
ME-BIW-Equipment Engineer 制造工程部-焊装工艺-设备工程师

 cqyulin 2018-05-22

面议 2018-05-04


Key responsibilities:
1. In charge of model selecting of automatic equipment, setting process solution.
Technical communication with supplier in detail.
2. Creates and analyses the equipment part of the process layout.
3. Resolve the equipment problems in production line, guarantee it\'s normally operation.
4. Sum up the problem cause and the resolve solution during automation production, accumulate technical experience and upgrade the whole maintenance team competence and ability to resolve problems.
5. Manage the equipment maintenance record skilfully, master the equipment operating status.
6. Coordinate the production line operation, increase the equipment operation rate
7. Performs Equipment FMEA.
8. Performs equipment safety, reliability and cost analyses.
9. Fulfilling other task assigned by superior.
10. Follows the decided working methods such as GPDS and BMS and E-card.
11. media interface with P&C
12. Responsible for equipment drawing, data and maintenance manual management
6. 配合生产线的工作,提高设备的运转率;.
At least 5 years working experience in body shop of JV car company or technical & maintenance department. 有合资汽车厂焊装部门或维修部门5年以上的工作经验;
1. 熟悉工业自动化的工作原理,掌握液压传动原理图、电路原理图、气动原理图等,同时根 据原理图来分析解决焊接自动化生产线在运作中发生的问题;Familiar with industrial automation working principle, master the hydraulic, circuit and pneumatic principle diagram and can resolve the problem occur in welding automation line according to the principle diagram.
2. 掌握机器人和PLC的原理、模拟编程,根据原理,对自动化控制过程中发生的问题进行快 速、有效分析处理;Master the principle of robot and PLC and can analyze and resolve the problems occurred in the automation line.
3. 有整车厂大型自动化焊接生产线的维修管理经验;Having the experience of maintenance and management for large automatic welding production line in the whole automobile factory
4. 能够跟班,及时处理生产过程中发生的问题,保证生产线的正常运转;Accompany manufacturing and resolve the problems occurred during production in time, guarantee normal operating of production line
5. 能够及时完成设备的点检、保养、设备管理文件的编制及实施等工作; Complete the equipment inspection and maintenance, compile and implement equipment management document so on
6. 服从上级主管的领导,并及时完成其分配的其它工作;Obedient to superior, fulfilling other task assigned by superior.
7. 能够熟练运用Office,AUTO CAD, 具有一定的英语听说读写能力。Proficient in Office AUTO CAD , have certain ability in English listening, speaking, reading and writing

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