

 learnmachine 2018-06-08


Miguel: How else does he process macroeconomic information? How does this relate to his fascination with history? 



Alice: History was one of Warren’s best subjects even when he was very young (in school). He has a liking for it. But at the same time pattern recognition is one of his primary skills and perhaps his greatest skill. So in terms of data points, unlike many people who learn by seeking information on an as-needed basis, Warren is always looking for fuel for pattern recognition before he needs it.



He’s always looking for context. Having an interest in a broad sweep of history provides vast context for making many decisions because it enables analogies. And that I think it has been very helpful for him in avoiding fallacies such as “This time it’s different.”



It allows him to make analogies between industries, for example between the internet/dotcom stocks and early auto stocks, as in the speech he gave at Sun Valley that is described in The Snowball.



Miguel: Tell me more about his pattern recognition skills? How is this one of his greatest skills? 



Alice: Take this example. If you look at the dotcom stocks, the meta-message of that era was world-changing innovation. He went back and looked for more patterns of history when there was a similar meta-message, great bursts of technological innovation in canals, airplanes, steamboats, automobiles, television, and radio. Then he looked for sub-patterns and asked what the outcome was in terms of financial results. 



With the dotcoms, people were looking to see what was different and unique about them. Warren is always thinking what’s the same between this specific situation and every other situation.



That is the nature of pattern recognition, asking “What can I infer about this situation based on similarities to what I already know and trust that I understand?” There is less emphasis on trying to reason out things on the basis that they are special because they are unique, which in a financial context is perhaps the definition of a speculation. ( Warren is not averse to speculation, by the way, as long as it’s what he calls “intelligent speculation,” meaning he’s got long odds in his favor.) But pattern recognition is his default way of thinking. It creates an impulse always to connect new knowledge to old and to primarily be interested in new knowledge that genuinely builds on the old.

爱丽丝:这就是模式识别的本质。问自己“基于我已了解并相信的类似情形(例子),我可以对此作出什么推断?” 基于“它们很独特很特别”来作出推断并不那么重要,这点,在财务上讲,也许这就是投机的定义。(只要是他说的那种概率对他极有为利的“聪明的投机”,巴菲特并不反对投机)。但模式识别是他自动的思考方式,它推动着他把新知识总是与原有知识联系起来,或主要对那些在原有知识上产生的新知识产生兴趣。

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