Welcome or welcome back to our professional 10-piece video tutorial on becoming a pro-barista or just getting a knowledge refreshment of the basics 欢迎来到我们的咖啡师专业培训视频 本视频共10集 旨在帮助观众成为专业的咖啡师 并向大众推广基础的咖啡知识
This is the third tutorial in our series and it´s quite fitting that we chose a 3-layered drink for this Today we want to look at a very basic yet delicious drink called Latte Macchiato 这是本视频的第三集 我们这里选择的也是一种分三层的咖啡饮料 真是巧合啊 It is a coffee beverage and the Italian name literally means “stained milk” This refers to the method of preparation wherein the milk is 'stained' by the addition of espresso 拿铁玛奇朵的名字在意大利语中意为“染色的牛奶” 这不仅源自其冲煮方式 而且其原理就是用意式咖啡加入牛奶中 使其呈现不同的颜色 Latte Macchiato is usually very mild due to the high amount of milk in relation to coffee If you´re a beginner before you start you should watch our tutorials on the basics of making an espresso and foaming milk 由于其高牛奶的含量 拿铁玛奇朵的味道十分中性 没有特别偏咖啡或牛奶 This post is just a summary of the tutorial for all detailed steps please check out our video above 本文章仅对教程做简单的总结 详情可观看视频 01 Foam the milk 打奶泡 You should foam the milk first to later be able to get a nice layered effect When you foam the milk you can pull down the jug quite long so that you create a lot of air bubbles and make a rather airy and stiff milk foam The milk foam should be rather “dry” than the nice creamy microfoam we use for latte art 制作时 应先打奶泡 这样牛奶和奶泡才有足够的时间分层 打奶泡时 可以给足奶罐匀速下移的时间 这样,奶泡的量才足够多,足够大 奶泡也够粘稠 奶泡整体而言比起拉花时的小奶泡应更“干” Pour the foam into a transparent glas and put it aside This way the air bubbles will rise to the top and the layer of milk foam and milk will separate 将打好的奶泡倒入透明的玻璃杯 放在一旁待用 这样一来 奶泡将在一段时间后升起到杯顶 牛奶与奶泡会明显分离开来 <>Slide left/向左滑动 >> These paration of foam and milk is crucial to achieve the nice layered effect 牛奶和奶泡的分离程度 对拿铁玛奇朵的分层效果好坏极为关键 02 Pull a shot 做一杯意式浓缩咖啡 Make a nice, aromatic espresso If you´re unsure how to do that just check out our last weeks video tutorial It´s important that you pre-heat the little espresso can or cup with hot water so that you can get the best taste out of the espresso 做一杯美味 芳香的意式浓缩咖啡 如果你不清楚怎么做的话 可以查看我们上周的视频 注意 用开水预热盛放意式咖啡的杯或者奶罐 能够帮助出品的咖啡更加美味 <>Slide left/向左滑动 >> 03 Pour sloooowly 缓慢慢慢慢倒入 The last step is simple yet tricky Just slowly and carefully pour the espresso shot in the middle of the milk Try to keep close to the surface so that the espresso doesn´t have a lot of movement force and crashes down into the milk If you have too much momentum the espresso will sink down and make the whole milk brown which would destroy your layers 最后一步非常简单 但也是个窍门 只需缓慢地 将意式浓缩咖啡 从事先准备好的牛奶的正中心倒入 倒牛奶时 注意让咖啡尽量靠近奶泡 这样意式咖啡不会很猛地冲入牛奶中 如果咖啡进入牛奶的动量过高 它就会立刻沉入牛奶底部 并把整杯牛奶变成棕色 分层就不见了 <>Slide left/向左滑动 >> Extra knowledge额外小知识 Maybe you´ve heard of Caffè Latte before and always wondered what´s the difference? 也许你也听说过“拿铁咖啡” 但是有没有想过两者的区别在哪呢? These drinks are quite different because in Caffè Latte the milk is added to the espresso rather than the espresso to the milk Also the Latte Macchiato is usually layered while the Caffè Latte is a uniform tinted colour 两种饮料(拿铁玛奇朵和拿铁咖啡)区别很大 一个是往意式咖啡中加牛奶 一个是往牛奶中加意式咖啡 而且拿铁玛奇朵通常都是分层的 但是拿铁咖啡一般都没有固定颜色 In the Caffè Latte the focus lies on the coffee and in the Latte Macchiato it´s more on the milk A third similarly named beverage is the caffè macchiato This is an espresso “stained” with a small amount of milk 拿铁咖啡侧重点在咖啡 而拿铁玛奇朵突出牛奶的味道 还有一种名字类似的咖啡是“咖啡玛奇朵” 那是一种意式咖啡 混上一点牛奶的饮品 拿铁咖啡 意式玛奇朵