

 卡卡2FM4 2018-03-19


  1. You don't say. 表示惊讶,相当于Really? Isthat really true?

2. Spill out. 本意是“溢出”,也有“倾诉”的意思。Sometimes the easiest way to get somebody to open up is to just be there for them without judgement when they're ready to spill.

3. dupe 骗 或者是 受骗的人 dupe somebody into doing something. 而dork是傻瓜,呆子的意思。

4. Drop the subject. 不再谈此事。当你不想谈某事时你可以说Can we drop this, please?

5. Let it go. 放手吧, 忘了这事吧。当你劝别人忘记某事或者自己不想谈某事时都可以这么说。记得《迷失》完结后,其编剧谈到《迷失》的主题是“Remember,let it go, move on'。铭记、释怀、前行——生活的主题也是如此吧。

6. a-list 重要的,一流的。

7. twist someone's arms 施压,强迫某人做你要他做的事。twist的意思是“扭; 搓; 绞; 缠”,记得《魔兽争霸3》的经典地图twisted meadows(曲折的牧场)吗?twisted mind扭曲的心灵(理),

8. unseemly不适当的(与普遍接受的良好品味之标准不符的)一个很简单很常用却很少中国英语学习者掌握的单词,实际上就是我们平时说的“没品(品德,人品)”。unbecoming也是这个意思,反义词自然是seemly和becoming

9. have a fit 大为恼火 大吃一惊 If yourgirlfriend finds about this, she'll have a fit.

10. mess...up, screw...up, fuck...up 把什么事搞砸。If you fuck up, don't worry, but learn from your mistakes. I'mfucked up!我玩完了!我死定了!而screw around是游手好闲,混日子的意思,也可以指乱搞(男女关系),也可以说fool around。He screwed around and threw his life away.

11. rise from the ashes 死而复生,浴火重生。ash是“灰, 灰烬; 废墟; 骨灰, 遗骸”人走出阴影、困境,或者说地区获得重建,比如地震后的城市,都可以用这个。

12. ditch 本意是“壕沟,沟渠”,口语里是“摆脱”的意思,shake也有这个意思。摆脱讨厌的人或者事,可以说 Ditch thatskunk. skunk本意“臭鼬”。而之前我学过的讨厌的人或者事是nuisance。

13. chew on 回味,体味,深思,细想。I'll giveyou until tomorrow to chew on my offer. chew本来就是“咀嚼,嚼碎”的意思,如chewing-gum口香糖

14. fill one's shoes 成功的替代某人 take the placeof somebody, do as well. 举一个NBA的例子:When Paul Gasol got hurt, the Lakers had nobody to fill hisshoes.

15. prude 过分守礼的人(过分关心自己是否是或显得得体、谦逊或正确的人)形容词是prudish过分正经,装正经。prudent却是一个不择不扣的褒义词,意思是“审慎的; 有先见之明的; 判断力强的”。

16. You should have known it's too good to be true.

17. under (cost) price 赔本 It was sold underprice.

18. How dare you lie to my face?

19. I see a lot of myself in you. 我在你身上看到了我自己的影子。

20. lousy 糟糕的,无用的 lousycommercial; I feel lousy; What lousy weather.

21. lame excuse 站不住脚的借口

22. carried away 忘形的, 失去自制力的 Don't getcarried away.

23. break the (bad) news to 把坏消息告诉

24. chuck (胡乱地或随便地)扔﹑ 抛(某物)Chuckit in the bin! 把它扔进垃圾桶。

25. Don't flatter yourself. 别自以为是。别臭美了。而I'm flattered是“你过奖了”。

26. get even with 与某人扯平,向某人报复。 I'll geteven with him sooner or later.

27. take thebait/rise to the bait/swallow the bait 上当,受骗

28. perv pervert的缩写,意思是“变态,走上邪路的人”

29. let that slide 不追究此事,放任。slide本意是滑,滑动,或者是使什么东西悄悄的,偷偷的移动,格温妮丝帕特洛的代表作《滑动门》的英文就是sliding door。

30. crack本意是“裂缝,或者噼啪的声音”。口语里有solve的意思,如crack a problem, crack a code。还有一个比较常见的是crackup是“身体崩溃,精神垮掉”,如You'll crack up if you go on working so hard.

31. bull有公牛的意思,也是bullshit(胡说八道,放屁)的意思。bullshit也可以缩写为BS,这个从我以前的外教那学的。那次在下没认真听 讲,被那他点起来回答问题。不过在下还是很淡定的说了一通。随后外教在黑板上写了BS两个字,问我们知道是什么意思吗。我们还以为是Bachelor of Science理科学士(Bachelor of Arts文科学士)。I'm so fed up withyour bullshit.我受够了你的废话。

32. gusto 兴致,热忱,爱好。I really admire the gusto with which you aproach your job.

33. widen one'scircle扩大自己的圈子

Leonard:I think we should be good neighbors and invite her over, make her feel welcome.

Sheldon: We never invited Louis/Louise over.

Leonard: Well… and that was wrong of us. Weneed to widen our circle.

Sheldon: I have a very wide circle. I have 212friends on 'MySpace'.

Leonard: Yes, and you've never met one of them.

Sheldon: That's thebeauty of it.

Leonard: I'm gonna invite her over. We'll have anice meal and... chat.

Sheldon: Chat? We don't chat. At least notoffline.

34. grip 本意是“抓紧,紧握”。口语里经常用get togrips with意思是“开始迎接挑战,难题等”。get a grip/hold on oneself是恢复自制,更好应对的意思。

35. You seem to know your stuff. 你似乎很了解你的领域。

36. If you need anything. 有什么需要的话,尽管叫我。完整的应该是If you need anything,please tell me/let me know. Any time也是有事尽管说的意思。别人对你说Thankyou,你就可以说Any time.

37. I'm your man. 我是你的朋友。Well, whatever you need, I'm your man. Just name it.

38. hang in there 坚持住,挺下去。

39. fix有“固定”的意思,也可以是“修理,确定”。出了什么乱子,你得Fix it。也经常看到fix up(安排)Let me fix up a time thatsuits everybody. Can you fix me up with a bed for thenight?

40. live on the edge edge是边缘,刀锋的意思,自然这个词组的意思是处在危险中,生活的边缘。

41. For the last time. 在口语中单独用,表示你不耐烦了。

42. do the trick 起作用,有效,获得成功。

43. It sucks. 这太糟糕了,太没经劲了。反义It rocks.

44. go easy on somebody. 对某人宽大,悠着点,放放水。

45. spooky 令人毛骨悚然的,有鬼一样的

46. live from paycheck to paycheck 月光族的生活方式(盼着下个月的支票的到来)

47. break the bank 形容什么东西很贵 My vacation in Hawaii broke the bank.

48. max out somebody's credit card刷爆某人的信用卡

49. brush off/away/aside he brushed off our objection.他无视我们的反对。

50. click本意是咔哒声,口语中有合得来,一见如故的意思。We met on holiday, and just clicked immediately. 而在This movie really clicked with the young audience. 是受欢迎的意思。

51. push around 颐指气使指使 盛气凌人的对待

52. come on to 对某人轻薄,吃某人豆腐 Jane slapped Tom when he came on to her.

53. yummy 是舒适,愉快的。最熟悉的应该是吃到什么美食时可以说Yummy! 不过yummy还有漂亮,美丽的意思。还可以做名词,意思是美女。

54. hands-off 不插手,不干涉,有顺其自然的意思。When it comes to raising my child, I take a hands-off approach. 这个词组非常形象,因为Take your hands off me.就是把你的手拿开的意思。

55. laid back 作为放松,悠闲的意思相信大家经常见到,如She always seems so laid back.她总是看上去那么悠哉。除此之外,laid back 还可以指人脾气好,对事情不计较,如He's so laid backso nothing irritates him.

56. Beats me 如字面的意思,就是把我考到了,我不知道的意思。相当于I have no idea. I don't dig it. This is over my head. I'm lost.

57. Gag me with a spoon.用勺子顶住喉咙,当然感到恶心,想吐,所以这个表达的意思是让人感到恶心,粗野下流的。

58. alive and kicking 活生生的,精力充沛的 I'm still alive and kicking.

59. have a cow 大发脾气 Don't have a cow.别发那么大的脾气。或者是 别大惊小怪。 havekittens也是这个意思。

60. Jazz ... up 使有活力,使有趣一些。He tried to jazz the meeting up with some jokes.

61. love handles 腰间的赘肉 You'd better lose those love handles.

62. My hands are tied. 我素手无策,我无能为力。

63. If you snooze, you lose. 如果你不注意,你就错失良机(失败)。非常形象的一个表达,snooze是打盹,打瞌睡。举个例子 Internet is developing by leaps and bounds. if you snooze, youlose.

64. Knowck it off = cut it out = stop it. 让别人停止做正在做的事或者让别人住嘴。

65. What's eating you? I bombed in the final exam. 有什么烦心事?

66. Here's the deal. 你看这样好不好,你看这样行不行?Here's the deal:I'll buy all of them for 40% discount.

67. My ass! 表示强烈质疑,类似中文的“。。。才怪”,加在一句话后面就可以了。如A: I won't be late again. B: You won't be late again, my ass.

68. sharp 本意是锋利,也是知道的夏普品牌名。口语中sharp有帅气,聪明的意思。如:That's a really sharplooking suit. He is a sharp lawyer.

69. kill somebody 可以指什么东西让你感到厌恶,如Stop singing! It's killing me. 也有狂胜的意思,类似中文中的狂虐,蹂躏对手的意思。

70. sneak into 悄悄进入

71. bust my ass/butt 努力工作如:Everyday, I bust my ass so my family can live well. 还有一个类似的习语是work my fingers to the bone 意思是工作努力人都瘦了,虚弱了。想象一下用手指都可以触摸到骨头了,足够消瘦了吧。

72. She's totally buying it. 经常在电影中听到这个用法,意思就是她完全相信了,这里buy就是believe的意思。如:He said he could help meget a job at his company but I don't buy it. He doesn't have that muchinfluence.

73. ladies man 有女人缘的男人 My brother is a good-looking guy and a smoothtalker. Really he's kind of a ladies man.

74. That was a bad line. 表示对异性示爱的话说的不好。比较飘逸的用法,看两个例子吧。He didn'tgive her his phone numbers because she used the terrible lines.(不合意) I'm not good at meeting girls because I don't have any pick up lines.(不会说话,不会花言巧语)

75. hone one's skills 提高技能, 相当形象的用法。hone是磨刀石,或者磨锋利的意思。 Owning my own computer gives my the chance to hone mycomputer skills.

76. take your pick 随你挑,随你选。

77. keep my edge 保持好的状态类似的用法还有stay sharp 如: I have to speakEnglish everyday to keep my edge. lose one's edge就是不在状态,状态不好的意思。If Kobe Bryant doesn't pratice that hard, he'll lose his edge.

78. Don't be a baby! 别发牢骚。别抱怨。别太孩子气。Don't be a baby. Go talk to your boss. 别跟我发牢骚,去跟你老板谈。

79. play chicken 互相威胁(吓退对方),(以极快的速度开车到快相撞才刹车)以试胆量。这里chicken不是小鸡,也不是小妞的意思。chicken有儿童的试胆比赛的意思。这个意思可以从chicken有胆小,害怕的意思衍生出来。

80. get over 忘记,克服,从阴影中走出来


81. dwell on dwell有居住的意思 dwell on 是细想,详述某事。Don't dwell on my pastmistakes.

82. fill somebody in 告知某人最新的情况,消息,内幕如果你听过Craig David当初那首水银泻般的R&B歌曲Fill me in,你就应该记住这个表达了。

83. edgy 紧张,焦虑,不耐烦。edge是边缘,总呆在边缘,自然会神经质了。He's been a bit edgylately, waiting for the exam/interview result. She's always been an edgytype of person.

84. tell on 告发告密 告状 Give back my toy, or I'll tell (your dad) on you.

85. I'm at a loss for words. 不知道说什么,无话可说,哑口无言(不是只能用在糟糕的情景的)。This isthe best gift I have ever received. I'm at a loss for words. She's so gorgeous.I'm a loss for words. How could you accuse me of stealing? I'm at a loss forwords.(我无语)

86. turn over a new leaf 重新开始,改过自新。

87. have a hunch on 对什么有预感 hunch 有把什么弯弓状(弯背,耸肩)如:Stand straight. Don'thunch your shoulder. hunchback是驼背的意思。

88. whacked out 精神失常,非常疯狂 She's whacked out. Don't get whacked out.

89. make up with 与。。。和好

90. make it up to somebody 弥补,补偿某人

91. Ready to roll? = Are you ready to go?

92. Just my luck! 真倒霉。我总这么背。

93. beat somebody to the draw 比某人抢先一步,draw有平局的意思看,这样这个表达就好记了。

94. Make yourself useful. 当某人很闲,很懒散,很颓废,用这句话说这人就很到位了。

95. the order of the day 最重要的事 order有次序的意思,可以理解为最先要做的事自然是最重要了。We won't start shooting for a mouth. Now, learning your role is theorder of the day. 还有一个月开拍,熟悉你的角色是目前最重要的事。

96. Do you have any pull? =Do you have any connection?=Do youhave any juice? 你有没有什么关系?

97. mouse 意思是老鼠时复数是mice,是鼠标时复数是mouses

98. nearsighted是近视;shortsighted是短视,无远见

99. shot in the neck居然是喝醉酒的意思。我只知道I'm stoned/wasted有喝得烂醉的意思。另外have a turkey on one's back也有喝醉了的意思,还可以指吸毒成瘾。

100. teacher's pet 不是老师的宠物,而是老师钟爱的学生

101. a man of means是指事业有成,有钱的人。虽然mean有小气,刻薄的意思,但是means是工具,手段的意思,一个有手段,门路的人自然是有钱人啦,俗话说,有钱能使鬼推磨嘛。

102. too many irons on the fire 忙不过来的意思。想象一下好多熨斗等着你用的情景吧。

103. I'm not brown enough. 当金发女这样说的时候意思是:我不够精明。一般美国人认为金发女波大无脑,而棕发的精明能干。联系《绝望主妇》中的几位角色想象一下,或者想一下《迷失》中的雀斑女吧。

104. spring chicken 字面意思就是小鸡,中文说的童子鸡。口语中指不经世事的年轻人,有时带贬义。She's no spring chicken. 她人老珠黄(青春不再)或者她不再是黄毛丫头。

105. egghead 这个在以前VOA的流行美语中也接触过,意思是知识分子,书呆子的意思,带有轻蔑的意味。

106. john 有厕所的意思大家知道吧。他在厕所里就是He's in the john.

107. put one's best foot forward 全力以赴 关于put这个的有不少习语,如put one's cards on the table就是摊牌的意思;putone's foot down是坚决反对的意思,记得在Linkin Park的哪首歌里就有这个表达。

108. sugar daddy 就是对年轻女子出手阔绰的年长人士(通常为了换取SEX)

109. get the boot是被解雇,也可以说give somebody the boot,boot是靴子,是不是很形象呢?还可以说get the sack和give somebody the sack。sack有粗麻袋的意思,跟中文的打包走人是不是很像?

110. dress code 就是着装规定

111. nickel-and-dime 字面意思就是分分角角,意思就是琐碎,不值钱,也可以用做动词。

112. out to lunch有出去吃饭的意思,但口语中也可以指人心不在焉,做白日梦 inattentive, daydreaming

113. get with it!跟上时代,潮流,事情的状况,进展吧!

114. carry the ball 负责任,担任要职,起主要作用

115. What's cooking? = What's happening? = What's up? 跟做饭没有任何关系,比如What's cooking with the kids?

116. Leave well enough alone. 不要画蛇添足

117. Get out! 口语中可以表示吃惊,意思是怎么可能?相当于No way!

118. chicken leg 鸡腿?NO,小心了,口语中可以指妓女的腿。

119. I was not born yesterday. 我又不是小孩子了,别忽悠我。

120. have a ball 玩的非常开心 enjoy oneself very much

121. work like a horse/dog都是勤奋工作的意思,不过look like a dog是指人很ugly了。

122. naughty是淘气的意思相信多数人都知道,问题是中文的说小孩naughty不一定带贬义,常常是指小孩很好动(用active),而英文中naughty是指小孩爱惹麻烦,不听话。另外天生调皮是naughty by nature。

123. I got the short end of the stick. 这是我遇到的最糟糕的情况了。

124. Tough luck, but shit happens. 当你遇到倒霉事,烂事都可以这样说。记得《阿甘正传》中就有这句台词,Eminem的说唱组合D12有一首歌名字是shit can happen。大爱的一句英语,长期霸占在下的魔兽ID。

125. People have dirty looks on their faces. 脸很臭,拉的很长。比如堵车了,大家的反应基本都这样吧。

126. I don't give a shit/damn/fuck. 我不在乎。听了RAP还不会这个的可以去面壁了。

127. Cut/give me some slack. 放我一马吧。

128. Get off my back. 字面上是从我背上下来,意思就是别烦我Leave me alone, 还有get out of my face也是让人走开,别烦我的意思。

129. You're getting on my nerves. 你把我惹毛了。

130. I have a hard time with my girlfriend. 我跟我的女友关系不好。Don't be so hard on me. 别对我这么凶。还有一个很常用的就是No hard feelings. 当你说一些可能会冒犯,让人生气的话事,比如你就事论事的指出对方的错误,不足,你可以这么说,相当于No offence.

131. Does that ring a bell? 想起来了没?有没有帮你想起来什么? 这个表达是不是经常在电影里听到呢?

132. pull it off 成功做成什么事。这个真的是太常见了。

133. smoking hot 非常性感。舞魅天下中的评委尖叫玛丽特别喜欢用这个表达。

134. turn the table 扭转局面,反败为胜。这个表达是我在动画片《灌篮高手》的贴纸上学到的,疯狂漫迷,哇咔咔~

135. He's wearing two hats. 身兼两职。

136. Take it with a grain of salt. 对某事不全信,持怀疑态度。

137. You're in for a treat. 意思是You'll like it. 这个意思用的还真不好联想记忆的。

138. skeleton in the closet 不可告诉人的丑事。说实话尽管这个表达接触过很多次,但是是Eminem的歌才真正让我掌握会用。

139. No skin off my nose. 不关我的事。

140. throw the book at somebody 给。。。最严厉的惩罚。大家可以想象一下一本书的法律都被违反了,自然要严惩了。给个例句:The police threw the book at him after he was convicted of drunk driving.


141. change dress 除了换衣服,也有调职的意思。

142. eagle eye 锐利的目光,目光锐利的人

143. catch somebody red-handed 某人做坏事被逮个正着

144. cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴

145. a smooth talker 油腔滑调的人

146. He's brown nosing. 他在拍马屁。阿谀奉承

147. What's the damage?不是说损伤多少,而是问对方需要支付多少钱。

148. He has the ball at his feet. 他很有机会成功,看好某人时可以这么说。而You're on the ball的意思是认为某人工作做的又好又快。

149. order please! 有两个意思,一是点菜,二是安静。

150. pilot 除了飞行员的意思外,有试验性的意思。如Pilot TV是试验性节目,看收视率决定是否继续做下去。很多美剧,日本TV动画都是这样的。

151. She's at a better place. 她上天堂了。别当成她去了更好的地方的意思了,否者就。。。

152. twenty-second 注意这里有连字符号,second后面也没有变复数,因此不是二十秒的意思,是第二十二,也可能是一个月的22号。

153. stood somebody up或者be stood up 放某人鸽子,某人被放鸽子。

154. body shop 身体保养品的店

155. You can have it. 意思是No, I don't want it.

156. Watch the tube. = Watch TV. tube除了管子,地铁之外也有显像管的意思。

157. dressed Turkey褪毛的火鸡

158. Let me sleep on it. 让我回家想想,明天答复你。

159. out cold 陷入昏迷,失去知觉,可以用来指上课打瞌睡。

160. No horse play in the house. 不要在房间里乱跑。

161. put the cart before the horse 本末倒置,因果颠倒

162. get out of bed on the wrong side 指从早上起来心情就不好。

163. Monkey see, monkey do.有样学样

164. have bats in the belfry. belfry有教堂顶楼的钟楼的意思。这个表达是指人crazy, eccentric的意思。

165. a pie in the sky不是天上掉馅饼,尽管意思类似。是说难以实现的目标,类似中文的空头支票。

166. short taxi 从飞机登记大厅到跑道间的短途滑行

167. a one-man show 这个非常好理解,指靠一个人或者几乎一个人搞定的事。

168. shut up and keep talking 说到重点上来

169. run and tell that 把话传出去,让别人都知道

170. teacher's pet 老师喜欢的学生(贬义)She's teachers' pet. No wonder they give her good marks.

171. take a cat nap 打个盹了 I'll take a cat nap after lunch.

172. up in the air 悬而未决的,尚无定论的。Let's leave this question up in the air until next week.

173. face the music 做了错事勇于承担后果

174. blow away 让人大吃一惊;让人兴奋,快乐;杀害,枪杀;彻底击败,大胜

175. STATK = stop talk。ASAP= as soon as possible

176. keep your eyes peeled 用心仔细观察

177. white meat 白肉(鸡胸肉,小牛肉,猪肉)而黑肉(如鸡腿肉)是dark meat,不是black meat。

178. shake a leg 用来催促家人,朋友动作快点

179. no great shakes 不出色,平庸(mediocre)。This movie is no great shakes. The story is mediocre and acting was just so-so.


180. keep the power dry 有备无患。原意是保持火药干燥,随时准备迎战的意思。

181. take a powder 逃之夭夭

182. take the pledge 发誓戒酒

183. cool out/chill out 两个意思:1. 冷静 calm down;2. 放松 relax

184. have a crush on 爱上,恋上,喜欢上

185. any minute 随即,马上。The boss will be here any minute.

186. knock up 美国口语中指让某人怀孕,如电影《一夜大肚》的英文是Knocked up。但是在英国,knock up有wake up的意思,还有把某人累垮,筋疲力尽的意思,如Don't knock yourself up trying to finish the job.

187. That's a good question. 这个相信大家也经常听到,如电影《录取通知》中就有。这个表达跟actually, basically, to tell you the truth, well等表达一样,是当你不知如何回答时,用来拖延时间的。不要频繁使用比较好。

188. crunch time 关键时刻 如:It's crunch time for Lakers, one more score will secure the victory.

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