
电影《摩纳哥王妃》(Grace of Monaco)中的三处经典对白(三种颜色代表三个人,黑色代表摩纳哥王子、红色摩纳哥王妃、蓝色牧师)

 chuncuiaz 2017-12-31




Call Hitchcock!Turn him down publicly.We'll make a show of how happy you are here.

That you're permanently retiring from acting.


%为什么? 这是戴高乐要求的吗?  

Why? Because de Gaulle says so?



Because I say so.



 That's not your decision to make



- I'm your husband.



I won't do it, Ray.



I didn't make you marry me.I didn't make you come here.


% 这话实在是太...

 Ray, this is absolutely...



What is it that Hollywood can give you that I can't?


% 只是拍一部电影而已

Ray, it's just a movie.



You were just an actress.



你想过吗? 你不认为戴高乐把这些作为借口 胁迫摩纳哥吗?即使这些借口会搞得你我不和?

你想过这些吗? 没有! 因为你不听别人的话 而且你自己不思考.每个人在你身边都战战兢兢的 而你犹犹豫豫不知该做什么决定




Have you thought that this might not be about a movie?

Have you? Have you thought that de Gaulle is looking for any excuse to take Monaco?

Even if it means turning you against me?



Have you? No! Because you don't listen and you don't think.

Everybody tip-toes around you while you blow this way and that with indecision,

too afraid to say how you really feel and too paralysed with the fear you might just be in over your head.



%你相信有童话吗 塔克?

Do you believe in fairy tales, Tuck?



No,I believe in "happily ever after".


%当我获得奥斯卡奖的时候 你知道我父亲在采访中是怎么说的吗?"我以为得影后的应该是她姐姐佩琪 因为格蕾丝能做的一切佩琪都能做得更好.心底里他是非常生气的.因为我宁愿做演员 也不愿意服从他的安排,我所有的成就... 都令他更加失望


When I won my Oscar, do you know what my father told the press?

"I always thought it would be her sister Peggy because anything Grace could do,

"Peggy could do better."Deep down he was furious.

That I'd rather be an actress than be his ticket in.

Every achievement... was a disappointment.

%所以我从未想过与雷尼尔在一起生活会容易一些,当然 这生活不容易\N{\fs14

So I never thought that living with Rainier would be any easier.

Well, of course it isn't any easier.



But he does love you.



He loves an image of me.



Do you love him?




Tuck...What happens if I get a divorce?


@ ...我觉得我俩都很清楚 离婚后一切就不能挽回了...你的孩子受到的伤害最大,他们是欧洲王位继承人.格蕾丝,而且你也会成为失败的王妃.当人们幻想着嫁入王室的时候,他们往往不能理解这意味着什么,而且对于你来说,你还必须接纳另一种截然不同的文化






Well, I think we both know that you'd never be able to come back here and...

Your children would suffer the most.

They are heirs to a European throne, Grace.

And add to that the fact that you would have been a failure as a Princess.

When people dream of marrying royalty,

they very rarely comprehend what it really means.

And you have to add to that

a culture that's one million miles away from anything you know.



@当你领会了你要扮演的角色时 和平就会到来

And peace will come when you embrace the roles you have been destined to play...


一个乐于奉献的母亲 忠诚的妻子 有怜悯之心的领袖

devoted mother, loyal wife, compassionate leader.


把责任置于自我之上 你会克服你的恐惧

Up against the task, larger than yourself, you will overcome your fear.



Those that preceded you will be forgotten.



Those that follow you will be inspired by your strength and endurance.



For no matter where you are, in years to come,


他们都会永远铭记你的名字 格蕾丝王妃

they will continue to whisper your name: The Princess Grace.



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