
托福雅思写作:如何欣赏范文 只能死记硬背吗?

 当以读书通世事 2018-05-23


1. 框架分析(+ 转述)

2. 细节学习

3. 连词/ 关键词/ 句型梳理


Government investment in the arts, such as music andtheatre, is a waste of money. The government must invest this money in publicservices instead.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Some people are convinced that the financial reserve of the government should be allocated to the public sector rather than on arts. However, I strongly believe that arts play a major role in the development of a country.

Primarily, arts symbolise the culture of anation. In the primitive era, people celebrated their occasion through music and dance. These cultural activities have become a religious ritual for them, thereby representing an aboriginal tradition. It is in the style of an art suchas designs of garments and historic rock sculptures that determine the ethnicity of a group. For example, in the Philippines, the Ifugao tribe in Bulacan is well known for wearing a bahag attire, which looks like an old anold-fangled brief. Their cultural identity becomes famous because of their artistic rice terraces.

Furthermore, arts have become the freedom of expression. Some arts enthusiasts can demonstrate their feelings through music or paintings. Such activities have a reasonable means of portraying emotions. One example of this is expressing depression through a composition of amelancholic song rather than to venture in a destructive behaviour such as inebriation of alcohol. Thus, art is a good passion that entices the people to do recreational activities.

Finally, it is widely believed that some artistic outputs have contributed to the tourism of a country. There are holidaymakers who visit a country so they can witness a painting, sculptures orany artistic masterpiece. To illustrate, the painting of Juan Luna “ the Spolarium” in the Philippines has lured a considerable number of foreign visitors. This is because the painting depicts the suffering of most Filipinosat the time of Spaniard regime, which becomes a historical event in thecountry.

To conclude, I am convinced that arts have a greater contribution to the society. Not only does it represent the cultural heritage of a country, but it also encourages performing a formidable masterpiece that can promote the culture of a country.

托福雅思写作:如何欣赏范文 只能死记硬背吗?

分析框架(+ 转述)

开头:改写题目 + 陈述自己观点(要支持艺术)

论点1:艺术代表了国家文化。对比+ 举例(很多艺术形成于历史文化发展)

论点2:艺术促进表达上的自由。举例+ 对比(艺术帮助人们理性表达消极情绪)

论点3:艺术促进旅游业发展。原因(很多游客去国外就是为了看艺术项目)+ 举例

结尾:重申观点 + 强调艺术的必要性


更好的一种总结方式,是写成一篇分析性的 mini-essay,用自己的话转述概括全文。大家可以借用加粗部分的框架,完成你自己赏析之后的mini-essay。

The theme of this essay is that arts should be subsidized by the government. The author supports this statement by givingthree main ideas. The first one is thatart represents culture. It is evidenced by using exampleof the Ifugao tribe in the Philippines. Another idea is thatpeople are encouraged to express their emotions rationally. It is reinforced by a comparison between how people might behave in depression normally and that with art. Also, it is mentioned in the essay thattourism industry could prosper because of the national investment in art. It is explained by the phenomenon that many tourists visit a nation for their artistic projects, with localized example given afterwards.

托福雅思写作:如何欣赏范文 只能死记硬背吗?



public sector 公共部门


Primarily 替换我们那个常用的 firstly

symbolise 作为…的象征

In the primitive era 在原始时期

a religious ritual 一个宗教礼节

aboriginal 原始的(土著的)

the ethnicity of a group 种族特征

cultural identity 文化辨识度/ 文化身份

artistic rice terraces 艺术的梯田(个人觉得表达太文学化了,不建议模仿)


arts enthusiast 艺术爱好者

portraying emotions 描绘情绪

venture in a destructive behaviour 以破坏性的方式冒险去做

inebriation of alcohol 酩酊大醉/ 醉酒

entices 引诱 = persuade/attract 中性词。比如:

The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores.


Holidaymakers 替换我们那个常用的travellers

witness 见证。这里我个人觉得用得有点太正式了。这个词还有一个常用的方法,可以拿时间作主语:

Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility.

artistic masterpiece 艺术杰作

To illustrate 相当于 for example 去例证一下我的观点,更完整的搭配是 to illustrate my point

lured 替换我们那个常用的 attract。不过这个词,基本偏贬义一些,也可以是中性的意思,比如:

Young people are lured to the city by the prospect of a job and money.

considerable number of 替换我们常用的那个 many

depicts 替换我们那个常用的show


cultural heritage 文化遗产。类似的表达还有:

intangible cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产/ cultural inheritance 文化传承

a formidable masterpiece 杰作。

formidable 还可以表示可怕的、令人敬畏的、难对付的,比如:a formidable opponent/ a formidable list of qualification/ overcome formidable obstacles/ a formidable barrier


arts symbolisethe culture of a nation

symbolise 是…的象征。这个词一眼望去,很牛掰,在望一眼,还是很牛掰。尝试造句:

In China, the moon cakes symbolise family reunion and harmony.

In China, luxurious sports cars are very experience, so they symboliseaffluence and social status.

类似的词还有:modernize/ socialize/ civilize/ commercialize/ capitalize/ revolutionize 等等


托福雅思写作:如何欣赏范文 只能死记硬背吗?

连词/ 关键词/ 句型梳理


However, / Primarily, / These cultural activities / Forexample, / Their cultural identity / Furthermore, / Such activities / One example of this is/ Thus, / Finally,/ it iswidely believed that / To illustrate, / This is because / To conclude,



cultural activities/ the style of an art/artistic rice terraces/ arts enthusiast / recreational activities/ artisticoutputs / any artistic masterpiece/ financial reserve of the government shouldbe allocated to

有些核心词,比如 art 本身没有太多直接的替换,我们也可以用变化词性,或者前后添加修饰的方式,起到替换的效果。

托福雅思写作:如何欣赏范文 只能死记硬背吗?


1. 量化分析:

开头 :宾语从句+被动/ 宾语从句

论点1 :简单句/ 简单句/ 现在分词/ 强调句/ 定语从句/ because of

论点2 :简单句/ 简单句/ 简单句/ 比较句/ 定语从句

论点3:it 形式主语/ there be + who/ 简单句/ this is because + 定语从句

结尾:宾语从句/ 倒装

即便是范文,也会出现若干简单句,因为很多时候写一句话,说明一件事情,不是非要从句才能完成。并且长短句结合,会增加 readability 可读性。



2. 好句学习:

1 These cultural activities have become areligious ritual for them, thereby representing an aboriginal tradition.

2It is in the style of an art such as designs ofgarments and historic rock sculpturesthatdetermine the ethnicity of a group.

3 This is because the painting depicts the suffering of most Filipinos at the time of Spaniard regime, which becomes a historical event in the country.

4Not only does it represent the cultural heritage of acountry, but it also encourages performing a formidable masterpiece that can promote the culture of a country.



Not only does ancient buildingsrepresent the cultural heritage of a country, but they alsoenhance the cultural awareness of the locals.


托福雅思写作:如何欣赏范文 只能死记硬背吗?

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