前言: 以前在论坛上写过关于二十世纪的世界建筑的介绍,这是一本朋友送给我的书,在此节选了澳洲部分的一些著名建筑和建筑师来为大家做个介绍。其实澳洲的建筑设计在世界上还是有点名气的,主要是澳洲的建筑更崇尚与自然的协调,而不是去破坏。 上一篇可以点击此处,这是第二篇: 第五章:Newman college, unicersty of Melbourne Newman College, University of Mel, 完成时间1918年,设计师: Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin (堪培拉城的设计者). Walter Burley Griffin (born November 24, 1876 and diedFebruary 11, 1937) was an American architect and landscape architect, who isbest known for his role in designing Canberra, Australia's capital city. He hasalso been credited with the development of the L-shaped floor plan, the carportand an innovative use of reinforced concrete. Influenced by the Chicago-based Prairie School, Griffin wenton to develop a unique modern style. For much of his career Griffin worked inpartnership with his wife Marion Mahony Griffin. In the 28 years of theirarchitectural partnership, the Griffins designed over 350 buildings, landscapeand urban-design projects as well as designing construction materials,interiors, furniture and other household items. 1912年,联邦政府主持了一次世界范围内的城市设计比赛,一年之后,国会从送来的137个版本中,选中了美国著名风景设计师、36岁的芝加哥人沃尔特·伯里·格里芬(WalterBurley Griffin)的方案。这位设计师描绘的堪培拉街道图是他和他的妻子(也是一位建筑师)共同画在一块棉布上的,这份珍贵的原作至今仍保留在澳大利亚国家档案馆。建设中间,经过了因第一次世界大战的停顿,共用了14年,于1927年建成,并迁都于此。后来,又为确定新首都的名字商讨了好长时间,最终选择了当地居民的传统名称--堪培拉,意思是“'汇合之地”,民众又叫做“聚会的地方”。 Walter Burley Griffin(1876年11月24日~1937年2月11日),是一个美国建筑师及景观建筑师,他最著名的就是设计了澳洲的堪培拉城,他也由于参与了L型平面,车库和创新的钢筋混凝土的发展而著名。
格里芬受芝加哥的大草原学派影响,他发展了一个独特的现代风格。他与他太太MarionMahony Griffin在超过28年的合作历史里设计了超过350栋建筑,景观与城市规划的项目。 Newman College 是一个罗马天主教住宅学院,紧邻墨尔本大学。楼主曾经在2004年去过这栋建筑参观,最让我印象深刻的是那个走廊和中间的餐厅,光影变化非常迷人,L型的平面围合着大片的草坪,为师生们提供了一个很舒适的居住环境,笔者当年的个人感觉这是一个大型化的四合院居住环境。 第六章:Grounds House, Mel, VIC Grounds House, 完成于1954, 设计师Sir Roy Burman Grounds Sir Roy Burman Grounds:SirRoy Burman Grounds (18 December 1905 – 7 March 1981), was oneof Australia's leading architects of the modern movement. Born in Melbourne, Grounds was educated at Scotch Collegeand then Melbourne University and worked for the architectural firm ofBlackett, Forster and Craig. In 1932 he won an award from the Royal Victorian Institute of Architects (RVIA) and left Melbourne to work in England and theUSA for two years, gaining exposure to contemporary architectural developments. On his return to Australia, Grounds went into partnershipwith Geoffrey Mewton, and they introduced the international style to Melbourne.Grounds ended this partnership in 1936 and travelled in England until 1939,when he returned to Australia and worked on defence buildings during World WarII. Grounds practised by himself between 1939 and 1942 anddesigned a series of houses and flats (including Moonbria, 1940–41) which established his reputation. After the war, Grounds was involved in setting upthe curriculum for the School of Architecture at Melbourne University andlectured in design. He resumed his architectural practice and became interestedin formal, geometrically based designs. When Grounds, Frederick Romberg and Robin Boyd formed theirpartnership in 1953 all were well established in Victoria. Each brought substantial work to the practice and the firm became very successful. The Shine Dome of the Australian Academy of Science inCanberra. Grounds first large commission was for the AustralianAcademy of Science in Canberra. The construction of its reinforced concretedome was a considerable technical achievement. Opened in 1959, it won the Meritorious Architecture Award of the Canberra Area Committee of the RAIA andthe Sulman Award for Architectural Merit. The Academy building also led toother work in Canberra, initially for the firm and later Grounds himself.Grounds opened a Canberra office in the Forrest Townhouses (1959), which hepartly financed. In 1959 the firm was awarded the commission to design theNational Gallery of Victoria and Cultural Centre, with Grounds named in thecontract as the architect in charge. When Boyd and Romberg were mildly criticalof the preliminary geometric designs that Grounds showed them, relations between the partners became strained. In 1962 Grounds left the partnership, taking the commissionwith him and setting up his own company with Oscar Bayne. Under a building committee chaired by the philanthropist Kenneth Myer, he devoted the nexttwenty years of his life to the completion of the arts center. Hislongest-serving architectural associates throughout this period, which included Monash University's Robert Blackwood Concert Hall, were Alan Nelson, Fritz Suendermann, Lou Gerhardt and Allan Stillman. While the gallery was brought inon time and budget, the complicated Yarra River site for the concert hall andtheater complex resulted in building delays and criticism. Unlike the fate thatbefell Jorn Utzon on the Sydney Opera House project, Grounds managed to hold onto his commission from the Victorian Government despite tumult within hiscompany in the late 1970s. Grounds showed Queen Elizabeth II the massive excavations shortly before his death. Much of the theaters' interior designswere completed by John Truscott. Grounds was awarded the Royal Australian Institute ofArchitects Gold Medal in 1968 and knighted in 1969.[1] In 1969 he was elected alife fellow of the RAIA. One of his last great design successes was Hobart'siconic 18-story octagonal tower that is the main part of the Wrest Point Hotel Casino complex. He died in Melbourne in 1981. In 2010, an original Grounds plan for a library will becompleted at the Moorilla Estate and entrance for the Museum of Old and New Artin Hobart, Tasmania.[2] http://en./wiki/Roy_Grounds 格朗是一个澳大利亚的现代建筑领导者之一,与1932年获得皇家维多利亚建筑师奖。之后去了英国和美国两年,回来澳洲后,为澳洲带来了现代建筑风格。他在1968年获得皇家建筑师协会金奖,并于1969年授勳。 格朗的房子,是一个外方内圆的平面,由一群树木围绕,一个完美的正方形平面,中间一个正圆形的庭院(一个变形了的四合院)。暖色的木质材料装饰,外墙上连续的高窗,内庭的落地高窗,创造出一个非常独特的建筑空间。 第七章:Butterfly house,蝴蝶屋,Mel, 完成时间1955年, 建筑师Peter Mclntyre Peter McIntyre (born 24 August 1927)[citation needed] is anAustralian architect, educator and Practice Director of McIntyre Partnership Pty Ltd. (The practice was founded in 1921 by R.H. McIntyre). Educated at Trinity Grammar School, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and Melbourne University, he founded a practice in 1950that combined modern, high-technology materials with concern for'emotional functionalism' -the impact of the built environment on itsoccupants. His design for an environmentally adapted Mallee Hospital was laudedby critic Robin Boyd as the beginning of a new Australian architecture. Incollaboration with architects John and Phyllis Murphy, Kevin Borland andengineering consultant Bill Irwin, McIntyre designed the Melbourne Olympic Swimming pool in 1952, he was also the architect for the redevelopment of thepool to the Lexus Centre.[1] McIntyre later moved into commercial and townplanning projects. He wrote he 1973 Strategy Plan for the City of Melbourne,which limited high rise development to its eastern and western shoulders. Hismajor projects include Melbourne's Parliament Station, the Jam Factory Complexin South Yarra, the Westfield Knox in Wantirna South and the controlled developments of Dinner Plain alpine village near Mount Hotham, Victoria. He wasthe Professor of architecture at Melbourne University between 1988 and 1992 andhas won numerous awards. His wife Dione is also an architect.[2] 皮特是一个澳洲建筑师,教育家,以及McIntyre公司的董事,他将高科技材料的运用与现代建筑风格相融合,并且在他的设计中,非常强调“情绪功能主义”。他参与了1952年的墨尔本奥运游泳馆设计,也是凌志中心重建的设计师。他还参与了1973年的墨尔本城市战略发展规划。皮特的主要项目包括了墨尔本的议会站,在SouthYarra地区的果酱工厂区还有一些其他的墨尔本商业建筑,并与1988年到1992年之前在墨尔本大学担任教授。 ButterflyHouse,位于Yarra 河的陡峭河岸边,平面图是两个简单的长方形的简单结合,正立面入口是由2个大型的三角形组成,一个锐角三角形作为入口的伸展,一个钝角三角形作为功能区的承载。蝴蝶住宅仅仅能在落叶的季节才能从Yarra河上看到,非常好的与当地自然景观相融合。 住宅是由非常简单的几何图案钢结构作为主要骨架,再辅以复合板材做面料。原来的结构是用非常显眼的红、黄、白作为颜色,现在已经改成简单的灰蓝色和白色。 这栋别墅是成为了战后澳大利亚住宅形式的典范,反映了建筑的理念与三角形的几何形状结构构造。 建筑现在的外观: 房子内部,Peter在厨房 第八章:Featherston house, 完成时间1969年, 建筑师: Robin GerardPenleigh Boyd Robin Gerard Penleigh Boyd CBE (3 January 1919 – 16 October1971) was an influential Australian architect, writer, teacher and socialcommentator. He, along with Harry Seidler, stands as one of the foremostproponents for the International Modern Movement in Australian architecture. 罗宾是一个与哈利。塞德勒一样影响澳大利亚的建筑师,作家,教师以及社会评论员。他是其中一位推动澳大利亚建筑学走向国际现代建筑风格的先锋之一。 很可惜,他的理念并没能给他带来多少的实践机会,他的理念更多的体现在他的著作与教育中。 Featherston house,是罗宾为他的客人所设计的一套住宅。简单开放的空间,根据地形创造出多变的空间形态,完全满足了客人对空间的要求。大面积的玻璃幕墙与玻璃天花板给房子带来了充足的阳光,并把室外的风景引入室内,房子底层的室内花园更是为房子内部带来了绿油油的生机。 内部暴露出来的木结构为房子带来了暖色调的空间,还带来了更多的材质纹理,丰富了空间的纹理感。 2017年的open house 墨尔本好像这间房子也开放给公众参观了。笔者在著名建筑摄影师JohnGollings 的blog 里看到了这张照片: 提醒一下,这个房子已经建于二十世纪60年代,现在看起来还是很漂亮的。