
ITS Troubleshooting Guide

 一骑当千_30 2018-05-31

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In order to troubleshoot an Internet Transaction Server (ITS) related problem, it is important to know what is relevant for ITS and which components are involved in ITS. There are several things influencing the behavior of ITS (and SAPGUI for HTML [WEBGUI] as well).

This troubleshooting guide was written based on the steps and methodology followed by experienced SAP Product Support engineers and ITS developers. Following these steps you can learn and find solutions quickly using the know-how and expertise collected by the professional ITS Product Support community.

Most of the problems can be solved by following the below 4 STEPS in the affected system:

STEP3: Checking ITS
Configuration & Settings
STEP3: Checking ITS
Configuration & Settings

Are you using the latest SAP Kernel?
...especially the component 'disp work' should be checked.
(Click here for more details on ITS-fixes delivered in the latest kernel.)

Are you using the latest Basis Support Package
...especially the class CL_HTTP_EXT_ITS should be checked
which is delivered in the BASIS SP.
(Click here for more details on the fixes delivered for CL_HTTP_EXT_ITS.)

a) Review ITS Service Configuration (GUI Configuration).
Are the used GUI Parameters correct?

b) Check ITS related profile parameters.

c) Learn more about ITS feature flags: List of Features


If you believe, that all of the above are correct (i.e. latest kernel, latest handler and correct configuration), here are few special cases and troubleshooting tools:

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