黃思賢醫學博士 收錄於【人體的炁-道與瑜伽】2011年6月初版 如果承認進化論人類在六至八百萬年前左右和猿猴分枝,而人類祖先在二百六十萬年已開始用工具在一百六十萬年前,人類已有用童子頭骨作祭祀儀式的痕跡。 研究冥想的歷史是離不開宗教實踐的關係。 史前古老的文明用反覆而有節奏的聖歌和祭品來奉獻給神。 在公元前一千五百年,“冥想”已記載於印度婆羅門教的古代經典(吠陀)中。 在公元前六百年至五百年左右,中國的道家和印度的佛已開始建樹各種冥想方法。 佛家修練以戒定慧三者為核心。 所以宗教和冥想是有密切關係。 最近天主教會警告信徒,冥想是用來煥發一已,而不是讓一已墮落而被併吞著迷。 各種宗教都有冥想的實踐或練習,如印度教回教道教佛教天主教和基督教等等。 各家冥想離不開身體的姿態脊骨的正直手印,眼的注意力和凝視的程度,咒言等等。 現在人冥想的目的是健康與長壽。 Religion and meditation It is difficult to trace the history of meditation withoutconsidering the religious context within which it waspracticed. At prehistoric time ,older civilieator used repetitive, phythmicchants and offerious to appease the gods. Around 500-600 BC Taoists in china and Buddhists in india beganto develop meditation practices. All Buddhist tradition recognize that the path to enlightenmententals , therefore types of training viretue sila concentrationdhyana and wisdom prana. Religion and meditation have their own close relationship orsynergism. Recenty, roman catholic church cautioned its disciples thatmeditation which should be a fligh from self and should notdegenerate into a form of self acsorption. Meditation has began of the core spiritual practices in manyreligions ,they include Hinduism ,islan Taoism brddnismChristianity and etc. Different spiritual tradition have different practicingtechniques . however, they all stress the physical postures asnanstreightness of spirit the mudra hand- gestures eye focus and gazeand martro. The aim of meditation is for good health and longevity. |