Perform the therapy when the bleeding is completely stop. 3. When performing and after the therapy, it's recommend not to get direct cold wind blow or bath in cold water. 4. When using the instrument, ambient temperature should be kept as stable as possible. Why remove clothing on the body parts where it need to perform far infrared ray therapy? A: Because of its physical properties of far infrared rays, it does not have the ability to penetrate other substances. So the irradiation body part must be completely bare to achieve the effect. Why far infrared ray therapy can improve the condition of hemodialysis patients? A: Because using far infrared ray therapy on hemodialysis patients can extend the life of fistula tube, improve the stability of venous pressure and promote blood circulation. As well as improve fistula tube blood flow, prevention of embolization formation and reduce frequency of surgery. Not only that, it can also promote perspiration function, reduce the burden for the kidney. Far infrared ray have better effect than the regular hot pad or heat lamp, there's no risk of burns and avoid the chance of wound infection. In addition, it can quickly and effectively reduce the pain that's cause by the bruises, hematoma and puncture. How deep can the far infrared ray irradiates? A: In the past, medical profession believe that far infrared ray can only improve the superficial veins function and promote blood circulation on the skin surface. However, the true is, far infrared ray can reach deeper into the tissues. Mainly due to the absorption of the skin cells on the far infrared ray energy, it triggered a series of biophysical reactions, transmit the effects to the deep parts of the body. Although far infrared ray wavelength is quite long, low energy level and the penetration through the skin is not that strong. It is known to penetrate the skin from about 0.8mm to 1mm, but it has been clinically observed that far infrared ray have positive impact on human body. Surpass the known penetration, far infrared ray can be good for stomach, trachea, nerves, deep blood vessels, muscles and joints. Should far infrared ray the hotter the better? A: Most people like to judge the effect of far infrared ray instruments by the temperature of the heat, believe that the hotter the better. In fact, when far infrared ray irradiates on human body, it only slightly elevated the temperature of the body part (no more than 40 ℃). Its biggest feature has confirmed by medical research is the "non-thermal effect". With that in mind, far infrared ray therapy shouldn't be too hot at all, because if the far infrared ray instruments irradiates high temperature of heat, it can cause injury. Should the far infrared ray instruments have higher power consumption? A: Variety of electrical appliances generally uses the electrical power consumption. In many countries, medical authorities have set limits on the power consumption of medical equipment, to ensure safety for the user. For example in Japan, far infrared ray instruments' power consumption should be lower than 700 watts. Therefore, instruments with high power consumption not only uses a lot more energy, it can also create vulnerable problems. Why must the far infrared ray therapy irradiates for 40 minutes? A: Due to the fact that far infrared ray is a form of low energy wave, it must be continuously use to accumulate the effects in order to see the result. There have been many medical studies show that far infrared ray irradiates on human body can increase blood flow of the superficial vein on the skin surface, as well as the fistula tube. It also inhibit irritation, promote wound healing and more results. With continuous irradiation of 40 minutes have the best result than the one time irradiation, which last between 30 minutes and 60 minutes. So when perform far infrared ray therapy, it's recommend to use at least once a day, for 40 minutes, in long term usage. |