

 DonaldKing2589 2018-03-25



Words are woven into Don Graham's bloodline. He's the CEO of Graham Holdings, which today owns test prep and online education company Kaplan. His own career has been wide and varied and includes serving in Vietnam, as well as a year and a half stint as a Washington D.C. policeman. Don Graham took a few moments to chat about his reading with Fortune. The following are edited excerpts.

How do you make time to read?

Reading is one of the great pleasures of my life. I read more when I'm on vacation or when I'm traveling or on weekends, but I've always read a lot.

What's your favorite guilty pleasure read?

George Pelecanos's detective novels. Lots of cities have a local mystery writer and Pelecanos is the one for D.C. He wrote and directed a few of the episodes of The Wire. Forty years ago I was a cop in D.C. …some of his books take place at the same time, he gets down the interaction between police and citizens really well. He's a really good writer.
乔治·佩雷卡洛斯的侦探小说。很多城市都有一名神秘的当地作者,而佩雷卡洛斯便是华盛顿特区的那位。他写过书,并担任过电视剧《火线》(The Wire)其中几集的导演。40年前,我曾是华盛顿的一名警察……他的有些作品也是以这一时期为背景的。他对警察和平民之间的互动描写的特别好。他的确是一名好作家。

What was your favorite book when you were a child?

The Winnie-the-Pooh books, Dr. Seuss's Horton Hatches an Egg. John R. Tunis's baseball novels. He was the New York newspaperman of the day. They told stories that just hit me in the right way at that age. I read the Pooh books to my kids again.
《小熊维尼》系列、苏斯博士的《Horton Hatches an Egg》、约翰·突尼斯的棒球题材小说。他曾是纽约最佳新闻记者。对于当时的我来说,他们所讲述的这些故事非常有吸引力。我也把《小熊维尼》的故事读给我的孩子们听。

What book has had the most influence on you?

When I was in my early 20s a friend sent me a book by a historian Robert Conquest, The Great Terrorone—one of the first attempts to write a history of the Stalin regime. My dad was a WWII vet. I had a grown up learning about WWII, but I did not understand who Stalin was and what he stood for. The Great Terror changed the way I thought about a lot of things.
在我20岁出头的时候,一位朋友给我寄了本历史作家罗伯特·康科斯特写的《The Great Terrorone》,这是首批描述斯大林统治时期历史的书籍之一。我父亲是二战退伍老兵。在成长过程中我了解了不少有关二战的历史,但是我并不清楚斯大林的为人以及他所代表的一切。《The Great Terror》改变了我对很多事情的看法。

What's one leadership book everyone should read?

There are so many. In addition to my mother's book, Churchill's Marlborough: His Life and Times. It's about Churchill's ancestor who has to build a coalition against the French, who had conquered most of Europe. It's Churchill's best book, which is saying something. A great leader writing about a great leader.

(来源:《财富》 编辑:丁一)

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