

 PSCReady公众号 2020-11-27

SOLASII-2 R15-instruction ,on board and training

SOLASIII R19-Emergency training and drills ,

公约条文比较繁复,主要规定涵盖在 SOLAS公约第3章第 19.3.4条之中

3.4.1 Each abandon ship drill shall include :

.1 summoning of passengers and crew to muster stations with the alarm required by regulation 6.4.2 followed by drill announcement on the public address or other communication system and ensuring that they are made aware of the order to abandon ship;

.2 reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the muster list;

.3 checking that passengers and crew are suitably dressed;

.4 checking that lifejackets are correctly donned;

.5 lowering of at least one lifeboat after any necessary preparation for launching;

.6 starting and operating the lifeboat engine;

.7 operation of davits used for launching liferafts;

.8 a mock search and rescue of passengers trapped in their staterooms;and

.9 instruction in the use of radio life-saving appliances.

3.4.2 Different lifeboats shall, as far as practicable, be lowered in compliance with the requirements of paragraph at successive drills.

3.4.3 Except as provided in paragraphs 3.4.4 and 3.4.5, each lifeboat shall be launched, and manoeuvred in the water by its assigned operating crew, at least once every three months during an abandon ship drill.

3.4.4 In the case of a lifeboat arranged for free-fall launching, at least once every three months during an abandon ship drill the crew shall board the lifeboat, properly secure themselves in their seats and commence launch procedures up to but not including the actual release of the lifeboat (i.e., the release hook shall not be released). The lifeboat shall then either be free-fall launched with only the required operating crew on board, or lowered into the water by means of the secondary means of launching with or without the operating crew on board. In both cases the lifeboat shall thereafter be manoeuvred in the water by the operating crew. At intervals of not more than six months, the lifeboat shall either be launched by free-fall with only the operating crew on board, or simulated launching shall be carried out in accordance with the guidelines developed by the Organization*.

* Refer to Measures to prevent accidents with lifeboats (MSC.1/Circ.1206).

3.4.5 The Administration may allow ships operating on short international voyages not to launch the lifeboats on one side if their berthing arrangements in port and their trading patterns do not permit launching of lifeboats on that side. However, all such lifeboats shall be lowered at least once every 3 months and launched at least annually.

3.4.6 As far as is reasonable and practicable, rescue boats other than lifeboats which are also rescue boats, shall be launched each month with their assigned crew aboard and manoeuvred in the water. In all cases this requirement shall be complied with at least once every 3 months.

3.4.7 If lifeboat and rescue boat launching drills are carried out with the ship making headway, such drills shall, because of the dangers involved, be practised in sheltered waters only and under the supervision of an officer experienced in such drills.*

* Refer to the Guidelines on Training for the Purpose of Launching Lifeboats and Rescue Boats from Ships Making Headway through the Water adopted by the Organization by resolution A.624(15).

3.4.8 If a ship is fitted with marine evacuation systems, drills shall include exercising of the procedures required for the deployment of such a system up to the point immediately preceding actual deployment of the system. This aspect of drills should be augmented by regular instruction using the on-board training aids required by regulation 35.4. Additionally every system party member shall, as far as practicable, be further trained by participation in a full deployment of a similar system into water, either on board a ship or ashore, at intervals of not longer than 2 years, but in no case longer than 3 years. This training can be associated with the deployments required by regulation 20.8.2.

3.4.9 Emergency lighting for mustering and abandonment shall be tested at each abandon ship drill.









按SOLAS74 III/10.5条的要求,艇长应持有应急部署表的船员名单


在完成任何必要的降落准备工作后,至少降下1 艘救生艇










1.     如有迹象表明,关键岗位船员互相联系或与船上的其他人员的通讯联络不良,则弃船演习应被终止且认定为失败。

2.     按所上面的检查表,如果通过演习观察有明显的证据表明船员不熟悉基本的程序和设备,该弃船演习应被终止且认定为失败。

3.     如果演习不受控制,也没有人负责,该演习应被终止且认定为失败。

4.     如果演习太过于僵硬,高级船员只会通过重复特定的指令来指挥船员。可推定船上除了高级船员外,船员对应变部署表上列明的基本程序不熟悉,该演习应被终止且认定为失败。

5.     消防演习没有规定时间限制,但是船员应当作出快速反应,LR规定为5分钟,NKK规定为10分钟。这些具体的时间规定可以作为参考但不强制。而弃船演习有明确的时间界定,请参阅上述表格内时间规定。5Mmin,10min的概念要明确。

6.     当有危险的情况出现时,应当立即通知船长或负责的船员,确保不发生意外。

04110Abandon ship   drillsSimulation /   Freefall Launch of Freefall Lifeboat not carried out in last six months.(ISM)自由降落救生艇超过六个月没进行模拟操作17
04110Abandon   ship drillsLifeboats   found not launched and maneuvered from 10 Nov. 2017.救生艇自2017.11.10起,没进行释放操作(缺陷写的不清楚,未标明多久)30
04110Abandon   ship drillsAbandon   ship drill on 10 Mar. 2018 recorded free-fall lifeboat maneuvered in water,   not reflected the actual drill in fact. (ISM)实际释放和记录不匹配99
04110Abandon   ship drillsNo   evidence of Free fall or simulated launching of free fall life boat in last 6   months presented.(ISM)过去6个月没进行自由降落或模拟操作17
04110Abandon   ship drillsLifeboats   not maneuvered in the water in the last 3 months. (ISM)救生艇过去三个月没进行机动操作17
04110Abandon   ship drillsNo   evidence of emergency light been tested during abandon ship drill.演习期间没测试应急灯99

11131On board   training and instructionsAbandon ship   drill not properly recorded.弃船演习记录不合格99
11131On board training and   instructionsDeck   crew found not familiarized with lifeboat launching operation (excepted   Bosun)除水手长外船员不熟悉放艇操作30
15107Emergency   preparednessSMS   as implemented on board can not ensure emergency drill carried out   efficiently, as evidence that fake drills record for fire drill, abandon ship   drill, emergency steering gear drill and etc.根据假的演习记录推断船方没有很好执行SMS体系30


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