-1983 - 茅盾小说 《林家铺子》
26X19.5 cm 1983 安滨 The 'Lin family’ shop, woodcut illustration I 1983 by AN BIN - 茅盾小说《林家铺子》 木刻版画插图之二 26X19.5 cm 1983 安滨 The 'Lin family’ shop, woodcut illustration II 1983 by AN BIN - 茅盾小说《林家铺子》 木刻版画插图之三 27X19.5 cm 1983 安滨 The 'Lin family’ shop, woodcut illustration III 1983 by AN BIN - 茅盾小说《林家铺子》 木刻版画插图之四 30.5X18.5 cm 1983 安滨 The 'Lin family’ shop, woodcut illustration IV 1983 by AN BIN - 茅盾小说《林家铺子》 木刻版画插图之五 27.5X19.5 cm 1983 安滨 The 'Lin family’ shop, woodcut illustration V 1983 by AN BIN == -1984 - 巴金小说 《家》 巴金小说《家》木刻版画插图之一 33X20 cm 1984 安滨 'The Family’ a novel by Bajin, woodcut illustration I 1984 by ANBIN - 巴金小说《家》木刻版画插图之二 29X29.5cm 1984 安滨 'The Family’ a novel by Bajin, woodcut illustration I 1984 by ANBIN - 巴金小说《家》木刻版画插图之三 33X21 cm 1984 安滨 'The Family’ a novel by Bajin, woodcut illustration I 1984 by ANBIN - 巴金小说《家》木刻版画插图之四 33X21 cm 1984 安滨 'The Family’ a novel by Bajin, woodcut illustration I 1984 by ANBIN - 巴金小说《家》木刻版画插图之五 33X20 cm 1984 安滨 'The Family’ a novel by Bajin, woodcut illustration I 1984 by ANBIN - 巴金小说《家》木刻版画插图之六 33X20 cm 1984 安滨 'The Family’ a novel by Bajin, woodcut illustration I 1984 by ANBIN == -1986 - 杨沫小说 《浮尸》 杨沫小说《浮尸》 木刻插图组画之一 20X17cm 1986 安滨 'Floating body’ novel by Yangmo,woodcut illustration I 1986. ANBIN - 杨沫小说《浮尸》 木刻插图组画之二 19X17cm 1986 安滨 'Floating body’ novel by Yangmo,woodcut illustration II 1986. ANBIN - 杨沫小说《浮尸》 木刻插图组画之三 19X17cm 1986 安滨 'Floating body’ novel by Yangmo,woodcut illustration III 1986. ANBIN - 杨沫小说《浮尸》 木刻插图组画之四 20X17cm 1986 安滨 'Floating body’ novel by Yangmo,woodcut illustration IV 1986. ANBIN - 杨沫小说《浮尸》 木刻插图组画之五 20X17cm 1986 安滨 'Floating body’ novel by Yangmo,woodcut illustration IV 1986. ANBIN - 杨沫小说《浮尸》 木刻插图组画之六 18X18cm 1986 安滨 'Floating body’ novel by Yangmo,woodcut illustration VI 1986. ANBIN - 杨沫小说《浮尸》 木刻插图组画之七 20X17cm 1986 安滨 'Floating body’ novel by Yangmo,woodcut illustration VII 1986. ANBIN == -1999 - 余华小说 《在细雨中呼喊》 余华小说《在细雨中呼喊》木刻插图之一 25X31.5cm 1999 安滨 A cry in light rain, woodcut illustration I 1999 ANBIN - 余华小说《在细雨中呼喊》木刻插图之二 25X31.5cm 1999 安滨 A cry in light rain, woodcut illustration I 1999 ANBIN - 余华小说《在细雨中呼喊》木刻插图之三 25X31.5cm 1999 安滨 A cry in light rain, woodcut illustration I 1999 ANBIN - 余华小说《在细雨中呼喊》木刻插图之五 25X31.5cm 1999 安滨 A cry in light rain, woodcut illustration I 1999 ANBIN - 余华小说《在细雨中呼喊》木刻插图之六 25X31.5cm 1999 安滨 A cry in light rain, woodcut illustration I 1999 ANBIN == -1997-2001 - 安滨札记 《贝尔法斯特日记》 安滨《贝尔法斯特日记—大卫与我的奥斯特校园》版画插图之一 38x29.5cm 1997 安滨 David with I and the Belfast campus, A diary of Belfast by AN BIN, woodcut illustration I 1987, ANBIN - 安滨《贝尔法斯特日记—孤独时光》版画插图之二 29.5X38 cm 1997 安滨 Lonely time , A diary of Belfast by AN BIN, woodcut illustration II 1987, ANBIN - 安滨《贝尔法斯特日记—东方圣诞宴》版画插图之三 29.5X38 cm 1997 安滨 A Eastern Feast on Christmas, A diary of Belfast by AN BIN, woodcut illustration III 2001, ANBIN - 安滨《贝尔法斯特日记—东方西方的世界》版画插图之四 35.5X32 cm 1997 安滨 East-west world, A diary of Belfast by AN BIN. woodcut illustration lV. 2001. AN BIN - 安滨《贝尔法斯特日记—Net 的链接》版画插图之五 27.5X21 cm 1997 安滨 Internet world culture connections, A diary of Belfast by AN BIN, woodcut illustration V 2001, ANBIN - 安滨《贝尔法斯特日记—爱尔兰乐队》版画插图之六 37X27 cm 1997 安滨 Irish Musicians in a pub, A diary of Belfast by AN BIN, woodcut illustration VI 2001, ANBIN - 安滨《贝尔法斯特日记—Sunday》版画插图之七 37X27 cm 1997 安滨 Sunday, A diary of Belfast by AN BIN. woodcut illustration VII. 2001. AN BIN