

 微笑yangtao 2018-06-25




1. 直接陈述1句内

While males who had master’s degrees accounted for 60%, females with the same qualification made up 40%.

2. 直接陈述2句间

Males with master’s degrees accounted for 60%. In contrast, 40% of people holding master’s degrees were females.

3. 直接陈述3介词词组

60% of those who held a master’s degree were men, compared with only 40% of women.

4. 常规比较级

The percentage of males with a master’s degree (60%) was more than that of females (40%).

5. There be

There were more males holding master’s degrees than females (60% and 40% respectively).

6. 句首比较1

More males held master’s degrees than females, with 60% and 40% respectively.

7. 句首比较2

A larger percentage of people who held master’s degrees were males (60%), while the figure for females was just 40%.

8. 超过

The percentage of males who had master’s degrees, at 60%, exceeded that of females, at 40%.

Males holding master’s degrees outnumbered females, 60% versus 40%.

9. 差值

Men constituted 60% of master’s graduates, 20% higher than the figure for women.

10. 倍数

Almost 1.5 times as many men held master’s degrees (60%) as women (40%).

11. 分数

The percentage of women who had master’s degrees was two-thirds of that of men, 40% versus 60%.

12. 差距最大/ 最明显

The most considerable gender difference can be found at the postgraduate level, where 60% of those who had a master’s degree were men, compared with 40% of women.

13. 差距大(总分)

There was a noticeable gender difference in master’s degree holders, 60% of men as opposed to 40% of women.

14. 比较 + 倍数

Comparatively, the percentage of men with master’s degrees was higher (60%), 1.5 times more than that of females (40%).

15. 比较 + 分数

Comparatively, the percentage of women with master’s degrees was smaller (40%), two-third of the figure for their male counterparts (60%).

16. 定语从句1

The percentage of males having master’s degrees represented 60%, which was 20% more than that of females.

17. 定语从句2

A degree which was less commonly held by females was master’s, with 40%, while males accounted for 60%.

18. 原因状语从句

The gender difference at postgraduate level was obvious, as 60% of master’s degree holders were males and the rest were females

19. 让步状语从句

Although men constituted 60% of all master’s degree holders, women made up only 40%.

20. 同位语

Master’s degree, a certificate more commonly held by men, consisted of 60% of males and 40% of females.

21. With结构

With a much higher percentage of 60%, males who held master’s degrees were obviously more than females (40%).

22. 分词结构

The percentage of male holders of master’s degrees was much higher, accounting for 60% of the total.

23. 过渡句

The situation was reversed/ similar in the figure for master’s degree holders, where more males had this qualification (60%) than females (40%).

24. 话题词替换1

More men reached postgraduate level, with a figure of 60%, as opposed to 40% of females.

25. 话题词替换2

More males graduated with a master’s degree, at 60%, and this was 20% more than females.


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