

 静雅轩345 2018-04-07

BBC听力_20180406 来自BBC英语听力 02:15

This is him out in Saudi. Running ahead of everyone in the desert. It's quite a poignant picture for me actually. He' running out there, ahead of everyone, on his own. What made him great, but also what got him into trouble in the end. My memories of my dad growing up are just building staff together. Birdhouse. Sandpits. And this is the barbecue he built, and all of us jostling to be the one to light the flames. Dad was a construction engineer. And he was used to building hospital, bridges, waterparks.

My nephew Seth is obsessed with train building, so I think the engineer talent might have skipped a generation. You know he had pretty regular contact, it was before so the WhatsApp. So we used to sit down and write him a letter once a fortnight. And he'd write back and then he'd visit as often as he could. He called me up one day saying he'd had the worst year of his life. He had been diagnosed with some kind of heart condition. And then he said, 'there's other stuff as well...' But he was...said, 'I'll tell you about it when I get back. I want to move back to the UK. I've had enough out here'. I mean that's about as much as he'd normally open up. Found out he'd been misdiagnosed and actually he had lung cancer. And it was, it was quite late stage and it spread. We had no idea really you know what he'd been doing with his time or money or anything like that.



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