

 DonaldKing2589 2018-03-25



发展基金 – 每笔 2,500英镑,用于资助艺术家或艺术机构成员对合作机构进行为期十天的访问交流。

校友基金 – 每笔 2,500英镑,用于资助两年内获得过"中英文化连线"项目支持的申请者继续之前的访问交流合作。






UK-China Connections through Culture Grants

Running for nearly a decade, Connections through Culture is a long-term programme to develop exciting cultural collaborations between artists and arts organisations, supporting long-lasting relationships between China and the UK.

The programme offers support, information, advice, networking opportunities and development grants to artists and arts organisations in China and the UK.

What does Connections through Cultures offer?

Professional Development Grants (£ 2,500)

A limited number of small grants to enable artists or members of arts organisations to visit their counterparts in China or the UK for up to ten days, to develop projects, exchange skills or see others' work. Grants are offered four times each year.

Alumni Grants (£ 2,500)

A limited number of small grants for previous Connections through Culture alumni to access follow-up funding to initial visits - starting in April 2017. These grants are only available to alumni who received initial grants in the last 2 years, and are designed to be strategic grants to further facilitate collaboration and partnerships. Grants are offered four times each year, in line with the Professional Development Grant rounds.

Details of the next 4 rounds:

23rd Round (Visits from July 2017 to September 2017)

- Applications open: Monday 3 April 2017

- Application deadline: Friday 5 May 2017

- Results out: Monday 5 June 2017

24th Round (Visits from October 2017 to December 2017)


- Applications open: Monday 3 July 2017

- Application deadline: Friday 4 August 2017

- Results out: Monday 4 September 2017


25th Round (Visits from January 2018 to March 2018)

- Applications open: Monday 2 October 2017

- Application deadline: Friday 3 November 2017

- Results out: Monday 4 December 2017


26th Round (Visits from April 2018 to June 2018)

- Applications open: Monday 1 January 2018

- Application deadline: Friday 2 February 2018

- Results out: Monday 5 March 2018



For more information, please visit




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