New year new me. Have you started to be a
new person? You don’t really need a big plan. All you have to do is to change a
little habit. This is really important. For example, go to class on time. 新的一年新的自己。你开始做新的自己了吗?你不需要一个很宏大的计划,你所需要做的就是做出一点点的改变。比如说按时上课。
7 Year, Month And Day measurement of time 时间的衡量 How do we measure time? Relative concept 相对的概念 For some people a year may seem really long, but for some people a
decade may seem like a blink of an eye. 对有的人来说一年时间很长,但是对有的人十年也只是弹指一挥间。 When you really enjoy, time really goes faster. When you are
suffering, a minute may seem like a year. 当你快乐的时候感觉时间飞逝,当你痛苦的时候感觉度日如年。
原句:What day is it today? 扩展句:Do you know what day today is?
2. 原句:It's
Monday today. 扩展句:Today is Monday.
3. 原句:What's the
date today? 扩展句:I forgot the date.
4. 原句:It's
January the 15th, 1999. 扩展句:It's January 15th, 1999. 不加the也是可以的
原句:What month is this? 扩展句:Do you know which month this is?
原句:It's December. 扩展句:It’s the end of the year. It’s the last month of the year.
原句:What year is this? 扩展句:无
原句:It's the year of 1999. 扩展句:It’s 2018.读的时候可以读作two thousand and eighteen,也可以读成two
thousand eighteen,也可以读成twenty eighteen 1999可以读成nineteen ninety nine 2005 可以读成twenty o five,两个0就用o代替了。2006年也可以采用这种方式 但是2008 读成twenty o eight 这样比较拗口,不过也可以。
The city of Beijing这是英文语序的常用方式,而不能说成Beijing
原句:What will you do during this weekend? 扩展句:What will you do over this weekend? What’s your plan? What fun will you have? Do you have any
fun? Let’s have some fun! 我们一起来乐一乐! Have fun!玩的开心!
原句:Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays? 扩展句:When is the shop available? When is the shop open? What is working
hour of the shop? When will the shop be open early in the morning? Open既可以做动词也可以做形容词 The shop will be open for eight o’clock in the morning till
11 o’clock pm. The working hour of the shop is 15 hours. The shop will be open
for 15 hours a day. My working hour is really long.
Do you know the business hour of the coffee shop? Business
hour营业时间 The coffee shop opens early in the morning at about 8 o’clock,
but it closed really early at night at 8 o’clock.
原句:It opens at 8 am on weekdays, but at 9 at weekends. 扩展文化背景:They have to go to the church at weekends. But in China sometimes
the weekends are the busiest moment for business. But for westerner, Americans,
Europeans, Saturday and Sunday are supposed to be family days. Sometimes they
will take their family out for camping. 老外有周末去教堂的习惯。中国人周末是非常忙的,但是希望人有度周末的习惯。他们喜欢在周末带上全家一起去露营。 What are you gonna do for the weekend? We are gonna spend
the weekend in the countryside. Cabin 农家乐的小木屋 We are gonna rent a villa by the sea and spend the weekend
over there.在海边租一套别墅度周末 Luxury hotel 豪华酒店
原句:What will you do the day after on next? 扩展句:the day after tomorrow 后天
原句:What did you do the week before last? 扩展句:yesterday 昨天,the day before yesterday 前天,2 days ago 大前天 Every other month 每隔一个月,every other 2
month 每隔两个月,every season 每隔一个季度,every half year 每隔半年 Decade 十年,one score year二十年,three score years 六十年
原句:I'll work for the next 5 days. 扩展句:I'll have my day off after 6 days.
原句:It's been 5 years since I last saw you. 扩展句:There are five years between our current meeting and the last one. I
haven’t seen you for five years. Leap year 闰年 Leap month 闰月 The year of dog 狗年
Unit 8 Talking About Objects 16.
原句:Do you have a computer? 扩展句:Have you got a computer? Yes, I got it. I’m afraid no. 表达否定的情况,英文表达遗憾的都可以加一个afraid。
原句:Yes, I do. 语气有点强烈,感觉不太好 扩展句:I happen to have/got one,
but it’s a little slow. 语气委婉一些
小场景: Anybody speak English? Uh, well, I happen to speak a little
原句:He has that book, doesn't he? 扩展句:The book is in his hand, isn’t it?
原句:No, he doesn't. 扩展句:I’m afraid he doesn't. I’m sure he doesn’t have it. Well, that’s
impossible. It’s never gonna happen.
原句:Do you have any brothers or sisters? 扩展句:Are you the only child in the family? Do you have any siblings? Sibling
原句:No, I'm a single son. 扩展句: 1. 虚拟语态的方式表达否定:Well, I wish I had. 2. 用过去式的方式表达否定: 你有女朋友吗?你回答Yes I had a girlfriend,用的过去式表达过去有过,现在没有了。 I was handsome before. 表达我以前帅过,但是现在不帅了。
原句:Does your computer have a modem? 扩展句:Time flies and world changes. I’m an old man now. Broadband 宽带 Bandwidth 宽带的带宽 200 Megabytes 200兆
原句:Do you have shampoo here? 扩展句:head and shoulders 海飞丝,rejoice 飘柔 dandruff 头皮屑 conditioner 护发素,衣物柔顺剂 If you use head and shoulders, it’s very useful to help you
clean the dandruff.
原句:What a beautiful garden you have! 扩展句:You have such a beautiful garden!
原句:Any tickets left? 扩展句:Have you got any more ticket? Do you have some more? Do you have any
tickets available? A scalper sold me a ticket. 黄牛 He was caught for scalping. 做黄牛倒买倒卖 Retirement ceremony 球星退役仪式 Ambience 氛围 26.
Do you have glue? I need some here. 扩展句:Do you have any left? I’m running out of mine. 我的胶水用光了 I’m running out of my patience. If you say one more word, I
promise you this is gonna be the last word you can ever say in your life. Running out of power, running out of battery 电池用光了 Running out of luck 运气用光了
I have some left. 扩展句:无
原句:If you have more, please give me some. 扩展句:If you have more, please spare me some.
原句:Do you have my pencil? 扩展句:Have you seen my pencil? Do you know who took my pen? Somebody must
have taken my pen. Do you know who that is? Someone must have spilled the beans. 一定有某人泄露了秘密 I’m sure someone must’ve stirred the shit. 我确定一定有人在搞事。
原句:Yes, I have your eraser, too. 扩展句:Well, not just like that. I’m not taking your pen. I’m taking your
pen and eraser. Eraser 不能表示橡皮,只是表示擦东西的东西 Rubber 专指橡皮
Unit 9 Talking About
Time 31.
原句:What time is it now? 扩展句:What is the time now?
原句:It's two o'clock. 扩展句:It's two o'clock sharp. 两点整 Sharp 夏普
原句:It's a quarter past five. 扩展句:It's a quarter after five.
It's ten minutes to four. 扩展句:It's three fifty pm.
It's half past nine. 扩展句:无
It's one o'clock sharp. 扩展句:无
It's not four o'clock. 38.
扩展句:There’re minutes to go before four o'clock. There are a couple of minutes to go. 还要过几分钟 We’ve still got a couple of questions to answer. 还有几道题要做 I’ve got a long way to go. We are just like a little kid
picking up shells by the seaside, you know. I’ve never realize how big the
ocean is. It’s ocean beyond ocean, mountain beyond mountain. It’s so big. 我还有很长一段路要走
My watch says two o'clock. 扩展句:It’s two o'clock on my watch.
My watch is two minutes fast. 扩展句:My watch is two minutes earlier than the actual/correct/universal
time. Universal time 国际时间,比北京时间早八个小时 It’s two o’clock universal time.
原句:What's the time by your watch? 扩展句:Do you have the time? 你有几点钟这个时间吗? Do you have time? 你有没有空?
原句:We must arrive there on time. 扩展句:We can’t be late. I can’t afford to be late. 迟到的代价太大,不能迟到。 I can’t afford to lose you. The cost of losing you is too
big. 43.
原句:There are only two minutes left. 扩展句:We’ve got only two minutes.
原句:Can you finish your work ahead of time? 扩展句:Can you finish your work before the deadline? deadline截止日期 A head of schedule 比原定计划要提前完成 In advance 事先,在事情发生之前,与进度没有关系 You should cancel your booking 24 hours before your
checking date.
原句:The flight is delayed. 扩展句:The flight is delayed due to air traffic control.
原句:The meeting is put off. 表示被延期了 扩展句:He’s dead. 表示他死了不知道怎么死的 He’s killed. 表示他是被杀了。所以要注意词性,可以看出引申的意思。 Postpone the meeting
小麦老师建议:永远多说一点,给别人感觉你擅长沟通,给别人接话的余地。 Look at the smog! Make sure to wear mask if you go out. Always keep the conversation flow. Always give other people
the chance to talk. Always say a little bit more than needed. Always do a
little bit more than requested/asked.
Conversation terminator 不要做谈话终结者 |
来自: Radhakrsna520 > 《待分类》