Kanban method has been gaining popularity in corporations and businesses around the world as a way to easily manage work. Derived from Japanese, Kanban means a visual sign used to trigger an action. In terms of project management - a Kanban board is a visual representation of your workflow. Kanban cards - your tasks - will move through various stages of the process, right towards completion.
看板,作为一种易于管理工作的方法,在世界各地企业中越来越受欢迎。看板,起源于日本,意即:用以开启动作的视觉符号。在项目管理方面,看板,是工作流程的目视化的表示。看板卡片,将贯穿工作流程的各个阶段中即将完成的任务。 Visualize what you do: your workflow: 让工作流程可视化: A visualization of all tasks on a board will help the team to stay on track of their jobs 看板上的所有任务的目视化,将让团队工作处于正轨。 Limit WIP: 限制在制品: Balance the workflow by limiting work in progress to prevent over-commitment. Try to set achievable goals. 通过限制在制品的方式,对工作流程进行平衡,以防止“过度使用”,要尝试去设立可达成的目标。 Track your time: 跟踪时间: Measure the working time seamlessly to accurately evaluate your team abilities. 对工作时间连续测量,以准确评估团队的能力。 Read visual indicators for instant updates: 解答持续更新的目视化的指标: Find out what's going on at one glance. Card colors, priorities, tags, deadlines and much more. 一眼就能知晓发生了什么事。看板卡片的颜色、优先级、标签、最后期限,等等。 Evaluate performance: 评估业绩: Use Lead & Cycle Time, Cumulative Flow and Time Report. With them you can spot bottlenecks, eliminate waste and adjust the workflow accordingly. 使用前置时间和循环时间、累积流量和时间报告,可以发现现场瓶颈,消除浪费,并对工作流程进行相应地调整。 Even a basic Kanban will yield an increase in performance. Task distribution, monitoring the workflow and making adjustments along the way will improve your process efficiency. One software development team hired by BBC Worldwide London has seen tremendous improvement over a course of 12 months after implementing Kanban. Their delivery time shortened by 37% and the consistency of delivery improved by 47%. And this isn't an isolated case! 哪怕是基本的看板,也会明显地提升业绩。任务分配、工作流程监控,以及在过程中进行调整,将会提高流程的效率。BBC(英国广播公司)的一个软件开发团队在实施看板后的一年内取得了巨大的进步,交货时间缩短了37%,交付提升了47%。当然,这不是个案! Performance boost: Insightful analytics allow you to measure performance, informing you of improvement opportunities. 业绩得以提升:富有洞察力的分析,能让你对业绩进行衡量,并让你知晓改进的机会。 Kanban is very flexible - it makes it easy to polish the process in order to achieve best results. 看板,非常灵活,使得为了达成最好的结果,去改善流程变得很简单。
Easy organization and collaboration: Kanban executes the power of a visual approach: by use of columns, swimlanes and colored cards. You're able to work on a shared board with your team and collaborate in real time. Digital Kanban will give you access to the workflow from any place, any time. You'll be able to easily share tasks and conveniently communicate them to your colleagues. 组织和协作变得简单:通过使用纵行、责任区线与彩色卡片,看板执行的是可视化的方法。你可以在团队中分享一个共享板,并实时进行协作。数字化看板,能让你随时随地接触工作流程。你可以轻松自如地分享任务,并很方便地与同事进行交流。
Work distribution: Get a clear overview of ongoing work and spend less time distributing and submitting tasks. Estimates are imperfect, while a constant flow of tasks reduces time spent waiting for and assigning work. Team members pull their tasks from the backlog, rather than wait until items are pushed onto them. Time savings all round! 工作分配:清楚地了解正在进行的工作,减少在工作分配和提交任务上的时间。预测是不完美的,而持续的任务流则减少了等待及工作分配上的时间。团队成员将把未完成的任务提出来,而不是等到这些任务被布置给他们。总之,看板在各个方面都节省了时间!