

 张問骅 2018-04-10

Q: How many children did J.S. Bach have? 

A: Loads. Here’s what we know.




209 surviving church cantatas, dozens of concertos, countless organ preludes and fugues. And 20 children. J.S. Bach was a very busy man.


Johann Sebastian Bach, with his wives Maria Barbara (m. 1707–1720) and Anna Magdalena (m. 1721–1750) fathered 20 children over his lifetime. His first was born in 1708 when Bach was 23, with his last coming into the world in 1742, when the composer was 57. Sadly, only ten survived through to adulthood.

Maria Barbara 

约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫和他的两位夫人,玛利亚·巴巴拉(Maria Barbara 婚期1707–1720)和安娜·马格达莱纳(Anna Magdalena 婚期:1721–1750)一生共养育了20位子女。巴赫170823岁就有了他的第一个孩子,并于1742年诞下了他最后一位子嗣。

Anna Magdalena

The Bachs were always a musical family with a house full of instruments – and Johann Sebastian was always keen to compose pieces for his wife, children and the community they lived in. 


Here they are, in order of their birth. It's a long list – there's a lot of musical talent, many fascinating stories, and tragedies for the family as well...



1. Catharina Dorothea Bach (1708 – 1774)

第一:凯瑟琳娜·多萝西·巴赫(Catharina Dorothea Bach 1708-1774年)

Bach's first born child. Composing wasn't an option for women in those days but Catharina excelled as a singer and often helped her father with his work.


2. Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710 - 1784) 

第二:威廉·弗里德曼·巴赫(Wilhelm Friedemann Bach1710- 1784年,德国作曲家,管风琴家) 

J.S. Bach's eldest son with his first wife, Maria Barbara. Wilhelm followed in his father's footsteps and became a composer. J.S. Bach even wrote Wilhelm a graded course of keyboard studies, called the Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. Thanks to his intensive musical training, Wilhelm went on to become an organist and taught none other than Johann Gottlieb Goldberg, the man whose name is immortalised in the great Goldberg Variations. 

他是J.S.巴赫与第一位妻子玛利亚·巴巴拉(Maria Barbara)的长子。威廉步其父亲的后尘成为了一名作品家。J.S.巴赫给威廉写了一套键盘乐器学习分级课程,叫《威廉·弗雷德曼·巴赫钢琴书》(Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach)。得益于他在音乐上的强化训练,威廉成为了一名管风琴家。他还教了唯一一位学生约翰·戈特利布·哥德堡。他的名字也随着著名的哥德堡变奏曲千古流传。

3 & 4. Johann Christoph Bach and Maria Sophia Bach (Born and died in 1713)

J.S. Bach's third and fourth children, twins, were born on 23 February 1713 when Bach was 28. Johann Christoph lived no longer than a few hours after his birth, and his sister died a few weeks later, around the 13 March 1713.

第三和第四:约翰·克里斯托弗·巴赫(Johann Christoph Bach)和玛丽亚·索菲亚·巴赫(Maria Sophia Bach)都于1713年出生并在同年死亡

5. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714– 1788)

第五:卡尔·菲利普·埃曼努埃尔·巴赫(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach 1714-1788年)

Arguably the most gifted of J.S. Bach’s offspring, C.P.E. Bach was a highly original composer of symphonies, keyboard and choral music.  Building on the Baroque training he learned as a boy, he became one of the foremost clavier players in Europe (after studying for a degree in law). His Essay on the True Art of Keyboard Playing established him as the leading keyboard teacher of the time.  He formed a musical bridge between the Baroque and Classical eras. “He is the father, we are the children,” Mozart said of C.P.E. Bach. 

有争议认为他是J.S.巴赫的后代中最有天赋的一位。C.P.E.巴赫是一位创作交响曲、键盘和合唱音乐的极具独创性的作曲家。他从小受到巴洛克式的训练,(在攻读法律学位之后)他成为了欧洲一流的键盘演奏家。他的论文《真正的键盘弹奏艺术》(the True Art of Keyboard Playing)的发表使他成为当时最有前瞻性的键盘乐器老师。他为巴洛克时期和古典时期建立起了一座音乐之桥。莫扎特说起C.P.E.巴赫时认为“他是父亲,我们都是孩子。”


C.P.E. Bach’s position as court musician to Frederick the Great also included the task of providing accompaniment on the keyboard for the king’s flute solos. Frederick believed himself to be a much better flautist than he was and often took liberties with the tempo. At the end of one royal performance, a delighted sycophant exclaimed, “Your Majesty, what rhythm!” C.P.E. Bach is said to have muttered under his breath, “What rhythms!”

C.P.E.巴赫是腓特烈大帝(普鲁士国王)的首席音乐家,他也为国王的长笛独奏担任键盘伴奏。腓特烈大帝认为自己是一个比他演奏得更好的长笛演奏家,常常使用自由节奏。在一次皇室演出结束,有谄媚者呼喊:“国王陛下,多么美妙的韵律啊!”C.P.E.巴赫也轻声低语“这样的真是无与伦比” !

6. Johann Gottfried Bernhard Bach(1715 - 1739)

Johann Gottfried Bernhard BachJohann Gottfried was born on 11 May 1715 and, as was the case with his brothers, went on to become a professional musician. Unlike them, however, he didn't have the opportunity to go to university, and secretly abandoned his musical career in order to study law. He died at the tender age of 24.

第六:约翰·戈特弗里德·伯恩哈德·巴赫(Johann Gottfried Bernhard Bach 1715-1739年)


7. Leopold Augustus Bach (1718 - 1719)

Born on 15 November, Bach's seventh child lived for ten short months, and was buried on 29 September 1719. His godfather, a prince, also named Leopold, employed Bach as Kapellmeister between 1717 and 1723.

第七:利奥波德·奥古斯塔斯·巴赫(Leopold Augustus Bach  1718- 1719年)


8. Christina Sophia Henrietta (1723 - 1726)

第八:克莉丝汀·索菲亚·亨丽埃塔(Christina Sophia Henrietta  1723- 1726)

After Bach's wife Maria Barbara died, he went on to marry Anna Magdalena Wilcke. Their first daughter was born in 1723, the same year Bach signed a contract to become the Thomaskantor in Leipzig, but died three years later.


9. Gottfried Heinrich Bach (1724 - 1763)


It's thought Gottfried was mildly mentally handicapped in some way, signs of which were picked up from an early age. Luckily he had plenty of supportive siblings: C.P.E. Bach said his younger brother showed a 'great genius, which failed to develop'.

第九:戈特弗里德海·因里希·巴赫(Gottfried Heinrich Bach  1724 – 1763年)


10. Christian Gottlieb Bach (1725 - 1728)

第十:克里斯蒂安·戈特利布·巴赫(Christian Gottlieb Bach  1725 – 1728年)

Another tragically short-lived son, Christian Gottlieb only survived three years. He died on 21 September 1728.


11. Elisabeth Juliana Friederica (1726 - 1781)

1726 marks a year of joy and tragedy for the Bach family – just two months after Elisabeth was born, her elder sister Christiana died at the age of three. Elisabeth, however, survived into adulthood, and went on to marry one of her father's pupils, German organist Johann Christoph Altnikol.

第十一:伊丽莎白·朱莉安娜·弗蕾德里佳(Elisabeth Juliana Friederica 1726– 1781年)

1726年对巴赫家族来说是即快乐又悲剧的一年– 就是伊丽莎白出生的两个月后,她的姐姐,年仅三岁的克里斯蒂安就夭折了。而伊丽莎白能幸存至成年。嫁给了他父亲的学生约翰·克里斯托弗·阿特尼科,他是一位德国管风琴家。

12. Ernestus Andreas Bach (Born and died in 1727) 第十二:埃内斯图斯·安德烈亚斯·巴赫(Ernestus Andreas Bach 出生于1727,同年去世)

13. Regina Johanna Bach (1728 - 1733) 里贾纳·约翰娜·巴赫(Regina Johanna Bach  1728– 1733年)

14. Christiana Benedicta Louise (Born and died in 1730) 克里斯蒂安娜·本尼迪克塔·路易丝(Christiana Benedicta Louise  生于1730,同年去世)

15. Christiana Dorothea Bach (1731 - 1732) 克里斯蒂安娜·多萝西·巴赫(Christiana Dorothea Bach  1731– 1732年)

Very little is known about these four young Bachs who died in childhood.


16. Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (1732 - 1795)

第十六:约翰·克里斯托夫·弗里德里希·巴赫(Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach 1732– 1795年)

After a period of tragedy, Bach's ninth son was born: the confusingly named Johann Christoph Bach, not to be confused with Bach's first cousin once removed, Bach's uncle and Bach's eldest brother… also all called Johann Christoph. Less confusingly, he's often referred to as the 'Bückeburg Bach', named after a town in Lower Saxony where he played the harpsichord professionally. Like so many of the Bach brothers before him, he was a prodigious classical composer, who wrote pieces heavily influenced by the fashion for Italian music. He even visited London and had a few works published, but little of his music survives today.

His eldest son, Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach (1759 – 1845) was the only grandson of J.S. Bach to gain fame as a composer. He was music director to Frederick William II of Prussia. 'Heredity can tend to run out of ideas,' he said.

一段悲剧的时期过后,巴赫的第九个儿子出生了:约翰·克里斯托夫·巴赫是个很容易被混淆的名字。除了已经搬走的巴赫的第一位表兄弟外,巴赫的叔叔和巴赫最大的哥哥都叫这个名字。为了减少混乱,他常被称为“比克堡巴赫”Bückeburg Bach),比克堡是在下萨克森州德国北部的州的一个小镇的名字,他在那里专业演奏羽管键琴。如他之前的许多巴赫哥哥们一样,他是一位出色的古典作曲家。他写了许多深受意大利音乐影响的作品。他到访过伦敦。他有一些作品发表出来,但只有极少数留存至今。

17. Johann August Abraham Bach (Born and died in 1733) 

Young Johann August only survived one day after his baptism on 5 November.

第十七:约翰·奥古斯特·亚伯拉罕·巴赫(Johann August Abraham Bach 生于1733,同年去世)


18. Johann Christian Bach (1735 - 1782) 

Johann Christian BachKnown as the 'English Bach', J.C. Bach travelled to Italy and converted to Roman Catholicism, before settling in London in the service of Queen Charlotte, hence his nickname 'The London Bach'. He became a well-known classical composer, and an influence on Mozart's concertos. J.C. composed cantatas, orchestral works, keyboard music, operas and symphonies, which sounded very different in style from his father's Baroque works. J.S. Bach was already 50 when J.C. was born, and musical styles of the time were growing increasingly 'classical'.

第十八:约翰·克里斯蒂安·巴赫(Johann Christian Bach  1735– 1782年)

人称他为“英国巴赫”。J.C. 巴赫前往意大利,皈依罗马天主教,然后在伦敦为夏洛特(Charlotte)女王服务。因此称他“伦敦巴赫”。他成为了著名的古典作曲家。莫扎特的协奏曲受到他的影响。J.C. 巴赫创作了许多康塔塔(适合歌唱及演奏的短小音乐作品),管弦乐作品,键盘音乐和交响曲。他的作品的风格与他父亲的巴洛克作品听起来很不一样。J.C. 巴赫出生时,J.S. 巴赫已经50岁了。当时的音乐风格已经越来越发展为“古典”风格。

19. Johanna Carolina Bach (1737 - 1781) 约翰娜·卡罗莱纳·巴赫(Johanna Carolina Bach 1737– 1781年)

20. Regina Susanna Bach (1742 - 1809) 里贾纳·苏珊娜·巴赫(Regina Susanna Bach  1742– 1809年)

Bach's 19th and 20th children, both daughters, survived well into their adulthood, although neither ever married. While little is known about Johanna, Regina was acquainted with Beethoven; he even asked for proceeds from the premiere of his Symphony No. 3 to be donated to her. Despite collections being made in honour of her famous father, she died in poverty.


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